Forum Thread
Shop by FrostBite
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Shop by FrostBiteWarning: NOT SELLING TIL WE HAVE 5+ STAFF MEMBERS

Available Pokemon(only repeats in this box)
Place order pal pad or here
Shiny:75k or more(rarity depends)
Current hunt:Weedle or Wailmer
Normal: Depends on Rarity
Easy: 100
Medium: 1,000
Hard: 2,500
Rare: 5,000
Legend: 50,000 if level 30 or above! 25,000 for below level 30!
Event: 10,000 or higher depending on level
Help with BBC: Riako
OWNER Mega_Luxuray
BBC HELPER/Main Admin Darker

I collect Liirah (shiny Ampharos) plushies!

Please train/feed berries to my custom clicklist
Real name:cameron but just call me cambo or zeref please
Age: 13
Staff type (mod, admin etc.): moderator
How you will help: in any way you can show me how to i dont know what moderators do but i can try to be of assistance
Other: are we allowed to buy from your shop if we are staff still ?
Palpad me this info if u want
Real name:Tyler
Staff type (mod, admin etc.):photo editor in training
How you will help:I can add text, effects, resize, recolor, add items, and more to images
Other:I can only do pretty basic stuff thats why I'm in training
Palpad me this info if u want

Trapinch cost 1,000 pd due to them being medium rarity
You staff application is accepted!
Please start as soon as possible.
________________________________________________________ -Mega_Luxuray
@Oddballme Accepted