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1x1 NovaSplitz & Doopliss

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP 1x1 NovaSplitz & Doopliss
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Sun, 24/08/2014 01:58 (10 Years ago)
This Roleplay Is Between NovaSplitz & Doopliss Only.

Pokemon have been taken from the wild, from trainers, from anywhere they can be found. Only to be experimented on and mutated... The only problem is, is most of them die during the process or a little after. As Team Eros takes these pokemon away to their dooms, those who survive or are against it try to fight back... Will they be able to stop the madness?

Nova's Characters
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Name: Aurabelle
Pokemon: Ninetales/Growlithe
Mutated Or Normal?: Mutated
Personality: Aurabelle is a very sweet and kind Pokemon. Since being an outcast she knows how it feels to be disliked, and tries to help and be the best she can to everyone, even those she doesn't like.
With Or Against Team Eros: Extremely Against Team Eros
History: Having been born mutated to a Ninetales mother and an Arcanine father, Aurabelle had a hard childhood. No other Pokemon wanted to befriend her, they all hated her, and in the end, it just made her stronger. As much as she was treated badly, as an outcast, as the odd one out, Aurabelle always kept her head up high and was happy. When her parents finally were taken away from the wild and captured by trainers, she left on her own to find someone like herself or at least someone who would accept her.

Doop's Characters
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Name: Lurker
Pokemon: Banette (Mega Able)
Mutated Or Normal?: Normal
Looks: Normal Banette
Personality: Mischievous, likes scaring and tricking other Pokemon
With Or Against Team Eros: With
History: Being a Shuppet at the beginning of all this, he already liked playing tricks on other people and Pokemon. As the time progressed, his trainer made him into the kind of evil Pokemon, supporting the tasks that Team Eros had been doing. He'll try to stop any Pokemon that tries to interfere.

Name: Sam
Pokemon: Sableye/Cubone
Mutated Or Normal?: Mutated
Looks: Sableye with the head of a Cubone, holding a bone in each hand
Personality: Has a shy side, but is very confident in battle. Also has a mysterious side, which comes from the Sableye part of him.
With Or Against Team Eros: Against
History: A trainer (me), found the mutated Pokemon abandoned. Sam could tell that the trainer had felt bad for him. Ever since he had been abandoned from the people who made this mutation happened, he wanted revenge to stop the mutations. He wanted to be normal. But even since then, he's learned to live with how he looked.

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 824
Posted: Sun, 24/08/2014 22:47 (10 Years ago)
Sam was a newer mutation. Surprisingly enough, he was only one of the several that had survived this long. Though, right when he had come into this world by the cruel Team Eros, he was abandoned, just like that. He never knew why, nor did he know the reason for the mutations.
His Sableye face was covered by the mask of a Cubone. Clutched close together in his two shadowed hands were two bones. He never let go of those. They were always held tightly in those hands, for he was too afraid to let them go.
Beside him sat his new trainer. She was the one who took this mutated self in. He could always sense the pity she felt for him. Either way, she still kept him company, ever since the beginning.
Through the eye sockets of the Cubone mask, his jeweled eyes could still be seen, staring emotionless beyond the mask, into the distance.
Something was haunting his mind now. He couldn't stop thinking about it.
His trainer tried to speak to him, but he paid no attention.

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Sun, 24/08/2014 23:34 (10 Years ago)
Aurabelle peeked around the corner of the alley, her head just popping out slightly as she watched humans walk around on the roads. Worried about being seen, she looked around quickly once more, then darted up towards the berry cart she lain her eyes upon. Sneaking up behind the cart puller, she snatched a few berries in her mouth, gulping them down as fast as she could before running off to hide. She could hear the man screaming behind her. As hated as she was, she loved herself. Her undeniable unique beauty was something no one else could share with her, and that's what made her, her. When she finally was out of sight of any humans, she looked around making sure no one was to see her hiding spot. once in the little hollowed beneath tree trunk that was hidden by a fat bush, she sat down. Her parents passed through her head, how they cared for her untilt eh end when they were caught by a trainer.
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 824
Posted: Sun, 24/08/2014 23:48 (10 Years ago)
Sam hit the two bones together in his hands, as he was deep in thought. The trainer, who already knew him well, looked at him concerned. She knew what could possibly be on his mind. The trainer stayed quiet though.
The Pokemon was thinking back on Team Eros. When he was at their laboratory , he could remember seeing the people in the process of mutating two, or even three Pokemon together. Even some of them dying off just minutes after they became an actual being. It was a horrible sight, he thought. Not just horrible, but very saddening also. Who would be so cruel to do this to the Pokemon?
The taste for revenge on those people was strong in his mind. He didn't want any other Pokemon's lives to be lost, or to have to live like they were different and not wanted.
Sam rose to his feet, holding onto the ends of the bones, the tips of them pushing the sand aside beneath them. He turned to his trainer, pointing one of the bones onward, signaling that he wanted to keep moving. The trainer understood and got to her feet also. She let her Pokemon lead the way.

