Forum Thread
Give up in auction house
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → Give up in auction houseOr you just get outbidded and you don't want to bid more because you think it's overpaying and it finishes in a week...
You only could have this option when you get outbidded to don't change the winning bid.
I think this would be an amazing feature, because for example, I've been waiting a week until an auction ends where I don't want to bid more.

I also give my full support~
(there should also be a way to fix it if you make a typo when you're bidding and bid way too much, like that one time i tried bidding 18k for a Honedge but kinda got hyper when the auction was ending and accidentally bid 812k .-. luckily my friend was the one who made the auction in the first place and he gave me my money back but still qwp)
1.The price offered before giving up acts as the base price.
2.A user who gave up one cannot bid in the given up auction again.