Forum Thread
(1x1 with Locke) - the Summoning of Alphlight
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → (1x1 with Locke) - the Summoning of AlphlightHere are the Starter Pokémon:

All of the fully-evolved Starter Pokémon can Mega Evolve, but I have not been able to scan their art yet, so for now I shall just explain their Abilities when Mega Evolved:
Mega Wingrene has Vital, allowing it to regain 1/8 of its health every turn.
Mega Basilamp has Possess, letting it change Forme under certain circumstances (as it is based on a Tsukumogami, each Forme is a different object).
Mega Rinthuest has Puppeteer, giving it a slight chance of attacking twice or three times when using a move that normally strikes only once, at the cost of some recoil for each additional hit.
Here is the form:
Character Name: (This can just be their nickname if they go by something other than their real name.)
Character Appearance: (This can be a sprite or a description.)
Starter Pokémon: (This is the starter that they will choose when they reach the Lab. The reason that it is on the form is because I want you to have first pick. ^^)
I don't think there's anything else to have here, so I'll just ask questions to you as I decide what else is important. ^^
Character List:

CarpetMonster: Yuki (Image to come soon; I think you know what he looks like, though) - Starter: Odark
We can each influence the plot however we want. The basic idea is that the antagonistic team discovered the version of the regions with which we are familiar, and are trying to open a portal to connect them using the Legendary Alphlight; however, to meet Alphlight, they need to capture Doomgon and Savegon, which will disrupt the balance of both worlds. Although their cause itself isn't necessarily bad, it will be disastrous for everyone if they do it with the power of Doomgon and Savegon.
That is pretty much it for now. ^^