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[A][W] MD Contest - WINNERS announced

Forum-Index Contests User-made contests [A][W] MD Contest - WINNERS announced
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 997
Posted: Thu, 13/11/2014 21:55 (10 Years ago)

ᗰαrvεℓℓøus Ðяεαღs ℭrεativitƴ ℭoηtεst

Deadline; CLOSED - judging

Read the whole post to not miss information, you've been warned. You must (especially) read the rules and ask if you have any doubts regarding them, ask before entering.

Now onto fun stuff! Main topic is Marvellous Dreams, a world of my big story/project (by my, I mean mine. It's copyrighted), a parallel world to human's one that influences it. This contest includes not less and not more than 5 different categories, in a try to give everyone a chance of entering! Those are art (drawn), pixeling, writing, poems and photography.

• Rules •

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Rules to be read;

• Be polite, write properly, do not attack others' art and don't critique them unless they asked for it.

• Theme in general is Marvellous Dreams (MD); the ruler, creatures, landscapes or in general the whole concept. Creativity is really important. Period ;b

• Specifications and main info can be found on each category, along its own rules.

• By entering, you are giving me the full right to re-upload the entry to deviantART/sta.sh, giving full credit back to you on the site you want...here, dA or any other. Also remember all MD stuff, being creatures, landscapes/world, Lilith, all are copyrighted, they belong to me, therefore don't claim as yours. Please, if you submit it to somewhere (dA, tumblr etc) give credit back to Aqua-spirit22, deviantART for design. By the way, I don't really intend on using any of your arts in a commercial way.

• You are free to enter in as many categories as you want, with as many entries as you want, but you can only get one of the grand prizes (1st/2nd/3rd) of one category. However, you will get the consolation prizes from the other categories in which you participated. In case you enter more than one category and there are more than one of your entries placing on the top three, we will decide a second time.

• Multiple OCs/charas/species in one entry are allowed. Multiple entries are allowed. Several entries on different categories are allowed.

• Talking about judges, there will be at least 5 judges (anonymous) + me. It's probable that at least one of them is a real life friend. Final decision is mine but the judges will have an important influence.

• Art must be original, new, exclusive for this contest. If you enter commissions/traced/stolen art or similar not done by you or already entered somewhere else, you won't have the chance of getting a prize or entering a second time, you've been warned.

• I don't mind you use textures/effects/brushes as long as you credit back the artist and it's not a major part of your entry.

• Bases are okay, but I'm not too fan of them, so if you can do art yourself, do it. If you use them; you may only use free to use, credit the original artist and do a good use of them. After rules there are examples, check what I mean there.

Pre-made linearts are NOT allowed, though. This doesn't mean your drawing has to be lineless; you can make lineart or not. But what I don't allow is that you take someone else's free to color lineart and color it, then throw it as entry, because linearts like that usually don't even stay in the topic, and that way the lineart artist is doing a bit of the work.

• You may, however, do a collab with someone else from here who also wants to enter the contest. Let's say A and B want to enter this contest, they can join and A could do sketch+lines and B the color+shade for example. However, in such case, the prizes would be split as A and B desire, so A and B entering together an entry would count as one prize.

• Actually, it's not a password, but yes, of course there is something. I will only accept your entry if you include a random number from 0 to 9 in your post, but it must be different from the number included on the last entry post. Example below.

• Art not related/staying on the topic/line won't be accepted.

• More info is shown below in examples to clarify

Any doubts? Ask me on PM BEFORE entering please!

• More rules may be added if real needed

• Clarification examples •

Categories, entries and prizes:
-Let's say you entered the five categories. Two of your entries placed on the top 3, in that case the judges and I will do a specific review again. If there is the coincidence that both places are the same (like both 2nd e.g.) you will most likely be given the prize for the category with less entries. You will also get the consolation prizes for the other three categories + the one you don't place between the three first prizes.

