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★ starry sky
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Started journey with Infernape on 08 July 2013.
Wiki Helper from 14 December 2017 to 19 May 2019.
Jia • female • ♈ • INFP • lawful neutral
industrial management assistant • Germany

Social Links:
twitter • instagram • curiouscat • deviantART • MyAnimeList • MyDramaList
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Chain: 150
2 Shinies
Congratulations! A shiny Rayquaza hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #125)!
Congratulations! A shiny Rayquaza hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #150)!

It has gotten incredibly colder these days.
Then again, the weather at Emera Town has always been kind of unpredictable, with sudden thunderstorms showing up in the middle of summer months and all, when it has been sunny just a few hours prior. Leah never knew what exactly to make of the weather above the surface of the water. For her, the really big difference is between thunderstorms and thunderstorm-free weather whenever she is back at her own home under the sea. The cold never really bothered her (maybe it's a mermaid thing), and since she got separated from her parents during that huge storm that also almost tore Emera Town apart several years ago, she has ended up staying here, even getting along with the locals and all the Pokémon trainers that seem to be in this place.
It feels as if she's become part of the town, and while she would be lying if she said she doesn't miss her family, being around everyone makes her almost feel like home. Almost.
After checking through the contents of her bag for the umpteenth time, Leah finally heads out of her home as she swims up to the surface. A few Inkay who were gliding over the surface of the water got startled by her suddenly showing up, eliciting a giggle from the mermaid. She waves at them apologetically before heading for her usual spot by the beach, not far away from the restaurant Los Seashellos. Due to the cold weather, most of the customers are sitting inside, though she can still spot a few trainers courageously fighting the cold and standing at the fishing spot with their rods in hands, patiently waiting to catch some water Pokémon or other goods.
"Ah, Leah. Wondered when you'd show up."
Blue eyes flicker over to the source of the voice, and an amused smile finds its way onto her lips as she spots Steve there, sleeves rolled up and apparently taking a break from moving some heavy packages of goods that must have just arrived a few minutes ago. "Hello to you too," she greets back as she swims closer, heading straight for the one giant rock she has the habit of occupying whenever she comes up to the surface. "Hard at work again?"
Steve gives her a nod, accompanied by a sigh. "You bet. I don't know why, but people these days get especially crazy during December, with Christmas coming up and all. Granted, there are some who still act normal, but the whole town has been in a festive mood." He heaves up another parcel. "I shouldn't complain, though. More work is always good for the business. Though an extra pair of helping hands would be nice."
"Don't you have Machamp to help you? With two extra pair of hands?"
"... not funny, Leah. You do remember that one strange trainer I told you about, right? The one showing up shortly after Los Seashellos opened and who made me kinda uncomfortable--" He receives a giggle in response. "-- anyway, Machamp has made it his personal mission to stand guard at the front, so I don't think he'd be willing to help with taking orders and all."
Leah lets out a thoughtful hum. "Ever thought of getting help, though? At least for December so that you don't end up overworking yourself." She knows first hand how much of a hard worker the other is. Her usual spot by the beach is very close to the restaurant, and when there aren't any trainers stopping by to exchange goods with her, she often sees Steve hustling around in the packed restaurant, not once losing his nerve or patience while trying to fulfill his customers' wishes. There really isn't anyone better-suited for this job.
"It's fine, really. I do love my job at Seashellos, after all--" He's interrupted by the chief calling for him from the inside. "-- we will talk later. I gotta go - before I end up being even more stressed due to procrastinating my work." And with another grin, Steve has disappeared into the building again.
Leah's gaze flickers over to the remaining boxes still waiting to be carried inside. If she had actual legs, maybe she could walk up and go help Steve carry him inside. She lets her gaze travel behind herself, eyes resting on her large, blue fin glittering just beneath the surface. Getting out of the water is impossible for her, and as much as she wishes she'd be able to get a closer look at the festive atmosphere of Emera Town, this is how close how she can get as a mermaid.
Somehow, she's never realized how much it bothers her that she can't be like everyone else. A soft sigh escapes her lips in form of a small puff of cloud, and she quickly shakes her head to get rid of these depressing thoughts. There's nothing she can do about that, after all. She's a mermaid, and they are humans. The fact that everyone so readily accepted her into the community feels already like a miracle in itself, so she shouldn't be wishing for more.
"-- uhm, excuse me?" Leah is gently pulled out of her thoughts as her focus soon stop at a young trainer with short brown hair. He has a Ducklett accompanying him, who seems to be more suspicious of her, by the way it keeps hiding behind the trainer's legs. "I'd like to exchange some items with you, if you're up to it?"
A small smile quickly makes its way onto her lips as she takes of her bag with a nod. "Of course I am. Now, tell me what you have and what you're looking for?"
"I used the Shiny Bait the other day, but I only fished up a Water Gem with it. I want a refund."
"... I clearly stated that there will be a higher probability of catching a Shiny Pokémon with that. I never stated that you'd be guaranteed to catch one."
"Am I right or am I right?"
"Good, now that this is settled. Anything else I can help you with?"
Exchanging goods with trainers isn't a necessary job per se. While she enjoys helping the trainers here at Emera Town with all the stuff she manages to find in the depths of the ocean, her real reason for doing it are the Bottled Messages. To her, they are valuable because of the possibility that they might contain letters from her family. Even after so many years at Emera Town, she can't help but hope that there is something whenever a trainer stops by to swap some with her for maps to the underwater cave. She has lost count how many times her hope got crushed whenever she unfolded the note - most of them consisting of blank paper while others contained love letters or even childrens' drawings.
And yet, she still hopes, with tears in her eyes as she unfolds the last note for the day from the Bottled Messages she's received today. No matter how many times her hopes get crushed, it will never stop her from believing that her family is safe.
"You look exhausted, Steve."
"I'm fine, I'm fine. Really."
"You need to take a break. Just sit down here for a few minutes with me. Please?"
A sigh. "Why are you always so good at convincing me?"
"Mhh, must be a mermaid thing."
“Doubt it.”
"... thanks, Leah."
While December is always a great business month for Los Seashellos - and, thus, for Leah as well because it doesn’t take that long from there to come to her spot for trainers to exchange their goods with her - it definitely also comes with the downside of not seeing her friend as often as she’d like to. Steve and her have bonded over the years since the restaurant opened, and between the busy times where the young waiter simply needs a few minutes for himself and away from the occasionally demanding customers, the two of them can be often seen sitting together in the evening, simply relaxing and telling each other about their day.
Leah hops back into the water after another long day, her bag filled with the traded goods she has received from all the exchanges. No Bottled Messages today. She’d be lying if she said that this fact doesn’t disappoint her, but with Christmas coming closer, it’s not that unusual for everyone to be busy otherwise than fishing in the freezing cold.
Her blue eyes wander over to the direction to the city center. The additional lights of the Christmas decorations make the night sky light up in different colours, hiding the stars in the sky. Steve has told her so many times what the place looks like at that time of the year, with her listening quietly, a soft smile playing on her lips. It makes her curious, of course, but seeing how she’s bound to the water, there is no way for her to go see the sight.
She sighs softly.
“Rumours has it that you’ll age faster with every sigh.”
Startled, she looks up to see Steve standing next to her. It seems as if she’s been too lost in her thoughts to even notice him approaching. “... are you indirectly calling me old?”
He offers her a teasing grin while holding both his hands up in mock defense. “I was just stating facts. Rumoured facts, but whatever.”
She simply rolls her eyes.
“... it’s unusual to see you up here still at this time of the day,” Steve comments as he sits down on one of the rocks. “You okay?”
He is met with silence at first. “I’m fine. Just… thinking.”
“... if you say so.”
If he noticed the way Leah stares almost longingly towards the city center, he doesn’t comment on it.
They both stayed busy up until Christmas, barely exchanging a greeting here and there most of the days - with Steve undoubtedly busier than she is with how often she sees him hurrying outside to get some goods and then soon disappearing inside again. So, it’s needless to say that she’s really surprised that her friend insists on meeting up after his shift on Christmas Eve, because from what she has gathered over all the years being at Emera Town, it’s supposed to be a day where you spend time with your family. Steve, however, insisted, so she agreed - albeit reluctantly.
“Sorry for the wait!”
Leah hears him before she sees him. It’s Christmas Eve, and true to his words, Steve has made sure to stop by once his shift has ended and he’s closed up Los Seashellos for the night. Before she has the chance to greet him back, though, her words get stuck in her throat as she stares at the small, wrapped up box that Steve is holding out to her. “... uhm?” She blinks.
She isn’t even offended when she sees him rolling his eyes. “It’s a gift.”
Well, she’s gathered that much. Cue more blinking.
“For you.”
Oh. Oh. “You… you didn’t have to--”
“I know. But I wanted to.”
This time, her smile is more bashful as she reaches out to gingerly take the box - her gift - into her hands. It’s a small box, fitting just right into both her hands, and the wrapping is so pretty that it’s almost a shame she has to unwrap it to see what’s inside.
Steve watches her with amusement written all over his face, watching her fiddle with his present in her hands as if she doesn’t know what to do. “... you do know that you have to open it to see what’s inside, right?” he muses, barely able to hold back a laugh.
“Don’t be mean. I’ve never gotten a gift before, so let me enjoy this moment here.” She pouts softly, but then starts to unwrap it carefully, not wanting to rip the paper accidentally. Steve watches her with bated breath as she finally takes a small globe made of crystal, with a miniature version of Emera Town inside it and snowflakes raining down if you shake it slightly. She looks up in wonder. “This…?”
“It’s a snow globe. And it’s waterproof, too, so you don’t have to worry about it being damaged when you take it home with you,” he explains while picking up the wrapping paper and decorations with it.
“But why--”
“I saw the way you looked towards the city center these past few weeks. Not sure what had brought it up, but I thought it would be nice to give you something that lets you know what Emera Town looks like as a whole. You know, since I can’t just drag you into the city and all.”
(It has been a spontaneous idea of his, an instant buy as he spotted the snow globe sitting in one of the display windows on his way home from work. Maybe with some planning, he would be able to get Leah to the city for her to see how Emera Town is really like - but that’s going to stay as a plan for the upcoming Christmas. He’d definitely need help to make it possible, but with the evergrowing community, he has no doubt that it will work.)
Leah has been silent the whole time, eyes fixated on the snow globe in her hand with a small smile on her lips. Despite the cold weather, she feels oddly warm - happy even - and she isn’t even aware that she’s crying when she finally looks up at Steve. Words aren’t even enough to express how grateful she is for such a small gesture, and judging by the way the other is looking at her, she has the feeling that he understands. He always has.
So when she finally utters out a choked up “thank you”, Steve simply crouches down next to her and gently pets her on the head with a small grin.
“Merry Christmas, Leah.”
Official PH Guides:
Egg Groups
Egg Rarity
Trade Evolution Station
Trusted Trading Thread
Royal Tunnel Cheatsheet
Own Notes:
Cooking Pot Recipes
Emera Beach Exchange
Prof. Oak's Contest
Other Important Notes:
Create your own clicklist
Progress bar helper

