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♦-Toothie's Records-♦

Forum-Index Diaries ♦-Toothie's Records-♦
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 12:00 (10 Years ago)

♦ About Me ♦

From: England > London

Old Username: Scourge - Toothless
Registered: 30th October 2013

Times I've been Premium:
1 Week (5) - 1 Month (19)


Favorite Pokemon Type:

Favorite Pokemon:
Combee - Gabite - Relicanth - Floette - Slowbro - Palkia - Genesect - Hoopa - Thundurus


♦ Future shiny hunts ♦

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♦ First on-site shinies ♦

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• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Vespiquen
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Gible
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Gabite
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Stunfisk
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Heatmor
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Sharpedo
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Surskit
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Masqurain
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Zangoose
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Kingdra
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Lucario
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Dunsparce
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Qwilfish
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Voltorb
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Electrode
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Wurmple
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Samurott
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Beautifly
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Furret
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Sentret
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Swoobat
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Grimer
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Slugma
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Muk
• Owner of the 1ST Shiny Arceus

♦ First on-site Pokemon ♦

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• Owner of the 1ST & 2ND Delibird (Retro)
• Owner of the 1ST Snowbuck
• Owner of the 1ST Lucario-Sensei
• Owner of the 1ST Lightblim
• Owner of the 1ST Florges (White)
• Owner of the 1ST Mega Gyarados
• Owner of the 1ST Arceus (Rock)
• Owner of the 1ST Arceus (Ice)
• Owner of the 1ST Arceus (Steel)
• Owner of the 1ST Arceus (Fire)
• Owner of the 1ST Arceus (Fighting)
• Owner of the 1ST Arceus (Fairy)

• Owner of the 2ND Mega Blaziken
• Owner of the 2ND Mega Absol
• Owner of the 2ND Cocktaillon
• Owner of the 2ND Trevenant

• Owner of the 13TH Ditto

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 13:39 (10 Years ago)
♦ Shinies Bought ♦


Pokemon: Marowak
Gender: Male
Rarity: Rare
Bought From: Lucina
Bought for: 750,000
Bought as: Cubone

Pokemon: Manectric
Gender: Female
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: Silver-lugia
Bought for: 650,000 )
Bought as: Manectric

Pokemon: Fennekin - Braixen
Gender: Male and Male
Rarity: Mysterious
Bought From: Fennekin SilverLugia456 || Braixen - jerber3455
Bought for: Fennekin (600,000 ) || Braixen (670,000 )
Bought as: Fennekin & Fennekin

Pokemon: Swoobat
Gender: Male
Rarity: Easy
Bought From: Pucky
Bought for: 400,000
Bought as: Woobat

Pokemon: Chesnaught
Gender: Female
Rarity: Mysterious
Bought From: Stunfisk
Bought for: 800,000
Bought as: Chespin

Pokemon: Gastly
Gender: Female
Rarity: Easy
Bought From: Itachikage
Bought for: 500,000
Bought as: Gastly

Pokemon: Pidgey
Gender: Male
Rarity: Easy
Bought From: Kimie
Bought for: 300,000
Bought as: Pidgey

Pokemon: Cryogonal
Gender: Genderless
Rarity: Rare
Bought From: Pokeboo
Bought for: 1,000,000
Bought as: Cryogonal

Pokemon: Abra, Kadabra & Alakazam
Gender: Female, Male and Male
Rarity: Rare
Bought From: Adaptivefever, DragonSumedh and DragonSumedh
Bought for: Abra (1.50) || Kadabra (800,000 ) || Alakazam (800,000)
Bought as: Abra, Kadabra & Kadabra

Pokemon: Gyarados
Gender: Male
Rarity: Easy
Bought From: Vinnyp
Bought for: 400,000
Bought as: Magikarp

Pokemon: Charmander, Charmeleon and Charizard
Gender: Male, Gender: Male, and Male
Rarity: Starter
Bought From: Shizuka || Dragonbunny ||Dragonbunny
Bought for: Charmander (500,000 ) || Chameleon (600,000 ) || Charizard (750,000 )
Bought as: Charmander, Charmander & Charizard