Texture/Brushes use and abuse:
-Remember to credit back. Also example: Original (already uses a texture) - well too many - Try to keep textures for making small background effects or if you need some help with clothing textures. (This is also example of one of the characters, Lilly)

Good use of base:
-Using as example drawings with bases made by BaseMania and WinxBase, dA. Also I am not wanting at all to offend the artists who drew their things over the base, but I don't really have more ways to show what I mean. If you did first things, I should actually give the prize to the base maker.
Meh sample - sample
Better sample - sample

-The first entrant (A), who I hope is reading this, shall put any random number between 1 and 9, since my number is 0. From this place, the second entrant (B) should put a different number than the first. Let's say (A) writes 4 when entering, so (B) could say any but that, for example, 2. Then the next would do any but 2, being 4 allowed again. You may only write the number different from the last entrant, or my post/s, since, if the last entry is like 2 pages before, I may place a random number in my post so you can write any but that one.
Questions about this? PM me

• Prize pool •

The most important part after the rules right? x'D

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Prize pool itself! It will be often updated to add more prizes! Specially shinies that I may not have now but will hunt ^^ Keep checking. Also, anyone can donate something if they wanted.

- Two more shines AT LEAST TBA + 10 pretty common shinies

- Regice and Registeel TBA

Shiny magikarps or other common shiny will be added, so everyone from the first 15 places (3 x 5 categories) will get a shiny!

x15 packs of 50 small nuggets each (likely to be updated if I get more!)

x10 packs of 50k PD each

x2 packs of 3 fossils each

x5 packs of Lugia voucher

x1 pack of Retro egg voucher

x1 pack enigma stone

x1 pack weather balloon

x2 packs of 5 random keys each

x2 packs of 5 random boxes each

x1 pack of the 4 Genesect drives

x1 pack 400 DP worth plushies (no magikarp)

x1 pack 150 DP worth plushies (no magikarp)

x2 packs 100 DP worth plushies each

x5 pack 50 DP worth plushies each

1 pack of getting 2 events of choice breed (that I can breed)

x2 packs 100 BP worth items each

x2 packs of 5 evolving items from a list

x10 packs of 20 gems of choice (from a list)

System will work like this;
--> 1 pack = 1 choice
--> A certain prize can be left empty if the judges and I decide so, if there is truly no entry we think should get a big prize, consolation prizes will always be given. I don't expect this to happen though.
--> Being one prize pool and 5 users to pick per place, I will simply do this, if it sounds good for you; I'll try to record a video. I will put on a box or something papers with the name of the winners and I will take them out randomly, so that would be the order.
--> The number next to the 3 top prizes mean that if we don't reach that quantity of entrants (users), it won't be able to be picked, as I don't want to organize a contest with huge prizes for 5 entries. It already happened to me once on a huge contest I only got 15 entries, from those just 4 were real worth big prizes. (Basically I ended up losing a bit lol). If there are less than 10 per category, I will see what I do and most likely give a decent prize to everyone.

Winners PER CATEGORY! If a category doesn't get +7 entries, the entrants of that category will get a prize to be discussed, and anything left belonging to that category will be distributed among others if it's seen convenient.

More than 7 entrants; 1st prizes -> One of the shinies (you can swap for something else) + two packs of nuggets (equal 1 BN, you can swap for something else) + Up to 6 packs
More than 15 entrants; 2st prizes -> One of the shinies + one of the packs of nuggets (50 SM, you can swap for something else) + Up to 4 packs
More than 25 entrants; 3rd prizes -> One of the shinies + Up to 2 packs

Just for entering (consolation prizes)
-> 1,000 PD + random plushie, and the chance of getting another 10k PD (for each category).
-> Also, for participating, you get a random number for a chance of a pack of 50 small nuggets OR a shiny magikarp! There will be two winners out of this. Just for entering you can get one of those two!

• Topics! •

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They can be found here
Don’t you dare to steal these amazing artist’s drawings, nor my OCs/design depicted there.

