(where aren't in unvoa tho..) Auraora then finally got it out
looking Angrey at the trainer before firing thudnerbolts like crazy
sicne she was angreyed by this Before laying down tired
Dustin reaches the crystal blue stream and takes a seat on a rock
that is placed right against the lake's edge. He takes off his
boots and rolls up his pant legs so he can walk into the water. He
gently cups his hands and scoops some water up, bringing it to his
mouth. He sips it, watching Apollo lick some water up beside him.
"Well... what is the place called? its that eltriced cave,i got
sepearted from ym family there by a blazeakin captured by a cruelt
rainer..'Auraora said slowly finshing her berry before going off to
the stream/river to get a drink (Any region)
"Apollo, you see that?" Dustin asks looking over at Apollo as he
sees a small hole in the ground with a bright light shining from
it. Apollo tilts his head slightly and pads over to the hole,
looking inside and letting out a soft coo. Dustin follows him over
to the hole and looks down, seeing it is a tunnel.
The hole was a mining place Auraora family was using to find Ore to
use something everything suefull in the clan,Auraora followed going
down she seen her brother "Where have you been?"Auraora's brother
asks before grinning at the trainer