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 19:47 (10 Years ago)
As she lived and hid among the outskirts of the town, she could see everything that entered and left the city. It entertained her to watch the men struggle with crates and boxes they carried to the stores. She snickered as a young boy ran in front of a man carrying the box, the man tripping and stumbling to the ground. Looking away she stared off in the distance, wondering what her days adventures will be. She secretly watched from her hiding hole as a pachirisu scurried passed the bush, running deeper into the forest.
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 824
Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 03:12 (10 Years ago)
The two walked along the sodden ground, towards an opening that was clearly visible just ahead. This was where the Pokemon wanted to go; out in the open, where his curiosity would run wild.
Sam ran out ahead, his trainer quickly following behind him to catch up. In her mind, she wondered what he wanted to do with the town that was up ahead.
Just within a couple minutes of running, the two made it into town, Sam's trainer just beside him. His gaze skimmed over the people walking around, until his jeweled eyes stopped upon a berry cart. The ghost and ground type grinned. Dashing towards the cart, he took his shadowed hand to reach into the pile and grab a berry. The trainer quickly ran after him, just to find the berry merchant who stood beside the cart startled at Sam.
"Okay, okay, wait," he heard his trainer mumble. He could see her start to take out some coins to pay for a few berries. The merchant had took the money and then Sam was allowed to pick out five of his favorite berries. Quickly, he snatched them up, placing two in his mouth at a time, swallowing appreciatively.
Turning around, they both could hear the whispers of the other town folk, catching a glance of each staring at Sam. Sam stared back at them, hitting his two bones together, not liking the stares he was getting. The fifth berry that was in his hands still fell to the ground.

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 03:24 (10 Years ago)
Aurabelle giggled and barked a little at the man who dropped his crate, berries falling everywhere as the smashing sound echoed. She darted close over to him, snatching up the berries as fast as she could without getting kicked her hit by him. Listening as the man growled and screamed in anger, she knew she should stop, only to look at him and get kicked hard in the side by another crate carrying man. "Stupid mutt, get out of here!" he screamed at her, kicking her again before she could get away.
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 824
Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 03:40 (10 Years ago)
Hearing the noise of the crate falling, the townspeople changed their direction to the sound where the noise came from. Sam stared on for a couple seconds before picking up the berry he dropped, and he shoved it into his mouth.
"Come on, Sam. We should check out what happened," his trainer called, already running on ahead.
Sam, not really caring, followed on reluctantly. As he ran after his trainer, he could hear the shouts of a man getting louder and louder, and he knew they must be close.
The people just stared on after him, but some of them followed, as if they knew the man needed help, or they were just curious on what had happened.
Sam had skidded to a halt once he saw all of the berries sprawled onto the ground. His jeweled eyes sparkled, and he was tempted to snatch a few, but he held back, staring on to what was before him.

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 03:46 (10 Years ago)
"Mutt!" "Freak!" "Trash!" She heard the words of the two men echo in her ears as she was kicked once more before she finally could move away to her best ability. Skittering to her feet, she swiped a few more berries, stepping on the rest out of anger of the men. She growled at them, tempted to use Will-O-Wisp on them, but chose not to. She looked around, people stared at her, disgusted looks in their eyes as her different looking body wasn't something they were used to. She barked at the people surrounding her, noticing one pokemon that looked like a Cubone, but also as a Sableye. She barked again, warning them to stay away as she watched a tall woman come closer.
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 824
Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 04:05 (10 Years ago)
Sam's eyes never left the direction of the other Pokemon that stood before him. She was different too, just like him. She wasn't a normal Ninetails, the stripes of a Growlithe or Arcanine gave that away. A surge of understanding came through him. They both were the same, both got tangled into the mess of Team Eros.
He watched slowly and carefully at the the other Pokemon, as it seemed that she wanted to be left alone. He had the urge to help, but he was a bit afraid at how angry or frightened she was.
The two bones again, we're held tightly in his hands.
For now, he chose to stay put. He would wait and watch what else this Pokemon would do.

