Forum Thread
Storage Boxes - Show Item Symbol
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → Storage Boxes - Show Item SymbolI guess the most of you know the following problem/s:
You are trading a lot of items with another user and want to take the items from the traded pokemon. But you can't remember all pokemon so you have to search for it some time.
Or: You want to give some of your "new" pokemons an everstone, cuz you hatched a lot of pokemon in last time. but now you have to click at some pokemon to see if they already have an everstone or not.
A small symbol for the Items in the Storrage Boxes near the pokemon.
I made a little example:

-You can see very quickly which of your pokemon is holding an Item
-You can see which of your pokemon needs an everstone
(any more pros or maybe some cons?)
So what do you think? Do we need it or is it a waste of time?
Other suggestion:
BlueAbsol: "May I suggest something else? Not exactly an icon representing the actual item but a symbol so we know the Pokemon holds an item. Less coding, not many new mini sprites, blah blah."
I'm not pretty sure if there's enough space for a mini picture. that's why i suggested it this way. (well.. and because of the time you need to pixel every single item in a smaller version)
I'll edit the idea as far as I know more ;)
Unless people would rather it be between a general "I" for item and "E" for everetone.
I also like the idea that maybe an mini image of the item the Pokemon is holding would be shown. I'm sure if it was fixed to a tiny image, there would be room for that image to fit. When looking through storage boxes at least.
But, the only way you can take an item from a Pokemon is if you go to their summary page.
Where are you suggesting that the image would be shown? Storage boxes, boxes (from user page), pop up box that shows all Pokemon, etc.?

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
It's not too crowded, and the images of the items fit, and aren't blurry so you can tell what is what.
This could help a lot.
I like your suggestion. Support from me cx

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
But what if you buy i huge amount of item from another users at once? (rare candies, fossils, boxes, keys etc)
You have to search for a very long time until you find the pokemon with those items, because a lot of users have more than 100 pokemon in a box (and all in all maybe 800+ pokemon)
you can easily miss a pokemon if you want to give every of your pokemon an everstone
(or to those which needs one), because you have to click on a pokemon before you see if it's holding an everstone.
I suggested it because it makes things easier. also for the people who just put everstones to their pokemon.
And I see a lot of people who are looking for huge amounts of items (and i don't mean gems). Yes, you can remember the pokemon if you trade just 1-3 items.. but it gets difficult if you trade 5, 8 or more items at once.
(i guess i made a lot of mistakes in this text >.< sorry)
Like a small gift box next to the pokemon's sprite.

This would also be useful if you decided to send an item via wondertrade. The person could see that there is a held item prior to (for example) releasing the pokemon
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk

I have found a lot of really useful items in random pokemon, i got -for example- in WT, GTS... and i must click 200 pokemon one by one to see which of them haves an item.
You can know which of your pokemons needs en everstone, too, that's really good for people who is massclicked many times and loses Dex entries while he doesn't know why .3.