Forum Thread
The Shadow~Open+Accepting~
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Shadow~Open+Accepting~the day The Shadow attacked.
Legends started disappearing. The only ones remaining are Lugia and Ho-Oh... The Shadow... is... *High pitched screaming, then silence* Rain ticks on the streets... Pokémon cries are heard... But The Shadow is still not revealed... And how will we defeat it?
1. Forget this rule and move on until I say you will read this rule.
2. No god mod. You can't doge everything, hit every move, and kill every Pokemon in one hit.
3. Please use at least decent grammar. I understand if your language is not perfect English.
4. This is semi-lit. I want more than one sentence, please.
5. Have fun! I don't want you to be bored.
Form time!
Name: (of trainer)
Pokémon team: (Up to 4 until further notice.)
Pokémon form:
Name: (Of Pokémon)
Age: (Level)
My forms:
Name: Ho-Oh
Pokémon: Ho-Oh
Age: 71
Gender: Genderless
Personality: TBRP'd
Appearance: A normal Ho-Oh
History: Normal
Moveset: Sacred Fire, Sunny Day, Recover, Fire Blast.
Name: Shadow
Pokémon: ???
Age: ???
Gender: Genderless
Personality: ???
Appearance: ???
History: ???
Moveset: Night Shade,???,???,???
Name: Lugia
Pokémon: Lugia
Age: 71
Gender: Genderless
Personality: TDRP'd
Appearance: Normal Lugia
History: Normal
Moveset: Areoblast, Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Recover
Yes, I do realize Lugia, Ho-Oh, and Shadow are legends. They are story needed.
I am now accepting.

1. One legend per trainer, Lugia, The Shadow, and Ho-Oh may not be chosen.
Pokémon: (No legends, although I will allow legendary moves on some Pokémon.)
1. One legend per trainer, Lugia, The Shadow, and Ho-Oh may not be chosen.
Pokémon: (No legends, although I will allow legendary moves on some Pokémon.)
Then what are we supposed to get? :P
Name: Nick
Pokémon: totodile
Age: 5
Gender: male
Personality: Very determined and looks up to lugia.
Appearance: A regular totodile exxcept for the fact that his back spikes are the same color as Lugia's.
History: Normal
Moveset: Bite, Watergun, and growl.

Personality:To be RP'd
Appearance:He wears a longsleeve black shirt and black sweat pants and a blue cap with a pokeball on it he has brown eyes and brown hair
History:To be RP'd
Pokémon team: Chespin (if not then Cyndaquil)
Other: 3: :3
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
Name: John
Pokémon: Zangoose
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Personality: Brave, friendly and is a quick thinker.
History: He is just a Zangoose was raised by wild Zangoose.
Moveset: Furry cutter, sword dance, quick attack, scratch.
Name: Seth
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Personality: He's kind of a loner and doesn't like being around others. However he will stand by you if he trusts you.
History: His parents were killed when he was 5 years old and he was rised in foster homes after that. Some of his foster families were decent and some were not and therefore he suffered abuse at their hands. This lead to him not trusting anyone and always expecting people to hurt him. As soon as he turned 18 he fled from his current foster family and started fending for himself.
Pokémon team: Kabutops
RP start!
All of you feel free to invite friends, and make new characters.
Ho-Oh and Lugia flew in the rainy skies, soon landing. "I just hope you know, Lugia. I'm a FIRE and flying type." Ho-Oh growled. The rain still pushed on through the streets, leaving nothing else but to talk. "I know. But we at least escaped without FAINTING!" Lugia snarled back.
(If you didn't already figure it out, Kabel is the name of Seth's Kabutops. :p)