I want to participate in the Monay/Terra/Item Raffle!
Username: deathneko
Number: 6 for all
Password: ShinyPhantump
Good luck to all and good luck for your hunt!
I want to participate in the Legnedary, Terra Cave, and Item
Number:21 for Legendary, 9 for Terra Cave and 18 for item.
Good luck to all!
I want to participate in the Terra Cave Raffle!
Username: Buizel1
Number: 8
Password: ShinyPhantump
Good luck to all! I want to participate in the Money Raffle!
Username: Buizel1
Number: 14
Password: ShinyPhantump
Good luck to all! I want to participate in the Legendary Raffle!
Username: Buizel1
Number: 14
Password: ShinyPhantump
Good luck to all!
I want to participate in the Legendary Raffle, Terra Cave
Username: nextname
Legendary Number: 42
Terra Cave Number: 24
Password: ShinyPhantump
Good luck to all!
I want to participate in the Money, Terra Cave, and Item
Username: Gothbutter
Number: Money #15, Terra Cave #15, and Item #7.
Password: ShinyPhantump
Good luck to all!
I want to participate in the Legendary, Money and Terra Cave
Username: DarkDragon
Number: Legendary #3, Money #6, Terra Cave #9
Password: ShinyPhantump
Good luck to all!
I want to participate in the Legendary, Item and Money
Username: Chicken
Number: #39 (Legendary), #22 (Item) and #34 (Money)
Password: ShinyPhantump
Good luck to all!
Thank you for this, I wish you've had a good time on Pokéheroes
previously sotku
i'm trying to get rid of my stuff. help me out? PH for