Main important info;
-> Diana is polite, elegant, classic, smart, calm, trustworthy and pretty responsible. As sister, she's the oldest (about ~21 supposedly). She loves tea in the sunsets on the outside, on her white stone table. She has some troubles with Nocta, who is the opposite.
-> Nocturna (a.k.a. Nocta or even called Nyx by Lilly) is a bit rebel, rule-breaker, prefers to go on her own stuffs, enjoys visiting human world, something actually forbidden for them. She gets angry often with Diana, but deeply, she cares about her sisters. She's slightly younger than Diana. Sometimes she wears a cape and different masks to hide herself, especially on humans world.
-> Lilly, the crazy, youngest, childish, adorable girl ever. She's pretty much innocent and is guided a lot by intuition. Being innocent doesn't mean she isn't smart, but she'd rather act carefree. She loves dancing, singing, walking and sitting on tree branches along birds, or going underwater with Nerófidos.

-I usually prefer normal arts over chibis. But I do accept chibis too of course! Also I know some people can draw better chibis than normal art~

IMPORTANT: Lupa asked me if you could create relationships between the humans (sisters) and the original creatures/species. Yes you can for sure, BUT, keep in mind some are already existing!

-Diana: Her most beloved creature friend is a (female) Gentle Swallow who can talk as human basing the sounds on chirping. She wears a light blue scarf and, as Diana, she's polite and friendly.
Another creature nearly related to Diana is the Galxea shown below - That one is calm, protective, elegant and rather shy.

-Lilly: She's friends with nearly any species (Dreart and Teshikuma being exceptions for example) - however she has got a special relation with the female green Nerófido, who is a calm huge creature, and the male white Eladhirk (Rhik), who is a rather playful one.

-Nocta: More related with Creatores (Sky and Teshi) and Niemis. Sky and Teshi are specified below, and those two seem to keep her company on most of her night visits. If she is with the Niemis, they would be alone, since that male night Niemis is somehow shy and makes itself nearly invisible if someone is around.

Other remarkable points;
Diana; She also gets along with most Flavians, Sky, Eladhirks and Digines. Dislikes Dreart.
Lilly; Good with any creature except Dreart. Especially good with any "cute" one like Min, Caudinae, Flavians...
Nocta; Can even accept Dreart, but controlling it. Gets along with Digines too, and with the purple male Caudinae shown below in the example (not as real good friends but more like mischievous joking pals)


You could find real species in MD, but the most common would be the creatures from that world (original species). Also there is another thing; they aren't exactly OS nor normal animals, but I call them "kinds", like they aren't enough special to be considered OS yet they are not totally common animals.

Eladhirk - Info and ref in dA UPDATED - Left one is a friend's character, right is mine. You may draw one (I prefer the white one) or both.

Nerófido - Info (description) and ref in dA UPDATED - Left one is a friend's character, right is mine. You may draw one or both.

Caudinae - Info (description) and ref in dA UPDATED - Left one is a friend's character, right is mine. You can draw one or both.

Min - Info (description) and ref in dA UPDATED

Digine - Info (description) and ref in dA UPDATED

Galxea - Info (description) and ref in dA UPDATED

Flavians (kind) - Info (description) and ref in dA UPDATED

Niemis - Info (description) and ref in dA UPDATED

Dreart - Info (description) and ref in dA UPDATED

✓ Creatore - UPDATED - There is no real ref of these.They have no real material body with bones and muscles. They are "ethereal" and can adopt different forms/shapes, to trick their enemies or preys. These can use and control illusions. A common form they take at night, when Nocta is around, is a wolf. I'd say you can draw two very particular Creatores, but not one of the species itself yet. Important feature is that being "ethereal" they can turn into gas.
Sky - Sky - Sky// Teshi - Teshi new
Even though Creatores tend to be serious and calm (like Sky), a few of them can actually be annoying and fool visitors (like Teshi)

Gentles (kind) - They are not a species. These are mainly any animal that has evolved enough to a certain point. An animal can only be considered as gentle if; it can imitate human speech based on its species sounds and talk with humans, almost always wear some kind of clothing or accessory (bow, hat, jacket etc) AND they live apart from their own species, as they get rejected by them most times.