Pokemon: Psyduck
Gender: Male
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: Mirej
Bought for: 550,000
Bought as: Psyduck

Pokemon: Munna
Gender: Female
Rarity: Hard
Bought From: The_One_And_Only
Bought for: 625,000
Bought as: Munna

Pokemon: Altaria
Gender: Female
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: The_One_And_Only
Bought for: 700,000
Bought as: Swablu

Pokemon: Snover and Abomasnow
Gender: Female and Female
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: Snover - sushantpanwar | Abomasnow - The_One_And_Only
Bought for: Snover - 300,000 | Abomasnow - 800,000
Bought as: Snover and Abomasnow

Pokemon: Klefki
Gender: Female
Rarity: Rare
Bought From: DragonSumedh
Bought for: 750,000
Bought as: Klefki

Pokemon: Medicham
Gender: Male
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: Pucky
Bought for: 500,000
Bought as: Meditite

Pokemon: Tympole - Seismitoad
Gender: Male and Female
Rarity: Easy
Bought From: Tympole $Bulbasaur$ || Seismitoad - Spade
Bought for: Tympole (430,000 ) || Seismitoad (650,000 )
Bought as: Tympole & Palpitoad

Pokemon: Heliolisk
Gender: Female
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: Nino
Bought for: 500,000
Bought as: Helioptile

Pokemon: Watchog
Gender: Male
Rarity: Easy
Bought From: FlaaffyQueen
Bought for: 100,000
Bought as: Patrat

Pokemon: Silcoon
Gender: Female
Rarity: Easy
Bought From: Fasionist
Bought for: 100,000
Bought as: Wurmple

Pokemon: Herdier
Gender: Male
Rarity: Easy
Bought From: Stunfisk
Bought for: 250,000
Bought as: Lillipup

Pokemon: Venusaur
Gender: Male
Rarity: Starter
Bought From: webkinz78620
Bought for: 525,001
Bought as: Venusaur

Pokemon: Scyther
Gender: Male
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: MrMostacho
Bought for: 480,000
Bought as: Scyther

Pokemon: Ponyta
Gender: Male
Rarity: Easy
Bought From: Shizuka
Bought for: 500,000
Bought as: Ponyta

Pokemon: Ampharos
Gender: Male
Rarity: Easy
Bought From: Shizuka
Bought for: 400,000
Bought as: Ampharos

Pokemon: Shellos
Gender: Female
Rarity: Easy
Bought From: Dutch_Tigress
Bought for: 1
Bought as: Shellos

Pokemon: Weavile
Gender: Female
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: Crowley
Bought for: 420,000 + Lugia Voucher
Bought as: Weavile

Pokemon: Reuniclus
Gender: Female
Rarity: Easy
Bought From: ectoBiologist
Bought for: 360,000 + Sky Pillar (Map)
Bought as: Solosis

Pokemon: Gogoat
Gender: Male
Rarity: Hard
Bought From: DarkLordSedvai
Bought for: 400,000 + Lugia voucher
Bought as: Gogoat

Pokemon: Ninjask
Gender: Female
Rarity: Hard
Bought From: $Bulbasaur$
Bought for: 400,000 + Lugia voucher
Bought as: Nincada

Pokemon: Aerodactyl
Gender: Female
Rarity: Special
Bought From: DexapsPokemon
Bought for: 400,000 + Lugia voucher
Bought as: Aerodactyl

Pokemon: Aron, Lairon and Aggron
Gender: Female, Gender: Female, and Male
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: ShubhamSinha || ShubhamSinha ||ShubhamSinha
Bought for: 4.00
Bought as: Aron, Lairon & Aggron

Pokemon: Jellicent
Gender: Male
Rarity: Hard
Bought From: charmeleon
Bought for: 400,000
Bought as: Frillish

Pokemon: Dewott
Gender: Male
Rarity: Starter
Bought From: Casio
Bought for: 380,000
Bought as: Frillish

Pokemon: Vulpix
Gender: Female
Rarity: Rare
Bought From: Minions
Bought for: 380,000 + Lugia Voucher
Bought as: Vulpix

