Spike comes out tripping on his face alot. "I'm sorry i can be a
little rude, Just i seen many things, scary things, I wish i
haven't." then he hears footsteps of a human. "Now is a time to....
HIDE!" He said in panic going under a loose tree root, then a human
with a shymin flower noticing Lavender.
Spike looks up and notices the familar face, "you... You set that
fire... YOU KILLED MY FAMILY!" He said yelling only getting the
human find him to. "Whoops.." He said slowly backing up.
"Lew, quiet!!" Lavender said as she ran over to try and comfort
her, hoping that the other Shaymin would keep the human occupied at
least until she calmed down Lew. "I promise, as soon as we get away
from this human, we'll try and find your mother, ok? But right now,
you have to be quiet! Don't let the human see you! Here, um... go
and hide in that bush! I'll try and fight the human off."
"It is not the strong that win. Those that win are strong."
"No he killed my family I will get him" spike thinks to his self
making his anger rise, as the hunter tries to pick him up he
remembers a move his dad taught him and he always failed but this
time he did it, used phybeam on the human, the human falls on the
ground not dead just K.O. But spikes anger just was rapidly
building up, then he falls over knowing how much he done, Knowing
revenge will just make it worse and walks away, into the bushes.
Lavender glanced behind her as the human fell to the ground, and
the Shaymin walked away. "That was very brave, taking on a
human..." She muttered to herself. She turned to Lew. "Come on,
let's go and look for your mama. Ok, Lew?"
"It is not the strong that win. Those that win are strong."
Lavender knew in her heart that Lew's mother was dead. What could
she do? There's no way to bring the dead back to life. "Come on
Lew, we must leave. We don't want that human waking up while we're
here." She said.
"It is not the strong that win. Those that win are strong."
She sighed. Lavender knew there would be no way around this. "If
you want, Lew, we can go and get your mother's flower. Do you want
to? To remember her?"
"It is not the strong that win. Those that win are strong."