Forum Thread
Underground {Gijinka} RP || Semi-lit
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Underground {Gijinka} RP || Semi-litSpark: "Uuhhg, I haven't eaten anything in days..." Then he muttered " If only I had a home for a change, other than being some neglected lab rat.."
Spark kept walking until he saw a small town
"Is that, IT IS, it's a town! Oohhhhhh I bet they have food there.." He said elatedly as he ran toward the town.
With Lucifer
I strolled along the forest while humming a very significant and 'bearable' tune to myself. I have never been a fan of music but this case was some what different. I had been awfully stressed lately and not because of humans, but for Sapphire. After sighing I stopped and looked up at the trees to find a nest of starly being fed by a talonflame. I couldn't resist the urge to smile and shake my head as I observed the fire-bird feed the young pokemon gently, stroking the starly's head with it's beak in a playful manner.
I reached out for a velvet box inside my pocket and took it out, playing with it as my walk continued down the path unknown to me. It was something that I wanted to give Sapphire a month ago but didn't have the guts to confess to her properly. My eyes had a glint of excitement as I stopped to open the beautiful tiny casing wrapped in black velvet with flower patterns. I looked around to see if someone threatening was around and then opened it cautiously.
The box opened to reveal a beautiful ring studded with sapphires and had an elegant and significant sized diamond in the middle. The ring was supposed to be the reason why I would stop all the second sources of how I earned my living - keeping it a secret from Sapphire of course - and turn a new leaf or changing my opinions about the humans in other words; However, I had done nothing close to that or anything that relates to my plans. Instead of trying to get away with it all and stop, I try to improve my self and get better at...what I do. The ring bought nothing but taboo and the deep feeling of guilt within me.
With a deep sigh I closed the box and tucked it back inside my pocket before jumping on to a high tree - courtesy of my Blaziken side - and looked for the way back to the house. Upon realization that the house was almost at a three-hour walking distance, I shook my head and smirked as I covered that distance with only one magnificent leap. I landed on our front porch and went back inside, with regret being the only thing stopping me from asking Sapphire what I longed to for a month.

Oh, what do we have here? A little shinx? I'll make sure your star isn't bright much longer." With that, I used a thunder attacked and made a break for it using my natural speed.
Saria felt the wind swish from someone running past. She then felt several more swishes and a bump her shoulder as some chasers ran past her, one of them having bumped into her. A chase... Well, I think it would be a bit more fun with some intervention, she thought playfully. Besides, if she got in trouble she could always run away.
The Grovyle gijinka turned on her heels to face the chasers, and gave herself a boosted start with a Quick Attack. She sprinted past the chasers until she reached the one being chased, a Luxio gijinka.
"Need some help?" Saria said, her speech strained from having to run at the same time.

Spark turned his head briefly to the groyvle gijinka and said "Well what do you think? Luxio gijinka by himself, being chased by a group of thugs? Take a guess..." With that, the luxio gijinka sped up to the maximum of his abilities.
Saria smiled. Her natural speed, courtesy of her Grovyle genes, allowed her to keep up with the Luxio gijinka rather well, although she still had to sprint. Dang, this kid's fast. ...I like that. She grinned as she raced alongside him. Then her eyes caught on a familiar patch of the city.
"Down there!" She pointed to a small alleyway. If her memory served her right, there was an empty dumpster that no one used anymore. They could hide in there while the thugs passed by.