Forum Thread
Fighting a comrade || Superhero RP {Sign-up} / CLOSED
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Fighting a comrade || Superhero RP {Sign-up} / CLOSED-Unfortunately, I'm not accepting new players into this RP for the time being-
The world was corrupt, money ruled over everything and crimes infested the cities. The wealthy had the justice and the poor could only accept their lives as they were. No change for the better was to be even hoped. That was until few individuals with extraordinary gifts showed up seemingly out of nowhere.
They took justice to their own hands and fought the wicked, bringing a sense of safety back to the hearts of the common folk. However, the hope was short lived. These humans with inhuman abilities, superheroes as people called them, were scattered across cities, fighting on their own. The help they offered was far more than welcome but too little in the long run.
One of these heroes realized the importance of teamwork and comrades and began gathering the heroes scattered around the country under his wings, training them. A squad of superheroes was formed, it might have been small but it was organized and full of trust.
This unity of heroes, Squad One, was successful in cleaning the street of the human scum and basked in the affection of the common folk. The government acknowledged the The Squad One and let them continue their work in peace. For five years, it seemed like everything was going great for everyone. The crime rates were down and justice could be bought with money no more.
Then, a tragedy struck.
The one who brought the heroes together, the one whose desire to help and will to never back down made cleaning the cities possible, turned on his own comrades.
Perhaps his sanity was never quite stable. Perhaps his personal life pushed him into it. Or perhaps he had been going mad with power all along, slowly but surely. However, the reason behind his actions mattered not as he struck down the ones who trusted him and brought the world onto its knees in a blink of an eye.
The traitor kept the government and people at bay with the help of an organization he had been building in the shadows, behind everyone's backs. This organization was known as Web. The rules were simple, do as the Web says or suffer the consequences. People obeyed, the easy or the hard way.
The remaining Squad One were in a roller coaster of emotions as they dealt with the loss and betrayal of their leader.
Can they bring down the man that was once their comrade or will they fall apart without even trying?
You, or rather your character, is a part of the fallen Squad One which is trying to keep itself together without a solid leader as they cope with the shocking betrayal of their superior. The heroes have to come to terms with the facts and deal with their emotions as they attempt to bring down their friend and his organization.
>You're free to create more than one character if you're sure you can handle it.
>Obviously, all PH rules apply.
>Absolutely no god-modding, bunnying or Mary Sues, I won't tolerate that.
>No OP superpowers or characters please. All abilities should have at least some flaw and weakness.
>One character per ability. If someone else already has a character that has pyrokinesis, for example, then just suck it up and pick some other power.
>No one-liners, I hate those. I'm not asking you to write multiple paragraphs on every post, just use proper grammar and type at least few sentences, okey.
>Don't stray away from the main plot. I have plans and I don't want every character to be running off on their own and doing whatever they want. However, don't be mistaken, I won't be ordering every player around like a tyrant non-stop.
>Don't get too much ahead with just one person. I don't want two people replying back and worth to each other for pages while the others are offline. Have patience and wait for others to catch up. I don't want anyone being ignored and left behind either.
>No killing off other people's characters without permission.
>Romance is allowed but it's not the purpose of this RP.
>I'm the GM, which means, when it comes to the RP, my word is final. So don't go inventing major plot twists on your own.

I'm aware there's a lot of rules up
there but no need to be spooked, I'm quite laid back and those are
the basic guidelines that shouldn't be too bizarre or hard to
By the way, the password is Noodles.
By the way, the password is Noodles.
>Have fun.

[b]Abilities/Super power:[/b]
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[b]Abilities/Super power:[/b]
[b]Extra information:[/b]
Due to the character limit on posts, the whole character list couldn't be included here. You can find it by following this link:
If you want to, you can talk with other players regarding the characters' relationships and how familiar they are with each other. Or you can come up with specific events that took place between just them during their years in Squad One.
I think that's everything. Feel free to ask questions if you don't understand something and don't hesitate to talk to me if you have ideas you'd really want to include in this RP, I don't bite.
Alias: Trident
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Alliance: Member of Squad One
Interests: Swimming and getting to know the ocean's creatures. She also likes reading.
Appearance: She is a sandy haired girl with aqua eyes and slightly tanned skin. She is average weight, but can come off as skinny to some. She likes wearing her gray trench coats and black leather boats, but can sometimes be seen in summmer, beach attire, depending on the weather and her mood. She likes wearing light blue shirts/
Personality: She has learned to live a very stoic and calm lifestyle, so she comes off as this. However, she can empathetic and sensitive. She takes a very realistic viewpoint, refusing to put on rose-tinted glasses, but she can temporarily change at her weakest points.
Abilities/Super power: The ability to control water and breath under it.
History: She discovered her powers not to long before she found this group. It happened that one day, she fell asleep in her swimming pool for half an hour. Looking for her, her family found her and brought her up, but the only thing that seemed to have phased her is the fact that she has been woken up. Ever since she found the group, she has been training and exploring her newly-found powers.
Extra information: Despite her powers, she hated sea food.