Pokemon: Fearow
Gender: Female
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: Kainbunny
Bought for: 330,000
Bought as: Spearow

Pokemon: Onix
Gender: Female
Rarity: Hard
Bought From: Lakshay
Bought for: 400,000 + Retro Starter Voucher
Bought as: Onix

Pokemon: Nidoran Nidorino Nidoking
Gender: Male, Male and Male
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: Pucky
Bought for: 1,300,000
Bought as: Nidoran - Nidorino - Nidoking

Pokemon: Jolteon
Gender: Male
Rarity: Rare
Bought From: Alleria
Bought for: 500,000
Bought as: Eevee

Pokemon: Kabutops
Gender: Male
Rarity: Special
Bought From: Alleria
Bought for: 500,000
Bought as: Kabutops

Pokemon: Parasect
Gender: Male
Rarity: Hard
Bought From: Alleria
Bought for: 400,000
Bought as: Parasect

Pokemon: Cubone
Gender: Male
Rarity: Rare
Bought From: Alleria
Bought for: 480,000
Bought as: Cubone

Pokemon: Vaporeon
Gender: Male
Rarity: Rare
Bought From: fuwante-chan
Bought for: 480,000
Bought as: Vaporeon

Pokemon: Magnemite and Magneton
Gender: Genderless
Rarity: Hard
Bought From: carterd888
Bought for: 430,000 | 450,000
Bought as: Magnemite & Magnemite

Pokemon: Staryu
Gender: Genderless
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: carterd888
Bought for: 400,000
Bought as: Staryu

Pokemon: Happiny
Gender: Female
Rarity: Rare
Bought From: carterd888
Bought for: 450,000
Bought as: Happiny

Pokemon: Tauros
Gender: Male
Rarity: Hard
Bought From: carterd888
Bought for: 420,000
Bought as: Tauros

Pokemon: Hitmonchan and Hitmontop
Gender: Male
Rarity: Rare
Bought From: carterd888
Bought for: 460,000 | 460,000
Bought as: Tyrogue & Tyrogue

Pokemon: Camerupt
Gender: Male
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: Lucina
Bought for: 320,000
Bought as: Numel

Pokemon: Kangaskhan
Gender: Female
Rarity: Rare
Bought From: Lucina
Bought for: 450,000
Bought as: Kangaskhan

Pokemon: Poliwag, Poliwhirl and Poliwrath
Gender: Female, Male and Male
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: Potata
Bought for: 390,000 | 390,000 | 390,000
Bought as: Poliwag, Poliwag and Poliwag

Pokemon: Tangela
Gender: Female
Rarity: Hard
Bought From: Potata
Bought for: 400,000
Bought as: Tangela

Pokemon: Electabuzz
Gender: Male
Rarity: Rare
Bought From: Potata
Bought for: 450,000
Bought as: Elekid

Pokemon: Growlithe and Arcanine
Gender: Male and Male
Rarity: Rare
Bought From: LucarioLand
Bought for: 430,000 | 430,000
Bought as: Growlithe and Growlithe

Pokemon: Audino
Gender: Male
Rarity: Rare
Bought From: pedro125
Bought for: 180,000
Bought as: Audino

Pokemon: Snorlax
Gender: Male
Rarity: Special
Bought From: Flaaffy
Bought for: 480,000
Bought as: Snorlax

Pokemon: Mothim
Gender: Male
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: ~TheAngelOfDeath666~
Bought for: 300,000
Bought as: Mothim

Total PD Spent: 32,790,001 + 6.50 Nuggets
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 13:41 (10 Years ago)
♦ Shinies from Auction ♦


Pokemon: Clefairy
Gender: Female
Rarity: Easy
Bought From: Auction House
Bought for: 500,000
Bought as: Cleffa

Pokemon: Wartortle Blastoise
Gender: Male and Male
Rarity: Starter
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 1,000,000 ) || 420,000 )

Bought as: Squirtle & Squirtle

Pokemon: Greninja
Gender: Male
Rarity: Mysterious
Bought From: Auction House
Bought for: 1,000,000
Bought as: Greninja

