"It was a demonstration nick" Professor dark said "Now everyone
come" He led them to a place made in the hill of sand it led
underground and was made of sandstone leading to a big room with
many other rooms he led them into his lab.
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First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
"Please dont talk anymore Nick" Tom said "hes a professor its not
pathetic someday im gonna beat you!" Tom laughed "Shh... Now who
wants a mega pokemon?" Professor dark asked.
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First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
"ok tom gets first choice brooke gets second nick your 3rd since
you are rude and professor rain asked brooke and tom first they get
1st and 2nd choices now Here are the mega pokemon" professor rain
he showed them a piece of paper with all the mega evolve
"there is also others but i dont have the time to add them to the
list mega charizard has 2 mega evolutions" Professor rain said
"now i dont have the full evolutions so each pokemon will be at its
first evolution like charizard would be charmander lucario a riolu
but pokemon like absol without evolutions wont need to evolve i
have all the mega stones and some mystery ones" He said
"mega stone for blastoise and a squirtle?" tom asked he was given a
pokeball and mega stone/
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First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
"You know what! I was rude and I apologize to you Tom and to you
professor dark. But may I please, please, please have charmander
along with charizards mega stones?" Nick asked as nicely as he
could while dusting off Tom and professor Dark.
"Fine The x and y mega stones the form i used to fight with tom was
form Y form X is a dragon fire type" Professor dark gave him a
pokeball and 3 mega stones and handed another mega stone to tom
"These are mystery mega stones i dont know what they are for" He
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First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
"Yes one is a mystery the others mega evolve charizard to X form or
Y form many of my groups members have guessed because of the color
of this mystery one it is for mewtwo i doubt it though" Professor
dark said "Now go find an empty room somewhere probably in the main
room one for all of you i have only seen one free room we have more
advanced stuff then some groups and we have bunk beds blankets and
chairs pillows so go enjoy we also have a nurse joy with her 2
chanseys she serves food" Professor dark said tom walked searching
for there room "Here it is!" he shouted to nick and entered there
room and sat on the top bunk.
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First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
"Dang it I wanted top bunk." Nick said under his breath but
proceeded to put his stuff on the bottom one. "I need to start
being nicer." he thought to himself as he looked for nurse joy."It
gets me things faster."
Tom looked around the room "this room is pretty big there is 2
other bunk beds so 3 tops 3 bottoms 7 chairs and a table its a nice
room" Tom said. Just then nurse joy entered with a cart being
pushed by a chansey full of pecha berry muffins cheri pecha and
oran berry stews and Cooked seaweed "Wow looks good" Tom said
taking a plate and putting a pecha berry muffin a bowl of cheri
berry stew and some cooked seaweed onto his plate he also took a
spoon and fork and started eating with his trapinch it had oran
berry stew.
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
Bell gasped. "They left me! Quick, Sandshrew. Use swift!" Nell's
Sandshrew obeyed and the Doduo stood up. It used an attack, and it
hit Sandshrew causing normal damage. Bell threw a Pokeball and
waited. Shake, shake, shake. Click. Bell grabbed the Pokeball and
ran, stopping at the cliff. He let out his Doduo, where he floated
down the cliff. He finally caught up with the group. "Not the first
time I've been left behind." He muttered, returning Doduo to his
"Ok i tested this back when we had technology all the pokemon on
the list broke free so this is a mareep and it will have to be
evolved" He said handing him a pokeball and 2 mega evolution stones
"one is for mareep the other is a mystery one" He said
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
"Okay. Thanks!" Bell said, skittering to the room. There were 2(or
3?) other people in there. Bell cautiously proceeded to get an
empty bottom bunk. He stuffed his bag under the blankets, and
walked over to the table. He grabbed a Pecha berry muffin, and
grabbed a Cheri Berry stew for Sandshrew. Sandshrew squeaked and
began eating along with Bell.
Brooke, who had been there the entire time, looked down at the
list. "Hmm... I don't know whether I want to get Absol or just a
Mega Stone for my Kangashan," she said.
"Well both of them dont have an evolution or pre-evolution that we
know of so absol or kangaskhan could mega evolve whenever in
battle" Professor dark said still looking at the ocean worried.
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs