Rose smiles "Maybe i can help. I did help a lot of Pokemon in the
past............ and Tomorrow. I am the Time Travel Pokemon avatar
all." Rose giggles.
"They are ok, but they need to move so we can progress, oh and
Zapson, can u please let us progress?" (U can make him join the
party if you like Scarlet [Dunno what to call you X3])
(I ebited my Join Forum and add a Palkia thing in there ok)
Rose smiles "I can talk to them and i am 75% sure i can make them
move by that" Rose giggles even more.
Serpent was flying above all of the legendaries, with Silver asleep
on his back. "You could let him sleep on me, if you want." Frosten
said. Serpent ignored her and continued.
Pearl walks over to rose "Rose we need to be fast. we dont have a
lot of time......... oh wiat we do" Pearl smiles as she makes the
joke. Rose looks a little mad "Pearl dont make jokes like that."
Pearl looks at Rose "I was just trying to be......." Rose looks mad
"Trying to be what? a Time filled fool!" Rose and Pearl start
Pearl looks scared "He makes me more scared then that time i had a
Nightmare and 2 Pokemon saved me........" Rose smiles "I guess you
really did have a hard time" Rose and pearl giggle to try to make
Strike not do that to them.
Garnet pushed the bushes away an continued moving, "C'mon guys!"
she called. All of a sudden, they came across some evil arceus
(like endermen X3) and Shard, Garnet and Strike mega evolved
Pearl looks a little mad "Hey Evil Arceus! You Wont Turn Me In To
My Dark Forum!" Pearl runs all a round and uses Spacial Rend on
Evil Arceus. Rose looks scared "Time to hide in the past!" Rose
trys to go to the past.
(( now allowed 3 pokemon, u can post it now if u like ))
Shard flew up and saw the shadow lugia. He nodded and Took out an
Arceus and his siblings did too. After a while, they were almost
fainted an then, it happened, another wild pokemon jumped out of a
bush. It was a legendary for sure.