Forum Thread
Forum-Index → General Discussion → BirthdaysDo you want your birthday added to the birthday list? If so, all you have to is post the day and month of your birthday here and it'll be added soon (considering I and my
If you switch your username to a name different than the one you gave your birthday under, please notify us of this change!

6th - master-of-master
8th - Jayfeather
9th - Shade
11th - TuneSakuNatsu
13th - xer7
14th - drako22233
15th - amadea
15th - ShinyHoundoom14
17th - BlackShadow
17th - Fl4r3Wolf
17th - pokemon2000
19th - Tails135
22nd - Khes
23rd - eliseubudew
24th - Cadungo
25th - oddybell
26th - Nighty
28th - meoletta67
29th - WhiteAndBlack2
31st - Redd[/spoiler
2nd - Finhawk
3rd - Thelegendaryzapdos
3rd - 123ash
6th - AcidicPoptartz
6th - Ninetales-Laura
8th - Shadowwolf
10th - Karami
12th - darkkyothepsycho
14th - sugarBunny
17th - oshawott
20th - ReiREUNION
21st - Traxilor
25th - Liirah
25th - Slyveon
26th - Koin
26th - Umbreon014
26th - LazyHoneydew
6th - master-of-master
8th - Jayfeather
9th - Shade
11th - TuneSakuNatsu
13th - xer7
14th - drako22233
15th - amadea
15th - ShinyHoundoom14
17th - BlackShadow
17th - Fl4r3Wolf
17th - pokemon2000
19th - Tails135
22nd - Khes
23rd - eliseubudew
24th - Cadungo
25th - oddybell
26th - Nighty
28th - meoletta67
29th - WhiteAndBlack2
31st - Redd[/spoiler
2nd - Finhawk
3rd - Thelegendaryzapdos
3rd - 123ash
6th - AcidicPoptartz
6th - Ninetales-Laura
8th - Shadowwolf
10th - Karami
12th - darkkyothepsycho
14th - sugarBunny
17th - oshawott
20th - ReiREUNION
21st - Traxilor
25th - Liirah
25th - Slyveon
26th - Koin
26th - Umbreon014
26th - LazyHoneydew

3rd - ForestTrain
5th - Power
5th - Hakusamia
7th - CatLady
8th - Pheidero
10th - manzai
12th - SSSableye
12th - Schala
15th - TubaGrrl
16th - Alice
18th - BarastheHedgehog
19th - neopetsgirl
21st - GreenNeonz
22nd - Chimecho
22nd - Remy
23rd - Inumaru12
25th - puppy
26th - Nerymon
27th - esperwolf
28th - Urbie
29th - Kareune
30th - Flamaij
30th - IceKitsune
31st - skywalkerlover

1st - fastrun25
2nd - KopierKatze
4th - Riako
5th - KevinXDE
8th - Applejack
8th - Kalm
9th - catiecast
10th - Hannigram
10th - Anneg
11th - Froeschini
16th - Ashikawa
16th - PokemontrainerM
18th - noobly_face
19th - Namgyal123456
29th - SkyBlueNams7
20th - TigerFangs25
21st - Reshiram
21st - CometandAqua
22nd - Pyhdraz
24th - fuzzyirulz
26th - Poet
27th - Sturmtochter
27th - Jintao
30th - ZioCorvid
1st - fastrun25
2nd - KopierKatze
4th - Riako
5th - KevinXDE
8th - Applejack
8th - Kalm
9th - catiecast
10th - Hannigram
10th - Anneg
11th - Froeschini
16th - Ashikawa
16th - PokemontrainerM
18th - noobly_face
19th - Namgyal123456
29th - SkyBlueNams7
20th - TigerFangs25
21st - Reshiram
21st - CometandAqua
22nd - Pyhdraz
24th - fuzzyirulz
26th - Poet
27th - Sturmtochter
27th - Jintao
30th - ZioCorvid

1st - Doflamingo
4th - Aeryon
8th - unIDentity
12th - Kyogre_Pumpkaboo
13th - SummerLight
14th - Saipharian
15th - Kersan
16th - tarakitten
17th - Oshawott2674
19th - Zombrie
20th - yukai5
21st - Dimas_Namikaze
21st - AnimeEmber
22nd - Lila-Rose
25th - KiraTrikk
25th - Ariylle
25th - NinjaNick
25th - TinyJoltik
27th - Ameshita
28th - Fate
28th - jiyuan
28th - Angell
28th - Connan
29th - assassin1811
30th - gabesito306
31st - ShastaMoon
31th - LoVeStA
31st - babyboucher99
31st - Adeptus
1st - Doflamingo
4th - Aeryon
8th - unIDentity
12th - Kyogre_Pumpkaboo
13th - SummerLight
14th - Saipharian
15th - Kersan
16th - tarakitten
17th - Oshawott2674
19th - Zombrie
20th - yukai5
21st - Dimas_Namikaze
21st - AnimeEmber
22nd - Lila-Rose
25th - KiraTrikk
25th - Ariylle
25th - NinjaNick
25th - TinyJoltik
27th - Ameshita
28th - Fate
28th - jiyuan
28th - Angell
28th - Connan
29th - assassin1811
30th - gabesito306
31st - ShastaMoon
31th - LoVeStA
31st - babyboucher99
31st - Adeptus