Password: Snail
Alias: Druid
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Alliance: By RPG terms, Chaotic Good | Newbie to Squad One
Interests: Art, nature, biology, mythology, video games, the internet, and reading.
Appearance: Trix's base form is that of a short asian girl with long red hair, almost touching the ground. She has bright green eyes, vague freckles across her nose and shoulders, and slightly pointed ears. Usually wears jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie or sweater. Tends to dress casually.
Her costume is basically just some black shorts and a green backless tank top made of extremely damage resistant material. When she uses her powers, her costume transforms with her, unlike normal clothes. She wears a simple mask that wraps over her eyes, kind of like an elastic headband with eye holes. She also wears tall black boots with light green shoelaces. She also wears a pair of gold gauntlets and a gold belt. Her only weapon is a slim black whip, like the type used in circuses with lions and such. She often doesn't use this, however, as her powers are usually more than enough.
Personality: Trix is very quirky, and is a very energetic and spontaneous person. She appears to be very optimistic and is actually much smarter than she appears to let on. She is willing to make personal sacrifices for the good of her team, and has a very blithe attitude. She is very talkative, and can be more than a little awkward/obtuse sometimes. She has a temper like an atomic bomb, and doesn't really seem to have a sense of self-preservation. Trix is surprisingly vague about her past in comparison to her openess about nearly every other topic.
Abilities/Super power:
Shape-Shifting: Tris can transform into any animal, as well as other creatures not actually existent in the real world. However, this only works if she actually understands how the creatures work. Her shapeshifting powers are partially based on understanding, so the more she understands about how a creature works, the smoother the transformation, hence her study in zoology. This is also why she has notebooks filled with imaginary creatures and their biologies, essentially any unreal creature or parts she can shift into. She can also transform into people, and if she gets a biological sample of a person's dna, she can mimic their talents and abilities, including supers. Either way, this mimicry of powers only lasts a short amount of time without physical contact with said super. (Ex: If a she got a hair from a super w/ super-strength, she could copy that ability for a short amount of time, usually around 5-20 minutes, depending on various factors.) She can also "mix and match" abilities if mimicking them from multiple people. (For example, if she were to mimic the abilities of a viviomancer and a psychic, she would be able to communicate with plants.) If she exhausts too much energy at once, she temporarily loses the ability to shapeshift, occasionally becoming trapped in her current form. This can sometimes result in her having temporary attributes from the form she had previously been stuck in being applied to her base form, which wear away as time goes on. These side effects are actually preferable to what happens if she does not use her energy for shapeshifting, in which case, the energy builds up and can result in various aches of the body, particularly headaches, loss of form stability, and unintentional shifting.
Communication with animals: Can talk to animals.
Mild to Major Regeneration: If she receives a minor wound, such as a bruise or a small cut, she heals nearly immediately. She also regenerates from major injuries faster than normal. Her healing factor varies depending on her current form, but they're usually at their strongest when she's not human. Her bodily fluids, such as her blood, have temporary regenerative properties as well.
History: Undisclosed information.
Extra information: She is allergic to bee stings.
Password: Spaghetti
Alias: Volt
Age: 22
Gender: male
Alliance: Squad One
Interests: video games (mainly shooters and GTA type games), motorized vehichles, anime, rock and metal music
Appearance: a Caucasian male of about average height, red hair cut in a mohawk, green eyes (glow light blue when using power at 100%), loose fit jeans, t-shirt, sneakers, doesn't bother with a costume
Personality: easy going, can be loud and/or obnoxious, a bit cocky, kind
Abilities/Super power: able to absorb, store and redirect electricity
History: Ray discovered his abilities when he was five and stuck his finger in an electrical socket. He caused his house to black out, later he went swimming and "short circuited", seriously injuring everyone else in the pool and shocking himself. After that he worked, in secret, to control his power so he wouldn't be a danger to anyone.
Extra information: He secretly likes "chick flicks".
Password: snail
Name: Jaden Mag
Alias: Pacer
Age: 56
Gender: Male
Alliance: Neutral (TN)
Interests: People-watching, medicine
Appearance: Varies. Typically a dark brown hat (large-brim fedora (classic)) with a brown overcoat. Black dress-pants and boots with stirrups. Hazel eyes with dark sandy hair. 6'2" 205lbs with a moderate build. Usually sideburns, but more or less facial hair depends. Usually seen in his '67 Shelby Cobra.
Personality: Considers himself more of a watcher than anything, Jaden 'Pacer' Mag is a neutral character; however, he tends to lean toward the side of good most of the time.
Abilities/Super power: PRECISION: Driving skills, aim
WEAPON PROFICIENCY: whip, pistol (one-handed), thrown axes
History: After many brutal, near-death bouts with Scarab, Jaden Mag considered his immediate future, ultimately deciding to retire from Yzentch Corporation-a small band of 'men for hire.' Yzentch Corp. was soon demolished after his leave, and several individuals with whom Pacer had worked with went missing. He decided that-if he didn't want to be next-he would align with both sides of the 'super' factions to discover what was going on.
