Auraora found a few pices fixing it up intill she firgued out what
it was,it was a picture of the hole family of lab pokemon,broken
after most of them where killed as Auraora and others went missing
then found note on it "Why..?" it said on it
"I guess someone put it on there,maybe one trying to surive through
all of it but died?"Auraora said seening a print of a pokemon but
didn't know which one,picking up a pokedex she tried to find it to
firgue out "what could the print come from?"Auraora said
'Or Anyone,like us as kids or are parents'Auraora said fixing the
picture seening... a volcano in the distant and a forest "Maybe....
they sent us other palces so we couldn't get hurt or die by the
volcano erupting?"Auraora said
Auraora changed into a giratina "Get on me!'Auraora said ready to
fly off so they wouldn't get destoryted by the water hat ould
overflow also by the lava before seening stuff fall down 'STAMPEDE!
HURRY!"Auraora said seenign ryhorn and other pokemon run by
Auraora flew off seening pokemon fly off on some flying pokemon
seenign pidgey's run before looking bck seen water and lava take
over half the island 'Where should we go now?"Auraora said looking
vowr at a few other islands
"What do you mean by flying lava? it cant fly!'Auraora said looking
through the magazine then found a island,where tempels and ruins
are there and a alb thatw as ukwon but was being rebuilt
"Cool..'Auraora though holding a bag she had the books and pictures
Auraora went down changing back itno a zoroark looking through the
magazine "It says theres legendarys that can be summoned her but it
doesn't say if theres a lake that could overflow or a voclno so we
have to be carefull and look around for any 'Auraora says putting
it back then spotted a few trucks
Auraora checked a truck seening a few...cages and expermint things
'Werid'Auraora said finding container with a few bands before
dropping ti and jumping ontop of the trucks cared when a uman comes
name:yuma (havent seen yuma in a while now)
age/level:age is 16 level is 87
trainer or wild pokemon/trainer pokemon/legendary/fusion/zombie
(Pokemon speicies also):wild samurott
history:who knows
other:moves are double razer shell,blizzard,megahorn,and surf and
renember yuma's key
good or evil:good
powers:can absorb electricity
what will evolve into:it wont evolve
theme song:yugioh zexal theme song |
(Accepted) Auraora rana fter him as a zubat slowly staying/holding
onto the top of inside the truck seening the door be closed as the
truck started moving