There are no refs yet, however, I do have the name of parts of MD, and short basic descriptions of them. These can be included in any category as part of the drawings, or in the stories, or taking photographs of something that would remind you to them.

-Green lake; self explanatory.
-Creation tree; kind of like the core of the world. You'd see it as a giant tree, actually you could only see the lowest branches with leaves, as the top is really not visible. It's always alive, if it dies, the world will be hugely affected.
-"Infinite sea"; self explanatory. If you tried sailing, no matter how much time you were there, you would lose yourself. If you are lucky enough, you'll reach land about the same point as you started your trip.
-Iverna forest; the forever-frozen-or-with-snow forest. Even in the warmest seasons, the snow can't be melt, as it would only melt at higher temperatures than normal.
-Element islands; four islands. The one were you would find Iverna forest. Another one with loads of volcanoes and mountains, that has those placed around the middle, then a water ring around and then natural fire-resistant trees around the water ring. The third would be pretty much desert, a desert with sugar mixed in the sand and no other water than the sea surrounding it. The fourth would be some kind of prairie with cracks in the ground, very few trees or plant life around, an island often hit by sudden storms.
-Dreamy prairie; actually, it's a normal open prairie, but anyone who goes in there will see whatever they want to see. It creates an illusion on the visitors' minds.
-Sea-beach; not much to say, actually there is no sand, but sugar on the beach (if it's too hot it will melt) and you could drink water from the sea without dying.

Contests part! Art + written + visual categories.

If you enter more than one category, some good possibilities (you don't need to follow this, it's just tip) are:
Photo (illustrates) + Story/Poem (describes)
Drawing (illustrates) + Story/Poem (describes)
Drawing (MD) + Photo (Real life reminding of MD)

• Art categories: Drawing and pixels •

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• Theme: draw or pixel the guardian and/or the creatures of the world. Landscapes are good, but as add-on to the main point. No just landscapes, as that belongs to photography side.

• You may use pose refs, but do NOT copy/trace them, and credit back to the artist.

• Remember, all sprites are pixel art, but not viceversa. Pixel art is preferred and approximated max size is 300x300px (or even 350-400, but not more). Bigger than that will belong to drawing section even if pixels are visible.

• Both digital and traditional art are accepted, but for traditional either scan it or take a real good photo, as if it's not properly visible, you will lose points.

• For pixels, I do not want Pokemon sprites. You may only use them as ref (say which sprite was used) if you make it not resembling the Pokemon, so this means just as pose/anatomy base. Both pixel art and sprites are good, just try not to do stuff over copyrighted sprites, even if they are official. I want you do to your own sprites/pixel art.

• Pixel art tends to be bigger and more detailed (preferred) while sprites are classic from some games and they tend to be smaller and with limited palettes; base color + shade + light + maybe another shade which also serves for coloring part of the lineart (the other part may be black). This is just reminding stuff for people :3

To enter;

(Drawing form)

[b]Going through MD, I drew this~[/b]
[b]What is depicted?[/b]
[b]Entry:[/b] (link or hide box)
[b]Small description:[/b]
[b]Any resource to be credited?[/b] (Brush, texture, base, ref etc.)

(Pixel form)

[b]Going through MD, I pixeled this~[/b]
[b]What is depicted?[/b]
[b]Small description:[/b]
[b]Any resource to be credited?[/b] (Sprite, base, ref etc.)

• Written categories: Stories and poetry •

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• Main base is MD as world. Lilith/Sisters must appear (one, two or three of them), either as main or secondary/important character. The main can be your OC or even you, entering in MD, in that case Lilith/Sisters should be the secondary/important.
IMPORTANT; Since someone asked, yes you can surely use one/two/three of the humans AND creatures from MD in the story - Like Lilly meeting the Robin Flavian and going out to find later Rhik the Eladhirk etc.

• Exception. If your main character used in the story is not human/oid (wolves, lions, rats whatever), you can alternatively swap Lilith for a MD Original Species (like Eladhirk, Creators etc.). However I prefer humans involved.