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 04:15 (10 Years ago)
Locking eyes with the unusual pokemon that stood before her, she stopped dead in her spot. She looked from the people gawking around and barked a warning at them once more, a few backing away now that the excitement was over. Before long, almost everyone moved onto their normal daily lives. "You.. You're different too..." Aurabelle whispered, shocked at what she's seeing. Studying his features, she noticed he looked abnormal, as though he wasn't born that way. Curious, she walked closer but not close enough to startle or anger the odd pokemon. Noticing the human standing next to him, she assumed it was his trainer.
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 824
Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 00:14 (10 Years ago)
Sam stood in his tracks and watched as the other odd Pokemon walked slowly towards him. He didn't know what to do or say, so he just stood there, staring. While he stared, he focused on the abnormal feature of the Ninetails. The mask-like Growlithe colors on her face, and the black stripes on her flank and stomach.
Beside him, he could feel his trainer tense up as she took watched the Pokemon slowly approach them. She didn't know what to do. Maybe just try and not be afraid?
Many of the berries were still sprawled on the ground around them, and the sweet, bitter, sour, and spicy scents of them drifted through the air. For a quick moment, Sam shifted his glance to one of the berries sitting beside him. He just wanted to take his gaze off of the other Pokemon for a few seconds.
Taking one of his bone clubs in his hands, he pushed one of the berries towards the other Pokemon to see what she would do.

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 00:54 (10 Years ago)
Her ears cowered as she watched the Pokemon push a berry towards her, her eyes dropping to it. Staring at it hungrily, she was cautious of her movement, she was out beaten here if she were to make a mistake as the Pokemon had a bones length on her. Lowering her head, she stared at him, slowly going towards the berry and taking a bite from it. It was sweet, as sweet as a berry could be and she smiled. Blushing softly, she finished the berry, then backed away a little, giving some room between the two odd pokemon and the trainer also.
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 824
Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 01:33 (10 Years ago)
Seeing the other Pokemon take and eat the berry, he grinned widely. She didn't act the way she had just minutes ago, towards the berry merchant, but different; she seemed a bit more shy and gentle. He was starting to feel a bit more comfortable around this Pokemon, and he sensed that his trainer felt the same.
Sam looked up at his trainer, who was still looking at the other Pokemon. He wondered what else was on her mind. Trying to make the current setting more comfortable, he too, took a berry and ate it. The two bones in his hands both hung to the ground, signaling that he would be no threat towards her.
His trainer too, who hadn't moved still, would be no threat either, and he knew.

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 01:49 (10 Years ago)
Aurabelle giggled softly under her breath, then smiled. "Shy much? Or just don't like talking. You know humans can't hear us," her soft playful voice filled the air around them, lingering into his ears. She sat and watched him, her head cocked to the side as she looked at his trainer. "Who's she? Your trainer? Your pet? Your owner?" She giggled and looked at him. "Do you want another berry?" she asked, curious as she looked at the berry pile to her left.
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 824
Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 02:34 (10 Years ago)
The Sableye was quiet for a few moments longer as he hesitated. He tilted his head, his blue jeweled eyes staring at her. "Well, I just wasn't quite sure on what to say," he replied, voice raspy. Upon her question, his gaze drifted back to his trainer, and he thought about the first day he saw her. "She's my trainer. The only human who decided to take me in, despite the way I looked."
He looked back at the berry pile next to her. Such a tempting sight.. the ghost grinned again, knowing that he could take as many as he wanted. They weren't going to be put to waste. The Pokemon nodded. "Another berry would be great."

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Thu, 04/09/2014 23:12 (10 Years ago)
She nodded to him, pushing a berry with her paw towards him. "I'm Aurabelle, and you? And her?" she smiled and nodded towards his trainer, curious of who she was as she wasn't ever close to any humans. Looking around them, she noticed another human that was watching them, glaring with an angered tone as they rushed passed. He looked as though she and the other Pokemon had done something wrong.
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 824
Posted: Thu, 04/09/2014 23:24 (10 Years ago)
Sam took the berry and ate it immediately, the sweet juice of the berry filling his mouth. He had ignored the other human who had passed them, sensing the mood that they already had. He could understand why they would feel that way, but it didn't bother him.
"Aurabelle? I like it," he said, grinning, "The name's Sam, at least that's what my trainer calls me. She calls herself Renee, from what I understand."
His laughter that followed was a bit ominous, but it faded as quickly as it came. He plopped himself down on the ground, the bones in his lap. Still looking at the other Pokemon, he said, "Tell me your story, your background. How did you manage to survive out here?"

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 00:33 (10 Years ago)
She looked at him, confused. "Sur..Survive out here? What do you mean? I've always been out here," she said, her head cocked to the side in curiosity. She looked at Renee and then back to Sam, wondering if he had been locked up his whole life or something. "My parents were caught by a trainer, that's the last time I saw them. I've been on my own since," she spoke in a softer tone, her parents being taken away was one of the hardest things in her life to deal with.
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 824
Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 00:53 (10 Years ago)
"You never have any major problems with getting along with other Pokemon or humans? I mean, a lot don't appreciate us or treat us the same," he replied, trying to make his question more understandable for the Ninetails. When she brought up the situation on what had happened to her parents, he could tell that it was something she didn't want to talk about. He never knew his parents to be completely honest, but that too, didn't bother him as much as some thought he would.
Trying to not push on the subject, he replied, "I'm sorry to hear, but maybe you'll see them again someday. I'm sure they're still out there."

Character owned by me, art by JadeING