Forum Thread
Journalllllllllllllllllhahah- Cringe Alert
Forum-Index → Diaries → Journalllllllllllllllllhahah- Cringe Alert![](
Title: Okay
Title: Hehe
I just returned from checking on Charkitty and I was 28:8 minutes early. I guess I have low patience. I sent my Purrlion to the daycare for some reason and deposited 52 pokedollar. Right now I have like 847 pokedollar in my balance so I don't expect to be buying anything. I tried bidding for an Eevee because my favourite PKMN is umbreon. Somehow I lost. I think it's a good thing I did cuz I wasted 80 pokedollar on game chips. I pretty much killed the game heads and tails by betting 10 game chips on it. Hehe I'm evil and write too much on my pokeheros diary.... Somehow that doesn't work. Oh well mabye I'm just weird. Anyways I need to go outside now so I won't be posting for sometime... Bye!
Hehe the date 27/8/2014
Guys it may seem like I'm online sometimes but I am always logged in okay!
Singing out for now,
Title: Too much now
I sent Charkitty on a rumble mission for five minutes, because Imma lazy person. I just gave the daycare fifty more pokedollar to take care of my Purrlion. I got a berry and 47 pokedollar from last times mission so I just continued. I went to see if I could send others on a mission but for some reason they wound't go. I know why though, they're on my team so obviously.. Charkitty is probably back by now or I guessed wrong last time. Oh well evil kitty is bound to guess wrong. I think I post way too much now. Ermm I guess I'll go and check then okay?
PS:I'm probably going off completely now, well for today. I'll write tomorrow and the day after that. I'll try to write 3-4 posts a day, I have school though so if I don't post at least I'm trying my best, right?:P
Title: Ha
I sent CharKitty on a rumble mission for 12 hours, not by mistake, not this time. I noticed something strange about Char, I just carried on to post on my journal but I accidentally clicked my username, I looked around at my profile, answered my own poll, surprised that people actually used it, 1 zapdos 1pidgeotto and 1articuno (me) I don't remember the other. I looked at my pokemon.. And ..and CHARKITTY HAD EVOLVED INTO CHARMELEON WITHOUT ME KNOWING! I wanted to celebrate but I didn't have anything to celebrate with... Too bad. So I just decided to post on my diary or journal to celebrate. oh well early days.. I got a present from someone though.. Hmmm 200 and something pokedollar. Oh well on Char's evaluation day not much, but something. I thought of posting though. That's how a writer should celebrate.. Not their pokemon's evaluation day I don't think but yeah you know... Someone'll feed him and train him. That's a gift.. Right?
Hehe long diary posts and posting five times on the first day.. I'm crazy, no sorry, EVIL!
Title: starting of a new day!
i know what you're thinking.. "WOW A DIFFERENT DATE" haha byee
Title: oooohhhh
I sent DERRRRP the magikarp on a rumble mission, right???
HE CAME BACK WITH NOTHING!!!! honestly i wasn't expecting much anyway, but nothing? Oh well, i guess the blame is on me, who sends a MAGIKARP on a rumble mission for FIVE MINUTES??? me...
anyways, i went to the game center to use the 6 golden game chips i had somehow won by training Charkitty, i always knew starter pokemon were special. I mean it, on another pokemon website (delugerpg, you should try it) I NEVER took my starter pokemon off my team, my evee now proud Umbreon. Well i used the 6 game chips and got nothing! i mean i almost got 3 squirtles in a row! anyways i did get 100 something game chips, i guess that solves the problem... if only they were gold.......
Title: Hi
(Y) :P
Title: Haaaa
PREPARE FOR TROUBLE!, MAKE IT DOUBLE!,to protect the world from devestation! And so on, I shout it out sometimes it class. Not during class though, coming in, it makes the pokemon haters and pokemon lovers go crazy. I wish I had the video game.. Oh my Goodness! Charkitty could be back! -packs suitcase- I MIGHT BE WRONG hehe.
(Y) (Y)
Hehe I put the wrong date so came to correct it
Title: Yay!
POOCHYENA EVOLVED YAYAYA I WILL CELEBRATE. I WILL HAVE A GOOD TIME! Not that I think that's possible.. Mightyena is awesome! But my dream pokemon are articuno and umbreon. The only problem is that I don't have an Eevee and searching for an articuno is pretty much useless when your highest level is 27. Hehe, the only thing is, over here you can level pokemon easier than on Delugerpg. I need more people to do my POLLs though, only like 6 people have done it. I can't wait for my psychic egg to hatch. An egg hatched just now, they tell me it's a Cleffa. I think I'd better go to the daycare, or check on Char, he might be back with an item and some pokedollar.
That's it FOR NOW
Title: Yay
TAILLOW EVOLVED INTO SWELLOW! Anyways, I'm putting my diary into my sig, I want people to read this so that's why.
I hope people actually read this, I mean, I want people to know what a future PKMN master Is doing. Even though they'll probably be thinking "if you are a PKMN master, how come you're writing in a pretty Princess diary?", well to keep track of what i've done and when I did it, dummy. I just ate dinner, I didn't have any desert so I'll get pretty much hungry looking at berries... Oh by the way, if you are reading this- what are keys for? I mean I have a pink one and a golden one.. I'm pretty sure you use them to open stuff but I dunno how, then again I'm only a level four trainer, so yeahhh.
Title: Hi
(Y) (Y)
looks at profile -answers own poll- party CHARIZARD! OMG OMG OMG. I am going to celebrate no matter the weather!!, ,, ,, ,, ,!ndncnchchfjdjjc :)
Hehe yes Char did evolve but he's now at level thirty six, what do you expect? Anyway, I'm going to celebrate by uhhh ummmm by buying a really expensive item even thought only have like 1892 pokedollar.... I will celebrate though.. I will remember this day and celebrate it too! Oh of course, my psychic egg hatched into a swablu so it's a birthday AND an evolution day for me! Really really really happy day for me ( and char and swablu)
Kitty -some what too happy kitty-
A day to remember..
Title: Umm
Title: Hi
29/8/2014 (Y)
Title: Hi
PS:I don't feel like writing much today
Title: Hi I
Yo, I really want to send someone, feeling nice. Does a Corrsola evolve? I dunno, my pokemon are invisible, my internet is slow(bro). I have like five fire gems and I don't know what to do, apart from wait for the dream shop to want them. 85 clicks! Yay thanks guys. I'm so used to my diary being on the front page so I thought I lost my diary while searching for it. I need to check my POLLs for answers, I haven't for like 10-11 days. Any way I have like no event points so I guess I'll have to wait for me to be like super event AND pokemon master. I think I'll have to stop calling myself a pokemon master because I'm not and I know it.. WHO CARES. I wish I could download pokemon theme songs on my ipad.. Pokemon johto dododododododo hehe. Bye
Title: Hi
(I can't keep up, if my ipad gets disconnected once in the day it doesn't connect again)
NICE BUT EVIL had to put that in
Title: Once again, long time no write
Anyways, on the brighter side of things, Imma check on my pokés. (lol pokes)
12 /2/2015