Pokemon: Heracross
Gender: Female
Rarity: Hard
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 1,000,001
Bought as: Heracross

Pokemon: Slugma
Gender: Male
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 700,000
Bought as: Slugma

Pokemon: Electrike
Gender: Male
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: Auction House
Bought for: 500,000
Bought as: Electrike

Pokemon: Easter Diggersby
Gender: Male
Rarity: Event
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 270,000
Bought as: Easter Diggersby

Pokemon: Mareep Flaaffy
Gender: Male and Male
Rarity: Easy
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 320,000 || 340,000
Bought as: Mareep & Mareep

Pokemon: Ralts, Kirlia Gardevoir
Gender: Male, Male and Female
Rarity: Rare
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 350,000 || 350,000 || 500,000
Bought as: Ralts, Ralts, Kirlia

Pokemon: Noibat Noivern
Gender: Female and Female
Rarity: Rare
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 450,000 || 380,000
Bought as: Noibat & Noibat

Pokemon: Slakoth
Gender: Female
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 320,000
Bought as: Slakoth

Pokemon: Vanillite
Gender: Female
Rarity: Easy
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 330,000
Bought as: Vanillite

Pokemon: Ariados
Gender: Female
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 350,000
Bought as: Spinarak

Pokemon: Absol
Gender: Male
Rarity: Hard
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 370,000
Bought as: Absol

Pokemon: Floatzel
Gender: Female
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 380,000
Bought as: Floatzel

Pokemon: Swablu
Gender: Male
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 350,000
Bought as: Swablu

Pokemon: Weedle, Kakuna and Beedrill
Gender: Female, Male and Female
Rarity: Easy
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 250,000 || 300,000 || 350,000
Bought as: Kakuna and Beedrill

Pokemon: Metapod and Butterfree
Gender: Male and Female
Rarity: Easy
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 300,000 || 320,000
Bought as: Metapod and Butterfree

Pokemon: Houndour and Houndoom
Gender: Female and Male
Rarity: Hard
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 330,000 || 350,000
Bought as: Houndour and Houndoom

Pokemon: Skiddo
Gender: Female
Rarity: Hard
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 320,000
Bought as: Skiddo

Pokemon: Emboar
Gender: Male
Rarity: Starter
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 400,000
Bought as: Emboar

Pokemon: Numel
Gender: Female
Rarity: Medium
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 320,000
Bought as: Numel

Pokemon: Treeko and Grovyle
Gender: Male and Male
Rarity: Starter
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 350,000 || 400,000
Bought as: Treeko & Treeko

Pokemon: Eevee
Gender: Male
Rarity: Rare
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 480,000
Bought as: Eevee

Pokemon: Venomoth
Gender: Female
Rarity: Hard
Bought From: Auction house
Bought for: 460,000
Bought as: Venomoth

Total PD Spent: 16,110,001
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 13:41 (10 Years ago)
♦ Shinies from Game Center ♦


Pokemon: Raikou
Gender: Genderless
Rarity: Special
Bought From: Game Center
Bought for: 10,000,000
Bought as: Raikou

Pokemon: Suicune
Gender: Genderless
Rarity: Special
Bought From: Game Center
Bought for: 15,000,000
Bought as: Suicune

Pokemon: Entei
Gender: Genderless
Rarity: Special
Bought From: Game Center
Bought for: 20,000,000
Bought as: Entei

Pokemon: Manaphy
Gender: Genderless
Rarity: Special
Bought From: Game Center
Bought for: 50,000,000
Bought as: Manaphy
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 13:42 (10 Years ago)
♦ Shinies from trade ♦


Pokemon: Espurr & Meowstic
Gender: Female and Female
Rarity: Special
Traded with: Mirej
Traded: Raylong
Recieved as: Espurr & Meowstic

Pokemon: Bunnelby
Gender: Female
Rarity: Medium
Traded with: Mirej
Traded: Raylong
Recieved as: Bunnelby

Pokemon: Mawile
Gender: Female
Rarity: Hard
Traded with: Mirej
Traded: Raylong
Recieved as: Mawile

