Forum Thread
Earn Rewards by Referring users
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Earn Rewards by Referring usersI was thinking, each person you refer, gets you either



Or maybe a new special Pokemon? A new retro, or whatever - after referring a certain amount of users
But you will only receive this reward if the person you refer comes online often, and so the user will be active. (Perhaps reaching a specific game time)
The referrer could also receive 20000

This will be a quick way to gain more registered + active users on Pokeheroes, and a quick way to gain more Pokedollars.
(The user with the same IP Address will not receive anything. This would also include siblings I guess).
[i]"Shinah. It means
It'll be a nice idea, but at the moment I'm neutral about this. >_<
i'd support this if the person who referred other users only got their prize after the referred user got to a set amount of hours of activity on the site
this would both promote referrals, and prevent users from simply asking people to sign up with their link, only to have those people never be active on the site again
And also about the rewards, I think those are a bit unbalanced :p Small nuggets commonly go for 1k PD each, and I think it would be better if it was