Forum Thread
poke school k-12 (public)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → poke school k-12 (public)Basicly this is poke school you are your favorit pokemon and must learn to truely be them. until something tragic happens that changes the lives of everyone. as a result the students must use what they have learned to earn the money get the needed materils to rebuild.
Student Forms
User name:
Character name:
Moves known:
Moves to learn:
teacher forms
type they teach:
must be a student as well
and for father info the teachers can be legends
all PH rules apply
no godding
be respectful to others
please try to have fun.
Name: Sandy
pokemon: zoroark
type they teach: dark
personality: kind and loves children
history: helped to build the school
Moves: Night Daze Punishment Agility and Foul Play.
User name: Riolu-lover
Character name: tina
Gender: female
Pokemon: Riolu
personality: timid but very friendly
History: is an orphan
Moves known: toxic Quick Attack Endure Foresight
Moves to learn: Force Palm Reversal Copycat Feint
Character name: Faze
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Zorua
Personality: Friendly and Helpful
History: None
Moves known: Tackle
Moves to learn: All Moves possible for a Zorua/Zoroark
User name: MoltresMaster1
Name: Flare
Pokemon: Reshiram
Type(s) they teach: Fire, Dark, Fighting
Personality: Teacher
History: N/A
Moves: All known
Character name: Galleah
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Bagon
personality: Nice and cheery, but very talkative and disruptive.
History: Not too much interesting stuff.
Moves known: Headbutt, Growl
Moves to learn: Dragon Rage, Flamethrower(Replaces Growl), Twister, Dragonbreath(Replaces Twister)
Name: Shimmer
pokemon: Articuno
type they teach: Ice, Flying, and stat Psychic moves.
personality: Patient, and kind, but just... you know... Odd.
history: Nothing much.
Moves: Blizzard, Agility, Ice Beam, Aerial Ace.
I have a question. How many characters can you have?
Character name: Iwao
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Meowstic
Very serious, he is known to be quite a neat freak and a bragger when it comes to intellectual stuff. But, the only thing he doesn't seem to know (and probably don't even bother caring) is socializing with other Pokemon.
Although his past is unknown, his mother was a very religious Meowstic while his father was a drunken Gardevoir. Though, they wouldn't bicker that much, he didn't like the sound of how his parents act.
Moves known: Confusion, Psyshock
Moves to learn: Misty Terrain, Role Play
Character name:Kana
personality:A very careless/silly pokemon but adventurous
History:She had 2 best friends-Midnight the Purrloin and Wrapper the Seviper.Sometimes,Kana and Wrapper fight and Midnight has to deal with em.
Moves known:Crush claw,Fury swipes,Metal claw
Moves to learn:Revenge,False swipe
User name:Koin
Character name:Midnight
History:Has sticked with her two best friends-Kana and Wrapper.Midnight usually
has to deal with Kana and Wrapper when they had an argument.
Moves known:Fury swipes,False swipes
Moves to learn:Crunch,Night slash
User name:Koin
Character name:Wrapper
personality:Sometimes dull,can be a little grumpy sometimes
History:ALWAYS had a huge argument with Kana.But they ended up being friends
Moves known:Night slash,Wrap
Moves to learn:Lick,Poison fang
(is it ok if I add two more pokemon?//shot)