Pokemon: Banette
Gender: Female
Rarity: Hard
Traded with: Senrier
Traded: Latios & Enigma Stone
Recieved as: Shuppet

Pokemon: Pidgeotto & Pidgeot
Gender: Male and Female
Rarity: Easy
Traded with: Kimie
Traded: Shiny Entei & Shiny Raikou
Recieved as: Pidgey & Pidgey

Pokemon: Pinsir
Gender: Male
Rarity: Hard
Traded with: VipAIexandra
Traded: Mew
Recieved as: Pinsir

Pokemon: Starmie
Gender: Genderless
Rarity: Medium
Traded with: Spade
Traded: Shiny Voltorb
Recieved as: Staryu

Pokemon: Kricketune
Gender: Female
Rarity: Easy
Traded with: Spade
Traded: Shiny Gyarados
Recieved as: Kricketune

Pokemon: Arbok
Gender: Male
Rarity: Hard
Traded with: Remy
Traded: Mega Stone
Recieved as: Arbok

Pokemon: Wigglytuff
Gender: Female
Rarity: Easy
Traded with: Remy
Traded: Mega Stone
Recieved as: Wigglytuff

Pokemon: Haunter & Gengar
Gender: Female and Female
Rarity: Easy
Traded with: Harkness
Traded: Ruby
Recieved as: Haunter & Gengar

Pokemon: Fletchinder
Gender: Female
Rarity: Easy
Traded with: Princess
Traded: Enigma Stone
Recieved as: Fletchling

Pokemon: Crobat
Gender: Female
Rarity: Easy
Traded with: The_One_And_Only
Traded: Shiny Raikou
Recieved as: Zubat

Pokemon: Roserade
Gender: Male
Rarity: Easy
Traded with: Ruby*Mewtwo
Traded: Manaphy
Recieved as: Budew

Pokemon: Lilligant
Gender: Female
Rarity: Easy
Traded with: Nino
Traded: Lend a Ditto for her hunt.
Recieved as: Petilil

Pokemon: Caterpie
Gender: Male
Rarity: Easy
Traded with: Kimie
Traded: Shiny Suicune
Recieved as: Caterpie

Pokemon: Blaziken
Gender: Male
Rarity: Starter
Traded with: FlaaffyQueen
Traded: x2 Lugia Vouchers
Recieved as: Torchic

Pokemon: Dedenne
Gender: Male
Rarity: Medium
Traded with: Kimie
Traded: 70 Electric + 50 Fire + 10 Fighting Gems
Recieved as: Dedenne

Pokemon: Oshawott
Gender: Male
Rarity: Starter
Traded with: JudJud
Traded: Griseous Orb + Terra Cave + Sky Pillar Map
Recieved as: Oshawott

Pokemon: Rapidash
Gender: Male
Rarity: Easy
Traded with: JudJud
Traded: 2 Star Pieces + 3 Weather Balloons + Retro Voucher + Lugia Voucher + Registeel
Recieved as: Rapidash

Pokemon: Woobat
Gender: Male
Rarity: Easy
Traded with: Fasionist
Traded: Lugia Voucher
Recieved as: Woobat

Pokemon: Sceptile
Gender: Male
Rarity: Starter
Traded with: CrystalLyzer
Traded: Shiny Pidgeotto + Griseous Orb
Recieved as: Sceptile

Pokemon: Bulbasaur
Gender: Male
Rarity: Starter
Traded with: Kimie
Traded: 84 Electric Gems - 82 Normal Gems - 53 Psychic gems - 13 Flying Gems - 18 Fire Gems
Recieved as: Bulbasaur

Pokemon: Sableye
Gender: Female
Rarity: Hard
Traded with: Chickenous
Traded: Kyurem + Terra Map
Recieved as: Sableye

Pokemon: Florges
Gender: Female
Rarity: Medium
Traded with: YodelQueen
Traded: Kyurem + Retro Starter Voucher
Recieved as: Florges

Pokemon: Whimsicott
Gender: Male
Rarity: Easy
Traded with: SilverLugia456
Traded: Shiny Blitzle
Recieved as: Cottonee