• MD is common to real world, this means that if you use your OCs in the story it must belong to a real world. Both human and animal OCs are good, so could be original species of yours. However try to keep "official copyrighted things" outside (Pokémon, MLP etc.)

• Stories must be a (approximate) minimum of 1-2 full page on Microsoft Word, 12pt Times New Roman/Arial and the approximated maximum can be around 20 pages per story (if you pass the limit by 1-2 pages it's fine). If you struggle with length, contact me, I can do exceptions for maximum length, but not for minimum.

• Tip; if the story is "long" keep it interesting so the judges won't give up at the middle of reading it ^-^

• Stories and poems can be written in English/Spanish. I don't mind the language. Do not limit your vocabulary at all, I may not understand certain words but it's not a problem for me going to check what they mean. Express yourself.

• Poems can describe places, creatures, be dedicated to Lilith/Sisters, or express feelings like if you were on the world. MD is usually a calm, beautiful place, but it can be lonely and silent at times.

• Poems can be any style/type you want. Freestyle, sonnet, haiku...I don't mind about the length. I do like rhymes, or even without them, words that sound good together (vague description, woops).

(Story form, remove stuff in (parenthesis) please)

[b]Travelling on MD, I lived it~[/b]
[b]Main characters:[/b] (like your human OC and Lilith, you and Lilly, Diana and Nocta, Eladhirk and your animal OC etc.)
[b]Language and length:[/b]
[b]Story entry:[/b] (in link or spoiler box)

(Poem form, remove stuff in (parenthesis) please)

[b]Travelling on MD, my heart felt it~[/b]
[b]Main theme:[/b] (landscapes, Lilith, creatures, the world if you were there, feelings etc.)
[b]Language and poem form/style:[/b]
[b]Poem entry:[/b] (in spoiler box unless it's real short)

• Misc. category; Photography •

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• Main point is landscapes. Animal are also good as MD has both real and non real (original species). No humans allowed in the sense of cosplay. Only thing you can take as human photos are silhouettes/shadows, being the person not recognizable. Examples below

• Only new photos please, not ones you've already done (you will be disqualified if you do so), as you have like 2 months at the very least to take a photo.

• Maximum entries here: 7 photos. Not saying taking a proper photo doesn't take effort, but I think it's "easier" to enter lots of entries here, and if everyone took like 20 photos, that would be too much.

• I don't mind if you use a camera, or mobile devices cameras. However, the camera usually affects the quality of the photo, and that's important.

• You may use a little Photoshoping/editing, mainly for contrast adjustments. I don't want unnatural photos, but sometimes a nice photo has contrast problems and fixing that can help. Or maybe even really soft textures that look good. Keep editing to minimum possible. Examples below.

• In the photo, a man-made thing can appear, but depends on the environment. A house is good as part of a wide environment (small house surrounded by a forest or by the side of a lake), but not as main focus (photo of the house with little landscape visible). However, for example, a photo of a bird next to a bird hut on a tree branch is good, since even if it's man-made, it looks pretty much part of the environment.

Examples clarification, images are either from Internet or simply done/modified by me:

-Humans in the photo.
There is an animal but nope. Shadow party, yes, your shadow can be a topic of the photo, of course, making it original. Silhouettes party, same as shadows. It may be easier to use your silhouette than your shadow in an artistic way. Sun can be the easiest light source for silhouettes.

-Man-made things on photos. Nope. - Well yep. It could be better if it was made from more distance but yes (<That's actually on my autonomous region)

-Photoshoping/editing. Using a photo I took of my aunt's dog...Original photo
--> Nice edit - Only used automatic tone, and added a some contrast.
--> Well...why not - Uses one soft texture without parts of it over the dog to not distract.
--> Eerm, no - Brushes and not too fitting texture
--> Definitely nope - Poor dog, he's like wat the. Abuse of textures, using brushes, too many contrast/saturation layers. I'm sorry, Simba (the dog)

(Photo entry)

[b]After visiting MD, real life reminded me of it~[/b]
[b]Small description:[/b] (not a must, but you should. Like, 2-4 lines, not a story)
[b]Photo:[/b] (spoiler box or link)

Criteria for judging.
You should understand them and the final reply to the 15 winners (3 places, 5 categories = 15) will have explanation of these. The rest will too, but most likely shorter.