Chain: 103
1 Shiny
Congratulations! A shiny Vulpix hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #38)!

Chain: 194
4 Shinies
Congratulations! A shiny Venonat hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #13)!
Congratulations! A shiny Venonat hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #29)!
Congratulations! A shiny Venonat hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #189)!
Congratulations! A shiny Venonat hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #194)!

Chain: 239
4 Shinies
Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #102)!
Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #110)!
Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #149)!
Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #237)!

Chain: 187
1 Shiny • 1 mega-able
Congratulations! A shiny Absol hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #160)!

Chain: 72
1 Shiny
Congratulations! A shiny Scatterbug hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #72)!

Chain: 167
4 Shinies
Congratulations! A shiny Trapinch hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #67)!
Congratulations! A shiny Trapinch hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #137)!
Congratulations! A shiny Trapinch hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #138)!
Congratulations! A shiny Trapinch hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #163)!

Chain: 127
4 Shinies
Congratulations! A shiny Corsola hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #33)!
Congratulations! A shiny Corsola hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #82)!
Congratulations! A shiny Corsola hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #83)!
Congratulations! A shiny Corsola hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #127)!

Chain: 246
8 Shinies
Congratulations! A shiny Oddish hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #82)!
Congratulations! A shiny Oddish hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #86)!
Congratulations! A shiny Oddish hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #123)!
Congratulations! A shiny Oddish hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #137)!
Congratulations! A shiny Oddish hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #142)!
Congratulations! A shiny Oddish hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #186)!
Congratulations! A shiny Oddish hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #236)!
Congratulations! A shiny Oddish hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #244)!