Pokemon: Squirtle
Gender: Male
Rarity: Starter
Traded with: AquaLucas
Traded: Shiny Goldeen
Recieved as: Squirtle

Pokemon: Zweilous
Gender: Male
Rarity: Rare
Traded with: Star-O-Light
Traded: Articuno
Recieved as: Deino

Pokemon: Togekiss
Gender: Male
Rarity: Medium
Traded with: Star-O-Light
Traded: Articuno
Recieved as: Togekiss

Pokemon: Gliscor
Gender: Female
Rarity: Hard
Traded with: Star-O-Light
Traded: Articuno
Recieved as: Gliscor

Pokemon: Swampert
Gender: Male
Rarity: Starter
Traded with: Star-O-Light
Traded: Articuno
Recieved as: Swampert

Pokemon: Omastar
Gender: Male
Rarity: Special
Traded with: ziadetayman
Traded: Celebi + Kyurem + x2 Star Piece
Recieved as: Omanyte

Pokemon: Cursed Rapidash
Gender: Male
Rarity: Event
Traded with: Lucrecia
Traded: [Naughty Nature] Shiny Dragonair
Recieved as: Cursed Rapidash

Pokemon: Aegislash
Gender: Female
Rarity: Hard
Traded with: arfaat
Traded: Articuno
Recieved as: Aegislash

Pokemon: Larvitar
Gender: Male
Rarity: Rare
Traded with: arfaat
Traded: Articuno
Recieved as: Larvitar

Pokemon: Rotom (Fan)
Gender: Genderless
Rarity: Special
Traded with: arfaat
Traded: Articuno
Recieved as: Rotom (Normal)

Pokemon: Salamence
Gender: Female
Rarity: Rare
Traded with: arfaat
Traded: Articuno
Recieved as: Bagon

Pokemon: Shellder and Cloyster
Gender: Male and Female
Rarity: Rare
Traded with: Flaaffy
Traded: Drawing of her OC
Recieved as: Cloyster and Cloyster

Pokemon: Salamence
Gender: Female
Rarity: Rare
Traded with: Flaaffy
Traded: Flight Rising account
Recieved as: Mime.Jr

Pokemon: Cubchoo and Beartic
Gender: Female and Male
Rarity: Hard
Traded with: Kimie
Traded: x2 Shiny Wailmer
Recieved as: Cubchoo & Beartic

Pokemon: Shelgon
Gender: Female
Rarity: Rare
Traded with: Miky
Traded: Shiny Wailmer
Recieved as: Shelgon
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 13:42 (10 Years ago)
♦ Shinies I chained ♦


Pokemon: Sentret and Furret
Gender: Male and Male
Rarity: Easy
EHP: 4,080
Chains: [#103] [#180]

Pokemon: Wurmple and Beautifly
Gender: Male and Female
Rarity: Easy
EHP: 4,080
Chains: [#62] [#196]

Pokemon: Stunfisk
Gender: Female
Rarity: Hard
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#41]

Pokemon: Dunsparce
Gender: Male
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#54]

Pokemon: Heatmor
Gender: Female
Rarity: Rare
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#40]

Pokemon: Sharpedo
Gender: Female
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#82]

Pokemon: Surskit and Masquerain
Gender: Female and Male
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 4,080
Chains: [#108] [#122]

Pokemon: Combee and Vespiquen
Gender: Male and Female
Rarity: Special
EHP: 4,060
Chains: [#175] [#228]

Pokemon: Gible and Gabite
Gender: Male and Female
Rarity: Hard
EHP: 10,455
Chains: [#61] [#71]

Pokemon: Qwilfish
Gender: Male
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#31]

Pokemon: Zubat and Golbat
Gender: Male and Male
Rarity: Easy
EHP: 4,080
Chains: [#77] [#110]

Pokemon: Corsola
Gender: Female
Rarity: Hard
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#62]

Pokemon: Zigzagoon and Linoone
Gender: Male and Male
Rarity: Easy
EHP: 4,080
Chains: [#78] [#104]

Pokemon: Voltorb, Voltorb, and Electrode
Gender: Genderless
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#67] [#79] [#80]