Extra information: In my years of pen and paper RPG's and comic book writing, this is a variance of one of my darker characters, as Jaden is not one to act too quickly if someone is in peril.
Password: Snail
Koji Clutch time
@AlStokes: I see we have mohawk bros here. :p
@Outlaw953: Alright, I shall keep an eye on you. From what the wonderful Wikipedia tells me (I admit, I've never come across with tabletop RPGs before so I'm clueless with that) the biggest difference seems to be that tabletop RPGs only deal with spoken actions and no inner thoughts or such are included. Basically, you'll just be writing instead of talking but let's see how it goes when the time comes. Either way, when we start, I'll be posting first and set the beginning and you'll have something to get a hold of the way how this works. Though you'll always free to ask if you're confused about anything or just need a hand.
I've basically wasted the whole day doing nothing and for that reason, Red Puppeteer's CS is still the same, unfinished. I'll finish it tomorrow, I promise. ^^;
Title: Carsh's Character for Approval
Alias:The Sculptor
Alliance:Squad One(in Training)
Interests:Coloring, Sandcastles, Playground Justice
Appearance:Caucasian|Thin|4'3|Blue Eyes|Auburn hair(short)|Typically in jeans and a short-sleeved shirt (normally has grass stains/mud/paint/marker/etc. on her/her clothes) with markers in her pocket 80% of the time.
Personality: Friendly, Outgoing, Courageous, Mischievous
Abilities/Super power: Able to sculpt/mold physical matter with mind (solid materials excluding living things/water also the heavier the objects/materials the more strain/time it takes)
History: This lovable firecracker is known around the playground as "Marker Moe",checking bullies off her "list of do-good" with her marker of Periwinkle (her favorite color of justice and purple). Being so courageous and bold gets her in the principals office and later on in detention where she writes "Classmates are not coloring books" until her parents pick her up.
Molly was born and raised in this great city--her parents discovering her "talents" while she was outside turning the dogs house into a playpen (literally, like little doggy jail--how cruel, what did Fido do to you molly? what evil did Fido commit?)Her parents decided that her talents should be private so they brought her up saying that "good girls don't do that outside the house" like it was some kind of rude gesture. That was until they watched this group of special beings on TV,possessing broad spectrum's of abilities to stop crime--they wouldn't want their daughter in peril but they do believe that having others around her may be the most appropriate thing--so they introduced her to the idea and now she wants to be a Squad One member.
Extra information: She is one heck of a architect|She gets achy after bathing|She is a trained professional in cootie-shots
Password:Duck (Duck, Goose! *runs around in circle*)
Accepted of course. :3 (I'll add the character to the first post later since doing it with a phone might prove difficult.)
I'll most likely start the RP on Sunday.
Also, it has come to my knowledge JustMe4031 wishes to draw a comic of the RP once we get it going. Obviously, she would give the credit for the story/characters/costume ideas to all of us.
I'm completely okay with this but what do you guys think? Does anyone have anything against her drawing the comic?
That would be so cool 030
*wants to help*
Anyway, I'm in the progress of writing the start now, I'll post the link to the RP thread here once I've posted it. :3
Also, I finished Red Puppeteer's CS some days ago but it seems I never mentioned that. So go take a look at what our fabulous villain is like if you haven't already. :p
Don't worry, you guys don't have to write as much as I did. :p
Also, I realized I never named the city the events will take place in so it's called Alle now. xD Yes, it's completely fictional so we have free hands on what it's gonna be like.
We're gonna have an assassin on our hands at first, going for the big boss first would be no fun, would it now?
You guys can start off from the Squad One secret hideout like I did or your character can be lurking somewhere else at that time for some reason or another. (Finding information about Web or doing other mundane tasks.)
I'm still accepting new characters/players for a while but once we get past the very beginning, I will close the sign-ups since it might be a bit weird if some members of the team just popped from nowhere in the middle of the RP. :d
Alias: The Sledge
Age: 24
Gender: Hermaphrodite
Alliance: Villian
Interests: Money,history of different cultures,playing sports,working out
Appearance: Richard is pretty tall and buff. He wears a black tank top, grey hoodie with dark blue pants. He likes to wear very expensive shoes ,cause he finds them comfortable. Richard drives a Mustang Shelby Cobra and sometimes seen smoking cigars.
Personality: Richard doesn't care about anybody not even himself. Wherever there is money involve you're sure to find Richard Sledge. He smile in the face of danger and loves to take risk. Sometimes Richard is selfish like when he makes his mind up there no changing it.
Abilities/Super power: Rage: activated when he drinks too much booze. Weapon of choice fist or blunt weapon.
History: Richard went to because he got caught while trying to assassinate a prime minister of England. He manged to escape prison in England by the help of some people. After, he escape he had to change his gender and name to Richard. England are sending their best bounty hunter after him. Richard is forced to run to place to place in fear that they will catch him. If that wasn't enough his guild turned his back on him after they found out he got caught. So Richard is on the run and can't stop until he is dead or they are.
Extra information: He likes to drink and anyways eats chips. Richard name used to be Tommy Jewels. He doesn't really want a sex change ,but he has to have it.
Password: Slime