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If Pokemon were Greek Gods

Forum-Index Discussion If Pokemon were Greek Gods
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Fri, 15/08/2014 20:00 (10 Years ago)
If pokemon where greek gods, what gods where they?
List of gods

"Will You Interact?"
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 404
Posted: Fri, 15/08/2014 21:01 (10 Years ago)
There is a lot more Greek Gods than that :/
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 642
Posted: Fri, 15/08/2014 21:04 (10 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 16/08/2014 02:39 (10 Years ago)
Aphrodite would totally be Ninetails...she so purdy and elegant and FIAH POWAH can be a euphemism for hotness.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 142
Posted: Sat, 16/08/2014 18:09 (10 Years ago)
I know, I jus tput down the main ones

I Think
-Zeus = Thundorous
-Posiedon = Kyogre
-Hades = I think Mega Bannete
-Hephasteus = heatran
-Aphrodite = Milotic
-Artemis = ?
-Hercules = MAchamp
-Hera = Luvdisc

"Will You Interact?"
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 836
Posted: Sat, 16/08/2014 21:26 (10 Years ago)
Artemis could be umbreon or a different dark type pokemon~

interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 300
Posted: Sat, 16/08/2014 21:57 (10 Years ago)
I would say-
Zeus = Zapdos (Lord of the Sky and Lightning)
Poseidon = Keldeo (Poseidon was in charge of the seas and horses, which he created out of seafoam with Athena, I think)
Hades = Giratina, I'd say, considering Hades is usually portrayed as estranged from his brothers and sisters, as Giratina is, plus, y'know, Giratina.
Hephaestus = Conkledurr, probably, seeing as how it taught humans how to make concrete and Hephaestus was a smith, so he made things
Aphrodite = Luvdisc is kinda cliché, but it fits, but Ninetales might fit better, or perhaps Persian
Artemis = Houndoom or Mightyena, being hunters and dark types are my opinion, as even though she's not technically associated with darkness, she's the twin of Apollo, and they're fraternal, not identical.
Hercules = Totally doesn't count. But if I had to say, I'd go with Medicham or Machamp. Machamp is kinda the typical fighting hero, but Medicham has psychic abilities, which would correspond to his semi-divinity in my opinion
Hera = Hmm, tough one. I'd say something that's an all-female species, since Hera is the goddess of women and marriage. Probably Chansey, as I see Chansey as sort of a mothering figure with all that healing and such. Miltank is also applicable considering the era in which Greek gods were worshiped, but also very insulting in today's society, so we'll go with Chansey.
Apollo = He should totally be a Sunflora! xD Anywho, jk, jk, I'd definitely go with Espeon for him. Espeon is associated with the sun, as is Apollo, and Espeon is also psychic and knowledgeable, which covers the rest of Apollo's godly domain, and trust me, there is a lot of it. Seriously, Apollo is like the god of everything. Light, sun, truth, prophecy, healing, plague, music, poetry, academia, harmony, logic, intellect, etc., etc. The list literally goes on.
Ares = Mega Houndoom. Bloody and dark and warlike, plus convenient armor plates! Either that or Mega Aggron or Mega Tyranitar, or possibly Tyrantum.
Athena = Noctowl. Just Noctowl.
Hermes = Delibird. It's kinda bad, I don't really like Delibird, but it fits. Delivers messages and such, flys around. Maybe one of the Pidgeots from the Pidgey Express anime episode, those deliver stuff and are a lot cooler than Delibird. (And can actually fly.)

I added a few more gods and goddesses. I've excluded Demeter, Hestia, and Dionysus, the first two for their obscurity, and the latter for his promiscuity. Hehe, rhyming. But seriously, he's not exactly PG13, and I can't really think of a pokemon that would match his drunkenness.

EDIT: Can you tell I like mythology? -brick'd- >>;

Credit for avatar goes to MikanRin on PokeFarm. It's a Houndour gijinka! ^^~