Auraora slowly hid in the elaves not able to be seen good but then
a charizard came burning up trees almost hitting Auraora "WATCH OUT
YOU STUPID DRAGON!"Auraora screamed
'Why are you helping the msonter that almost killed the hole aptch
of enst with are eggs!"A Pidgeot said coming down yelling at the
haxrous,Auraora seen a a lot more pokemon coming looking angrey
"Where ust trying to protect the hole forest! we need to protect
the eggs so they can ahtch"The pidgeot said as a few pokemon nodded
in aarugement but then a vapereon came "He miht of got hit by
something,we need to forget the past"It said
"We need to get a Rawst Berry"Auraora says slowly coming out
looking through her bag only seening one that was eaten half way
"This will do right?"Auraora says taking it out
The vapereon took out a pecha berry but then the charizard fell to
the ground as everyone was shocked since it was second strongest in
the forest,Auraora was the strongest since she was a legendary