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Countdown... 50 , 49 ...0 :// BOMB EXPLODES!!!
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Forum Games → Countdown... 50 , 49 ...0 :// BOMB EXPLODES!!!
Forum Posts: 263
Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 18:40 (10 Years ago)
Hey community!
This Game is a Count game. So, the rules a pretty simple:
Every User count a (just one) number, like this
U1 : 50
U2 : 49
U3 : 48
And the countdown goes on. Every User who count 25 or 0 will die
because the bomb explodes. But you can still continue, even you
explodes. It's simple.
Have fun!
Hint: Add some funny sentences; to make it funnier:
User Random: ,, 26 *throws bomb to [name] * "
So I start:
Forum Posts: 760
Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 18:45 (10 Years ago)
49 "Great a bomb!" Throws it to another person.
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
Ledian OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 12
Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 19:31 (10 Years ago)
48 *thwack* ow, why in my face?
Forum Posts: 760
Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 19:34 (10 Years ago)
47 "Oh.. sorry! I'll take the bomb back and..." Tosses it to
someone else
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 19:41 (10 Years ago)
46 i throw the bomb to fastrun25
Proud owner of 3th shiny Accelgor on Pokeheroes:
Forum Posts: 263
Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 19:47 (10 Years ago)
*catch bomb and play basket ball with it*
Forum Posts: 535
Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 19:49 (10 Years ago)
Fionna OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 53
Forum Posts: 631
Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 19:59 (10 Years ago)
eisner OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 38
Posted: Mon, 24/11/2014 08:03 (10 Years ago)
someone else*
The view
from here is so beautiful, it’s strange
Forum Posts: 106
Posted: Mon, 24/11/2014 09:09 (10 Years ago)
"The bomb that will explode... Nice" *throws it to someone*
I just love this pic :3
Anime OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 39
Posted: Mon, 24/11/2014 09:18 (10 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 760
Posted: Mon, 24/11/2014 10:34 (10 Years ago)
39 "AHH NOT THE BOMB AGAIN" Tosses it to the sky and it lands in
someone elses hands.
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
Forum Posts: 263
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 15:29 (10 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 785
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 15:34 (10 Years ago)
"Huh where did this come from?" *throws the bomb out of the window*
Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 19:40 (10 Years ago)
36 "Nope nope nope." *Throws the bomb back in the window*
Lapiss OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 13
Forum Posts: 493
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 19:47 (10 Years ago)
35 Nope!!! Not gonna happen.. *Throws it to the next person*
Forum Posts: 117
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 19:51 (10 Years ago)
34 ... nha :3 *uses bazooka and launches it to next person at
velocity of light*
Forum Posts: 95
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 19:59 (10 Years ago)
33 not gonna explode.. bowls the bomb to the nerbiest player
arlert OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 37
Forum Posts: 24
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 20:43 (10 Years ago)
32 o.o.... i am not exploding today *throws it away*
Forum Posts: 182
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 20:49 (10 Years ago)
31...... Why Why NOWWW