Forum Thread
Palpad Message Sound
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Palpad Message SoundI didn't find this anywhere, so I hope this hasn't already been suggested.
Many a times I get distracted doing something else in another tab and somebody sends me a palpad message. However, by the time I find out, the other person has gone offline.
So I was thinking that every time someone sends a palpad message a little sound comes to notify you.
Of course this sound can be muted in the Settings and maybe in the palpad side bar too, if it's not too much of a hassle.
That said, I support this idea. That's the main thing I use the Pokéheroes Messenger app for, as I have it set to notify me all the time. So when I'm not paying attention on here, it will tell me when there's a new message. (I also use it when away from the computer to chat to friends, but that's something else)
My thing is I think we should be able to chose what sound to use for a notification. I say this because there's a LOT of "notification" sounds that actually hurt my ears due to the pitch of them. (I have sensitive ears, so I know it's a personal problem, and if it's a sound on here that hurts my ears, I could just disable the notification sound from the browser and keep using the messenger, but I figured I'd add it anyways)
@Navuso, changing the sound seems like a very trivial matter. The main purpose is to notify the person that some one is talking to them. But I see where you're coming from with the high pitch. The volume should be low and ,if possible, adjustable by the user.
What Diana said is true, and I agree with that. If you are distracted by something else, like what you listed, I'm not sure a little noise from the site would really help :p If you were in a different tab, or just wanted to take a quick glance, I'd say the [NEW] that is visible on the top of the page/tab, would be the best way to let you know that you have a message.
Or, if this was implemented, let's say, I would like to have the option to turn the sound off. Usually, if I'm already in a conversation with someone on here on the PalPad, I'm close to whatever device I'm using to get online. But if I'm not by it, then I'd just get to the message later when I have time to, that is.
And one more thing I just though of: Wouldn't it get rather annoying if you kept on getting messages over and over from people and it kept making noise to alert you of it? I think this would be a downside of it.
So for me, I'm neutral on this suggestion. It wouldn't really have any use for me ^^;

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Also, I stated that people will be able to mute the sound in their settings and/or in the palpad side-menu in case they don't like the sound or are already in a conversation.