Forum Thread
Emera's Got Talent
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → Emera's Got TalentIm Your Host.......Goldenarcanine!
This new contest is to show how pokemon are so amazing! Your Pokemon will have to sign up with two moves that will dazzle our judges.
Our Judges

Ash (Likes moves that can easily K.O.
Dawn (Likes moves that will look beautiful when performed together)
Bonnie (Likes Pokemon and moves that look cute, also likes when pokemon have cute names)
Brock (Likes Shiny Pokemon with defensive moves)
Dawn (Likes moves that will look beautiful when performed together)
Bonnie (Likes Pokemon and moves that look cute, also likes when pokemon have cute names)
Brock (Likes Shiny Pokemon with defensive moves)
To sign your pokemon up, please use the correct form below
You will need *'s To move on to the next round
If you get Less than 3 *'s, or more 1 X's You get eliminated!
We can only have 30 Contestants To Start,

Mr Mustacho with Natso (Shiny
Shiny_Lanturn with Bellosom
Dilluscus with Magmartor
Corebress with Hydreigon
Pichu_King with Raichu Lord
SteelTheSeel with SteelTheSpheal
Mega Charmander with Shiny Mudkip
Dilluscus with Magmartor
Corebress with Hydreigon
SteelTheSeel with SteelTheSpheal
Mega Charmander with Shiny Mudkip
When We make it to one winner they will win the Emera Golden Ducklett Award!


"Will You Interact?"
Username - MrMistacho
Link To My Talented Pokemon - Here
What moves my pokemon will use - curse, flamethrower will o wisp and energy ball
Link To My Talented Pokémon - Here!
What moves my Pokémon will use: Petal Blizzard, Petal Dance, Mega Drain, and Magical Leaf.
Username: Dilluscus
Link To My Talented Pokemon:-Here
What Moves my Pokemon Will use: Flamethrower, Hidden Power, Power-up Punch, Double Team.

Ash * "Your Pokemons moves are very powerful, and
put me in a battling mood, I loved It!
Dawn X "Your Pokemons Moves were scary, and not entertaining for me to watch! I could never imagine using a move like curse in a battle!
Bonnie * Your pokemon is really cute, it put on a GREAT show, I cant wait to see what you do next time
Brock * " have to say your Shiny Chandelure is a real beauty!"
Dawn X "Your Pokemons Moves were scary, and not entertaining for me to watch! I could never imagine using a move like curse in a battle!
Bonnie * Your pokemon is really cute, it put on a GREAT show, I cant wait to see what you do next time
Brock * " have to say your Shiny Chandelure is a real beauty!"

"Will You Interact?"

Ash X
Your pokemon is not strong and could use more levels
Dawn * Your pokemon is cute, and the moves put a dazzle in my eyes!
Bonnie * Your pokemon is So cute
Brock X Your pokemon couold easily be knocked right over and does not have much defense!
Im sorry You did not make it to the next round :(
Dawn * Your pokemon is cute, and the moves put a dazzle in my eyes!
Bonnie * Your pokemon is So cute
Brock X Your pokemon couold easily be knocked right over and does not have much defense!
Im sorry You did not make it to the next round :(
Dilluscus's results are.......

Ash * Your pokemon is amazingly strong!
Dawn * Your pokemon is very cool and its moves look bootiful together :)
Bonnie X Your pokemon is scary
Brock * Your pokemon is and invinsible steel tank!
Dawn * Your pokemon is very cool and its moves look bootiful together :)
Bonnie X Your pokemon is scary
Brock * Your pokemon is and invinsible steel tank!

"Will You Interact?"
Username - Corebess
Link To My Talented Pokemon - Here's the talented pokèmon!
What moves my pokemon will use - Tri Attack, Dragon Pulse, Attract and Dark Pulse.

ash * Your pokemon is very strong and when your
pokemon uses Dark Pulse, the attack value gets tripled because of
its three heads!
Dawn * Your pokemon looks wonderful with its three heads, it makes it look 3x more dazzling
Bonnie * Your pokemon is SO cute!!!!!!!!
Brock * your pokemon has great defensive values and couldn't even be knocked over by a cannonball!
Dawn * Your pokemon looks wonderful with its three heads, it makes it look 3x more dazzling
Bonnie * Your pokemon is SO cute!!!!!!!!
Brock * your pokemon has great defensive values and couldn't even be knocked over by a cannonball!

"Will You Interact?"
Link to talented pokemonhere
Moves electro ball,iron tall agility and volt tackle