Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → PLEASE DELTE
I have started yet another hunt and soon after this will go back to my SRH ;)
I am looking for spooky manor maps and grecious orbs! :P
(You will only be put in if you give a Spooky manor map or grecious orb , AND YOU MAY ENTER MULTIPLE TIMES!)Those who help will be Maggiiiccaalllyyy put into a raffle for a MEGA STONE!! and you get an extra giratina if you help...
Donations- 5K


X || Link Dump || Shiny Giratina Hunt
Art made by Navuso
Now I know you're offering an extra Giratina for the Maps/Orbs, but what if there's a person who already has a Giratina, and doesn't want an Extra Giratina for their Map/Orb?
I think you should offer something else for the Maps/Orbs, other than just a chance at winning a Mega Stone. :I
Just a logical person into pokemon and three things of pokemon you should beware of by her:
~Favorite Mega is Mega Altaria
~Favorite Legendary is Reshiram
~Favorite Pokemon is Charizard