Pokemon: Breloom
Gender: Male
Rarity: Easy
EHP: 4,080
Chains: [#208]

Pokemon: Grimer and Muk
Gender: Female and Female
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#153] [#171]

Pokemon: Mantyke and Mantine
Gender: Female and Male
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 6,630
Chains: [#87] [#88]

Pokemon: Koffing and Weezing
Gender: Male and Female
Rarity: Easy
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#18] [#84]

Pokemon: Shinx, Luxio, and Luxray
Gender: Female, Male, and Female,
Rarity: Easy
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#42] [#48] [#79]

Pokemon: Geodude, Graveler, and Golem
Gender: Female, Female, and Female,
Rarity: Easy
EHP: 4,080
Chains: [#46] [#57] [#83]

Pokemon: Hoothoot and Noctowl
Gender: Female and Male
Rarity: Easy
EHP: 4,080
Chains: [#77] [#113]

Pokemon: Foongus and Amoonguss
Gender: Female and Male
Rarity: Easy
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#71] [#90]

Pokemon: Budew and Roselia
Gender: Male and Female
Rarity: Easy
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#51] [#113]

Pokemon: Arceus
Gender: Genderless
Rarity: Special
EHP: 30,855
Chains: [#41]

Pokemon: Barboach and Whiscash
Gender: Male and Male
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#84] [#107]

Pokemon: Stunky and Skuntank
Gender: Male and Female
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#89] [#93]

Pokemon: Shellos West and Gastrodon West
Gender: Female and Female
Rarity: Easy
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#125] [#129]

Pokemon: Elgyem and Beheeyem
Gender: Male and Male
Rarity: Hard
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#58] [#64]

Pokemon: Drowzee and Hypno
Gender: Male and Male
Rarity: Hard
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#42] [#51]

Pokemon: Pichu, Pikachu, and Raichu
Gender: Female, Male, and Female,
Rarity: Easy
EHP: 2,805
Chains: [#112] [#130] [#140]

Pokemon: Yanma and Yanmega
Gender: Male and Female
Rarity: Hard
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#86] [#87]

Pokemon: Horsea and Seadra
Gender: Male and Female
Rarity: Rare
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#152] [#159]

Pokemon: Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume and Bellossom
Gender: Female, Female, Female and Female
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#73] [#74] [#161] [#196]

Pokemon: Buneary and Lopunny
Gender: Male and Male
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#110] [#117]

Pokemon: Blitzle, Blitzle, and Zebstrika
Gender: Male, Male, and Female,
Rarity: Easy
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#63] [#76] [#98]

Pokemon: Spearow
Gender: Male
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 4,080
Chains: [#97]

Pokemon: Goldeen, Seaking, and Seaking
Gender: Male, Male, and Male,
Rarity: Easy
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#57] [#146] [#159]

Pokemon: Ratatta and Raticate
Gender: Male and Female
Rarity: Easy
EHP: 4,080
Chains: [#38] [#49]

Pokemon: Diglett and Dugtrio
Gender: Female and Female
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#108] [#112]

Pokemon: Doduo and Dodrio
Gender: Male and Female
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#61] [#79]

Pokemon: Tentacool and Tentacruel
Gender: Male and Male
Rarity: Easy
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#173] [#260]

Pokemon: Machop, Machoke, and Machamp
Gender: Male, Female, and Female,
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#79] [#98] [#136]

Pokemon: Rhyhorn, Rhydon and Rhyperior
Gender: Male, Male and Male
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#52] [#109] [#235]

Pokemon: Bellsprout, Bellsprout, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, and Victreebel
Gender: Female, Male, Female, Female, Female
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#41] [#70] [#80] [#84] [#103]

Pokemon: Krabby, and Kingler
Gender: Female and Male
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#28] [#76]

Pokemon: Mankey, and Primenape
Gender: Male and Male
Rarity: Hard
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#122] [#181]

Pokemon: Slowpoke, Slowbro, and Slowking
Gender: Male, Male, and Male,
Rarity: Hard
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#51] [#90] [#146]