1st - Platinum
1st - Ruby*Mewtwo
2nd - drafang62
4th - Kimie
5th - nekokami
4th - Dave_Strider
5th - Arcanineemerald
7th - HyperBeam
7th - Marcelo
7th - Mirej
10th - JordanXXX
10th - Starry-Knight
11th - Allethia
12th - Garrison
12th - TheSilentKiller
14th - Jacharias
14th - VictoR
16th - Sunfeather
19th - Ufimtsev
19th - Ludicologuy
19th - Larverto
20th - Kankri_Vantas
21st - Shia
23rd - Kaybird
28th - Techie
30th - Valeyad
1st - Platinum
1st - Ruby*Mewtwo
2nd - drafang62
4th - Kimie
5th - nekokami
4th - Dave_Strider
5th - Arcanineemerald
7th - HyperBeam
7th - Marcelo
7th - Mirej
10th - JordanXXX
10th - Starry-Knight
11th - Allethia
12th - Garrison
12th - TheSilentKiller
14th - Jacharias
14th - VictoR
16th - Sunfeather
19th - Ufimtsev
19th - Ludicologuy
19th - Larverto
20th - Kankri_Vantas
21st - Shia
23rd - Kaybird
28th - Techie
30th - Valeyad

5th - Kazumi
5th - Topaz
7th - Claus
8th - DragonSumedh
9th - SilverLugia456
10th - RavenOrb
12th - Acer
12th - narukami
14th - *SaikaSayuri*
14th - Pokemonlover28
15th - dialkia
15th - blacker7376
16th - FlareFlareon
17th - ectoBiologist
18th - kittycuti
20th - nans1997
21st - Acer
21st - ShreyashJain
23rd - Kat123
22nd - coolguy9234567
22nd - SUCRAM
26th - Leo Baskerville
26th - Sushi~Cat
28th - Annaya
29th - KawaiiManaphy
30th - -Max
5th - Kazumi
5th - Topaz
7th - Claus
8th - DragonSumedh
9th - SilverLugia456
10th - RavenOrb
12th - Acer
12th - narukami
14th - *SaikaSayuri*
14th - Pokemonlover28
15th - dialkia
15th - blacker7376
16th - FlareFlareon
17th - ectoBiologist
18th - kittycuti
20th - nans1997
21st - Acer
21st - ShreyashJain
23rd - Kat123
22nd - coolguy9234567
22nd - SUCRAM
26th - Leo Baskerville
26th - Sushi~Cat
28th - Annaya
29th - KawaiiManaphy
30th - -Max

1st - DorkyDelphox
1st - BiglittleHalfEon
3rd - Victini8303
4th - Sylvia
4th - hoodlor
6th - MurderVictim
6th - Death
7th - Readmore123
7th - Dark-Shade
8th - Faerhlsm
10th - nuggetthecat
10th - Uchiha_Sasuke
12th - Hukysuky
13th - DemonShade
14th - chloney93
14th - minty78
18th - dalapre
18th - rainbowpride
19th - naaozif123
19th - Toothless
19th - Ash_Ketchum
20th - Alcy
21st - Silver-Lugia
22nd - Book
22nd - seanrc
24th - Vegito
25th - Altair
25th - Flaafy-Chan
29th - Fujiwa
30th - Hobbit
30th - Stella
1st - DorkyDelphox
1st - BiglittleHalfEon
3rd - Victini8303
4th - Sylvia
4th - hoodlor
6th - MurderVictim
6th - Death
7th - Readmore123
7th - Dark-Shade
8th - Faerhlsm
10th - nuggetthecat
10th - Uchiha_Sasuke
12th - Hukysuky
13th - DemonShade
14th - chloney93
14th - minty78
18th - dalapre
18th - rainbowpride
19th - naaozif123
19th - Toothless
19th - Ash_Ketchum
20th - Alcy
21st - Silver-Lugia
22nd - Book
22nd - seanrc
24th - Vegito
25th - Altair
25th - Flaafy-Chan
29th - Fujiwa
30th - Hobbit
30th - Stella

1st - Trickster Gabriel
1st - Dkaraly
2nd - TheSiranna
5th - mooncat15
6th - PKcinda
9th - EeveeCat2
11th - iPhione
12th - PitiBruna
12th - PolTerror99
12th - ziad
14th - Moony
15th - Lighty_Luna
16th - Natsunoha
18th - JinX
19th - Sophiaa
20th - Lemmy
25th - Jeeves
25th - MrChiwiWolf
26th - bluenight101
26th - Kaybird98
27th - Honey
27th - Irisania
28th - pucky
28th - Rina
28th - Koinu
28th - Squirtle002
29th - TopsyTurvey
1st - Trickster Gabriel
1st - Dkaraly
2nd - TheSiranna
5th - mooncat15
6th - PKcinda
9th - EeveeCat2
11th - iPhione
12th - PitiBruna
12th - PolTerror99
12th - ziad
14th - Moony
15th - Lighty_Luna
16th - Natsunoha
18th - JinX
19th - Sophiaa
20th - Lemmy
25th - Jeeves
25th - MrChiwiWolf
26th - bluenight101
26th - Kaybird98
27th - Honey
27th - Irisania
28th - pucky
28th - Rina
28th - Koinu
28th - Squirtle002
29th - TopsyTurvey

2nd - payne
2nd - Hook
4th - ZandiiRiot
8th - cocobobo10
8th - jessu
9th - DeadMau5Pyro
10th - 2625921326
10th - foodslover
12th - EmoMouse
12th - Skysarmy
14th - Sketchi
14th - Kaia13
14th - ItaSasu
14th - Frost
14th - trainercyan
15th - mifie
18th - vampelf
19th - Izaya
27th - Redapple777
28th - Velocity
29th - AutumnStar
29th - Oddballme
29th - Victory_Fire
30th - uranianUmbra
2nd - payne
2nd - Hook
4th - ZandiiRiot
8th - cocobobo10
8th - jessu
9th - DeadMau5Pyro
10th - 2625921326
10th - foodslover
12th - EmoMouse
12th - Skysarmy
14th - Sketchi
14th - Kaia13
14th - ItaSasu
14th - Frost
14th - trainercyan
15th - mifie
18th - vampelf
19th - Izaya
27th - Redapple777
28th - Velocity
29th - AutumnStar
29th - Oddballme
29th - Victory_Fire
30th - uranianUmbra

1st - Riuk
1st - Mohit_Cena
4th - Olibear
4th - BlackSD
7th - GoddessNyx
8th - frencsday
8th - silverman55
12th - Chelterra001
12th - HeavyRain
13th - Abby
14th - Kaia13
14th - dinosonzii
15th - Ashes
16th - Nekaya
16th - Nirukama
16th - Zorged
18th - mariecolo
19th - Lady
19th - MauriEsp
21st - aline00
22nd - bourkey
23rd - ekawirya
24th - Zoroark
25th - Tokok
26th - Gunnel
27th - JokerKind
28th - BloodSphere
29th - Thana
30th - Raichu_
30th - Girafarig
1st - Riuk
1st - Mohit_Cena
4th - Olibear
4th - BlackSD
7th - GoddessNyx
8th - frencsday
8th - silverman55
12th - Chelterra001
12th - HeavyRain
13th - Abby
14th - Kaia13
14th - dinosonzii
15th - Ashes
16th - Nekaya
16th - Nirukama
16th - Zorged
18th - mariecolo
19th - Lady
19th - MauriEsp
21st - aline00
22nd - bourkey
23rd - ekawirya
24th - Zoroark
25th - Tokok
26th - Gunnel
27th - JokerKind
28th - BloodSphere
29th - Thana
30th - Raichu_
30th - Girafarig

1st - shayminluvr
1st - Rini00
2nd - AoTora
4th - joshualee207
4th - Masky
5th - Nyang
5th - jackfranco
6th - jerber3455
7th - Pheobe365
9th - Rae-Jou
9th - Aerith
11th - Milly
13th - Atsuya
18th - NatsNeko
22nd - Elementalcrystals
23rd - fatalis1294
24th - lizwolf
25th - Ninetales12
26th - EnduraAngel
26th - redlollipop
29th - Arzera
1st - shayminluvr
1st - Rini00
2nd - AoTora
4th - joshualee207
4th - Masky
5th - Nyang
5th - jackfranco
6th - jerber3455
7th - Pheobe365
9th - Rae-Jou
9th - Aerith
11th - Milly
13th - Atsuya
18th - NatsNeko
22nd - Elementalcrystals
23rd - fatalis1294
24th - lizwolf
25th - Ninetales12
26th - EnduraAngel
26th - redlollipop
29th - Arzera
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
@NatsNeko - My birthday is another year away. That is far longer 8)
@Faerhlsm -