Spark looks sad "I would try if i known where they are........ I
miss Daisy and Bloom............... and the cookies Bloom makes."
Spark looks hungery.
They end up going to the battle zone. Spark giggles "I forgot. I
rolled on the ground here. I battled other Pokemon and i had like
20 cookies here. sorry but the sent of her maybe gone for now."
Spark giggles.
They hit a magic ring that stops them from going in "Max it
smart....... but still young. First lets find his old Wizard lab
then go to save them......." Spark sounds llike she can wait to
save Daisy.
Lilly runs with Spark "I know the one place Max cant put a Magic
gar over and that is the worker Pokemon way. if he puts are guard
there the Castle will start to become covered with plants" Lilly
and spark go throw the small door and look for the Lad.
William finally found a weakeness about teleporting,"The user must
not be sad or angry, but only happy.." He read.
Max used his magic to fill the castle with plants, it was someting
he waitted to do in a long long time.
The Plants grab Lilly. Spark looks worried "Oh no! Lilly are you
ok?" Lilly smiles "I am i just cant get out of this. i am
Trapped.Spark you can go farther i will just be stuck here........
tell max finds me" Spark nods as she runs off. She gos up a tower
"I must do the most i can for my friends.
Lilly,Daisy,Bloom,Waterfall,Rose and the others need me to do the
best i can with out giving up" Spark smiles.
Sky and Moon run to where William is "Hurry! We dont have a lot of
time! I am Moon the Shiny gard of the Castle!" Moon teleports
William out of the Castle. Sky runs to where Spark is "I am Sky the
Gard of the towers! you need you get out!" Spark looks at Sky "I
cant. my friends need me!" Sky looks at her "Your friends need you
to be safe! you need you get out!" Spark nods.
Spark stop and runs back up "This maybe my last chance.......... i
need to do it before it is too late." Sky smiles "I am guessing you
are the Guard for Zapdos" Spark smiles "How did you know?" Sky
giggles "I was a Guard for Celebi. i never talk to celebi now a
days but i Remember how to Guard with hope" Sky runs up. Moon hits
her head "Really Draco." Moon looks a little mad.