Brooke didn't even say anything, but watched wide-eyed at the scene
before her. She had never seen anything as beautiful as the world
under the waves she was at now.
many smashark trounshark Manasea squidish squashuid angeliqui
kronormous scoolea and its evolutions gearwal and nautech herculad
water went by there windows and a crypness stayed at the window
watching them
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
"Do you want me to get the transporters here ready to transfer your
pokeballs here quickly. Then I can send one of our fast flying
pokemon to you and you will get here in no time." Nick said to his
anxious companion. He was already heading towards the reserve
pokemon room.
"What's wrong?" Nick asked in a curious tone," Has their condition
worsened?" He hurried to the room and started looking for the most
powerful pokemon that could bring him to Xavier.