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Creativity - Self-explaining I hope. Let your imagination go wild.

Sticking to the theme/topic - Are you doing what goes according to each category? Are you drawing/describing the designs properly, following references? If yes, good.

Skills - Don't be worried if you are not like a Van Gogh or Allan Poe. Skills are a small part, but they are still a part. Are you working with anatomy that at least makes sense? Are you placing shadows so they don't look random? Are you making the story/poem catchy? Are you taking a photo taking care of light sources? (In photo I mainly talk about backlit can look good if done properly, if not, the photo won't look good)

Visual (or written eh) impact - Pretty much like the first impression.

! Entries !
Fionna - Art - Chibi Nocta Prize: given
cut3gummy4life - Art - Diana Prize: given
Shadow_Koin - Art - Chibi Nocta Prize: given
Fionna - Pixel - Diana headshot Prize: given
Nurisia - Art - Lilly Second winner!
cut3gummy4life - Pixel - Sky Prize: given
Dcasom - Art - Caudinae BIG WINNER Prize: given
Giraffe_A_Laugh - Art - Eladhirks in Iverna forest ?
cut3gummy4life - Art - Eladhirk-Rhik Prize: given
cut3gummy4life - 'Pixel' - Min Prize: given
Lupa - Photo - Iverna Prize: given
Lupa - Photo - Lake Prize: given
Lupa - Photo - Mountain Prize: given
Lupa - Poetry - Eladhirk Prize: given
Noctis - Poetry - Sisters Prize: given
Pippiang - Story - Lilly and Diana Prize: given
Menxi - Art - Min Prize: given
Harkness - Poetry - Lilith Prize: given
Geisha13 - Art - Lilly and Nerofi Prize: given
cut3gummy4life - Art - Min - Prize: given
Finhawk - Art - Lilly BIG WINNER Prize: given
Finhawk - Story - Lilly Prize: given
Luca - Art - Diana Prize: given
Geisha13 - Photo - Landscapes Prize: given
Geisha13 - Photo - Landscapes Prize: given
Geisha13 - Photo - Landscapes Prize: given
Geisha13 - Photo - Landscapes Prize: given
Lupa - Written - Sisters Prize: given
Luca - Art - Chibi Teshi-Sky Prize: given
Justme - art - Caudinae - Prize: private
Justme - art - Eladhirk - Prize: private - Second winner!
Harkness - photo - rainy day I forgot to add the link but prize given

Good luck to everyone!

Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 1,243
Posted: Mon, 24/11/2014 09:12 (10 Years ago)
Just posting to let you know I am definitely entering in the art category, and possibly others if I have time. I'm a bit busy at the moment, but once this week is over I'll be getting started. I'm looking forward to seeing some of the other 'animal' references too, humans aren't my strong point. :P
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 997
Posted: Mon, 24/11/2014 09:53 (10 Years ago)
Oh good good, thanks! ^w^ for the creatures, the three ones missing there are kind of; Digine is some kind of feline with particular things, Galxea is related to galaxy/planets and basic shape may remind of an antelope or something, and Niemis is the hybrid of Galxea x certain species, however Niemis may not resemble Galxea that much, due to the father.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Mon, 24/11/2014 20:42 (10 Years ago)
Also posting to say that I'll also be entering in the art category. I may try the other categories, but for the most part, I'm going for drawing. I've been working on humans lately but my animals are still better. :P

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 997
Posted: Mon, 24/11/2014 21:12 (10 Years ago)
Good thing, thanks for letting me know! ^,^
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 1,004
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 03:12 (10 Years ago)
I might join, I might not. I don't know. I have a lot of homework on thi week.

Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 29
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 03:28 (10 Years ago)
You already know I'm entering but it looks like the post needs more attention. I'll be doing the art category.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 997
Posted: Tue, 25/11/2014 08:29 (10 Years ago)
Thank you boooth ;^;

Gummy...you have two months to work, not a week haha.
Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 631
Posted: Wed, 26/11/2014 22:46 (10 Years ago)
Going through MD, I drew this~
What is depicted? Nocta, Chibi
Small description: It's a Chibi Nocta :b Is't shaded cause I don't know how to do it and it like pixeled (I'm new at this :3)
Any resource to be credited?Nope, I think
Notes: Yey! I'm the first entering to the contest (formably)
And is the first chibi I draw for someone else (digitally), and I want to open a shop, So I will like to read your comment (if you have one :b)


Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 997
Posted: Sat, 29/11/2014 17:58 (10 Years ago)
I will be adding you ASAP, sorry it got bumped down on my notifications page >w<
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 1,004
Posted: Sun, 30/11/2014 04:45 (10 Years ago)

Going through MD, I drew this~
Username: Cut3gummy4life
What is depicted? Diana
Small description: I drew Diana and yeah... I only started drawing online, on a computer, with a mouse, this month. (November)
Any resource to be credited? No
Notes: -

Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 997
Posted: Sun, 30/11/2014 12:25 (10 Years ago)
Thanks for the entry ^-^ I will add it asap.
As suggestion for art; if you dont do a background, and have it as plain color or transparent, I suggest you to cut it a bkt so the pic shows a more real size and its more focused o what you drew ^u^ just tips.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Sun, 30/11/2014 14:10 (10 Years ago)
Going through MD, I drew this~
What is depicted?Chibi Nocturna
Entry: 030
Small description:Um...A drawing of Nocta I drew from a paper,took a picture and re-drew it in the computer.
Any resource to be credited? Nope


Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Mon, 01/12/2014 02:55 (10 Years ago)
Question, are WIPs allowed? Not as an entry, but as an update?

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 997
Posted: Tue, 02/12/2014 21:15 (10 Years ago)
Shadow Koin was added time ago :3

Sorry Death, this got bumped down on my notifications, as most times uwu;
I think I would say yes, as long as you are not asking me to judge/critique/help with it, since I can't tell my opinions and such until the judging time ^^
Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 631
Posted: Wed, 03/12/2014 23:00 (10 Years ago)
Going through MD, I pixeled this~
What is depicted?Diana
Small description:Is Diana's head
Any resource to be credited?Nothing
Notes:You can make two drawing, right?


Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 337
Posted: Fri, 05/12/2014 08:16 (10 Years ago)
Going through MD, I drew this~
Username: Nurisia
What is depicted? Lilly
Entry: http://i.imgur.com/6ubLB1v.jpg
Small description: It's kneeling Lilly, about to pick some flowers. She's smiling and cute~
Any resource to be credited? Nope
Notes: I didn't have the right color (ocean) for her clothes so I used the one that I thought looked similiar. I tried to take the best photo I could with my phone (I don't have a camera nor a scanner). If you'll like it, I can send it to you via mail~


Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 997
Posted: Fri, 05/12/2014 22:20 (10 Years ago)
You both were added ^^ thanks!

Fionna, yes, you may enter as many entries as you want in the categories you want c;

Nurisia, about the colors it's fine since it look similar and anyway blue+orange is usually a good combination, plus Lilly's color is some kind of green-blue. About the email, if that pic has the fullsize, there is no need to send it to me ^^
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 337
Posted: Fri, 05/12/2014 22:25 (10 Years ago)
No, I meant that I can send it to you via traditional mail ^^" as in actual drawing. Just after holiday season.

Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 997
Posted: Fri, 05/12/2014 22:26 (10 Years ago)
Oops, my eyes put an e- there themselves ^^;
You know on one side I'd love to, but I am not allowed to give my address unless it's to someone really really close to me. So unless you could send it to someone else and that one to me, I find that difficult x.x;