I'm interested in buying one of your shiny Regirocks, but I'm note
sure that I have enough. I can offer any combination
(possibly including everything) of the items below:
-2 mega stones
-1 weather balloon
-my mega-able sir shelgon
-my mega alakazam
-1 marine cave map
-1 new moon island map
-I have enough game chips to pay for up to 37 drives (chill, burn,
zap, or douse) if you need those
-4 plates (dread, icicle, stone, and toxic)
-a cold rock
-a magma stone
-4 fossils (claw, helix, jaw, old amber)
-107 ground gems, 94 rock gems, and 65 ice gems
-75k pokedollars
If you really want them, I can also give away a shiny Sableye
and/or Gurdurr. But I'd prefer not to give those two away.
And finally, if you're interested, I can give you a shiny mega
Sableye, a shiny Clefable, a mega gyarados, and/or 300 Gold Poke
on Pokefarm Q. My account name there is "mewsarecool" if you
need proof of their existence.
And that's pretty much everything of value that I have in both
games. Sorry if it's not enough :S.
I'm afraid I'm not really interested in those things you are
I'm mainly looking for a shiny legend that I don't have yet, or a
bunch of summon items in exchange of any of my shiny regis.
And I'm not playing PFQ anymore (I even gifted my random shiny
ditto) because I find it quite boring (I miss the old PF
Yes Mewsic, I'm still buying those items (Although I've been
busy and the thread is not up to date, ups!)
I'll contact you by palpad/PM to seal the deal ^.^