Pokemon: Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonair, Dragonair, and Dragonite
Gender: Male, Male, Female, Male, Male
Rarity: Special
EHP: 10,445
Chains: [#88] [#116] [#125] [#127] [#128]

Pokemon: Nidorina
Gender: Female
Rarity: Medium
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#61]

Pokemon: Exeggcute, Exeggcute, and Exeggutor
Gender: Female, Female, and Female
Rarity: Hard
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#57] [#58] [#75]

Pokemon: Meowth, Meowth, Meowth, and Persian
Gender: Male, Male, Male and Male
Rarity: Rare
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#41] [#140] [#150] [#160]

Pokemon: Seel, and Dewgong
Gender: Male and Male
Rarity: Rare
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#36] [#63]

Pokemon: Lickitung, and Lickilicky
Gender: Female and Female
Rarity: Hard
EHP: 5,355
Chains: [#56] [#76]

Pokemon: Magby, Magmar, and Magmortar
Gender: Male, Male, and Male
Rarity: Rare
EHP: 6,630
Chains: [#89] [#120] [#125]

Pokemon: Smoochum, and Jynx
Gender: Female and Female
Rarity: Hard
EHP: 6,630
Chains: [#70] [#73]

Pokemon: Kabuto
Gender: Male
Rarity: Special
EHP: 7,905
Chains: [#127]

Pokemon: Wailmer, Wailmer, Wailmer, Waillord and Wailord
Gender: Female, Male, Male, Male and Female
Rarity: Hard
EHP: 10,455
Chains: [#47] [#167] [#193] [#212] [#219]
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 13:43 (10 Years ago)
♦ Shinies gifted to me ♦
Thank you to everyone who have gifted these cuties to me ♥

Pokemon: Zangoose
Gender: Male
Rarity: Hard
Gifted by: Fujito1705

Pokemon: Lucario
Gender: Male
Rarity: Medium
Gifted by: Fujito1705

Pokemon: Samurott
Gender: Male
Rarity: Starter
Gifted by: Fujito1705

Pokemon: Kingdra
Gender: Male
Rarity: Rare
Gifted by: Fujito1705

Pokemon: Phione
Gender: Genderless
Rarity: Rare
Gifted by: The_One_And_Only

Pokemon: Shuppet
Gender: Female
Rarity: Medium
Gifted by: The_One_And_Only

Pokemon: Garchomp
Gender: Female
Rarity: Hard
Gifted by: The_One_And_Only

Pokemon: Magikarp
Gender: Male
Rarity: Easy
Gifted by: The_One_And_Only

Pokemon: Swellow
Gender: Female
Rarity: Easy
Gifted by: Fasionist

Pokemon: Scizor
Gender: Male
Rarity: Medium
Gifted by: Spade

Pokemon: Gallade
Gender: Male
Rarity: Rare
Gifted by: KopierKatze

Pokemon: Dusclops
Gender: Male
Rarity: Hard
Reason: Raffle
Gifted by: Navuso

Pokemon: Aipom
Gender: Female
Rarity: Medium
Gifted by: Hughtt

Pokemon: Venonat
Gender: Female
Rarity: Hard
Gifted by: Lucina

Pokemon: Flareon
Gender: Male
Rarity: Rare
Gifted by: Rabou

Pokemon: Pidgey
Gender: Male
Rarity: Easy
Gifted by: Nino

Pokemon: Relicanth
Gender: Male
Rarity: Rare
Gifted by: Flaaffy

Pokemon: Phantump and Trevenant
Gender: Female and Male
Rarity: Hard
Gifted by: Flaaffy

Pokemon: Marshtomp
Gender: Male
Rarity: Starter
Gifted by: Flaaffy
Pokemon: Lapras
Gender: Male
Rarity: Rare
Gifted by: Flaaffy
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 13:51 (10 Years ago)
♦ Shinies from events ♦


Pokemon: Easter Bunnelby
Gender: Female
Rarity: Event
Event: Easter Event 2014

♦ Random Shinies♦


Pokemon: Disguised Exeggcute
Gender: Male
Rarity: Event
Obtained from: Event Distribution