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M i s s i o n s . Mystery Dungeon RP (Always accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP M i s s i o n s . Mystery Dungeon RP (Always accepting)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 00:12 (10 Years ago)
You ache all over from a source you can't put your finger on. Your surroundings aren't familiar, and the air smells...salty, like the beach. Why are you here?

A slightly worried figure stands above you, relief flooding their face as they see you're awake. "You've been passed out for some time now," they say as you ask what was going on. Confused, you ask how they can talk when they appear to be a Pokémon, only for them to tell you that...

...You're a Pokémon too?!

F o r m :

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Picture(not needed):
Team Name:
Team Leader?:
Turned into Pokémon?:

Not sure what else to do, you decide to partner up with this Pokémon and join a rescue team. It's the least you can do after they basically just rescued you from dying here at this beach.

They explain to you all about this amazing Pokémon Paradise the townspeople have been trying to make and wants to join in and help. The Paradise Center does rescue missions to help other Pokémon trapped inside mysterious places called Mystery Dungeons, or even putting criminals to justice.

You head into this 'Pokémon Paradise' place and obtain explorer kits, rescue badges, and a hut to live in.

What is the name of your rescue team?

R e s c u e T e a m s :

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Team Name: Team Fantasy
Leader: Lyrai (f.Lopunny)
Other Members: Eclipse(f.Espeon)

Team Name: Team Aura Fang
Leader: Gray(m.Lucario)
Other Members: Jackal(m.Luxray)

Team Name: Team Pokéball
Leader: Rick(m.Quilava)
Other Members: Static(m.Pikachu)

Team Name: Team Kinesis
Leader: Mason(m.Espeon)
Other Members: Shay(f.Gardevoir), Bay(m.Gallade)

Team Name: Team Blue Shock
Leader: Blitz(m.Squirtle)
Other Members: Chucky(m.Eevee)

Team Name: Team Seven Tails
Leader: Taylor(f.Vulpix)
Other Members: Thunder(m.Shinx)

M e d i c D e n :

T e a m - l e s s :

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T o w n P o k é m o n/S h o p s :

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Phantom Frost(f.Froslass) - Phantom's TM's

R e s e r v e d** :

C r u s h e s :

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R e l a t i o n s h i p s :

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Everyone's lonely ;3;

You've created your rescue team and are a real explorer now! Will you be good...or evil?

L e R u l e s :

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~NO Mega Evolutions! If we don't have trainers with mega rings, how could you mega evolve?
~No more than TWO LEGENDARIES per person.
~No more than ONE SHINY per person.
~Please try to make a fairly even amount of males and females.
~NO duplicates! There are 700+ Pokémon, do you really need to have the same Pokémon as someone else?
~Romance is ENCOURAGED! Any pairing, any preference. Don't like, get out.
~PG-13 everyone. >3<
~No god mods. If you are one, EVERYONE WILL HATE YOU. Just saying.
~Please don't crush on yourself. I don't really see how that's any fun at all
~No one likes one liners, so don't do them. It doesn't make the RP progress at all and gives people basically nothing to work with for their response.
~Only LITERATE roleplay, please.
~No Fakemon, only Canon characters.
~Be reasonable in battle. A level 50 Vivillon still should not be able to beat a level 42 Arcanine.
~Don't make your characters Mary Sue/Gary Sue. No one wants to roleplay with an android Larvesta named Space Buggles who was created by Team Galactic to destroy everyone.
~Only make as many characters as you can handle! Characters may be erased if you no longer want them, just inform me.
~Please wait for me to accept you, then feel free to RP all you want!
~Have fun! <3

N o t C u r r e n t l y A c c e p t i n g . . . :

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M y C h a r a c t e r s :

T e l e r a :
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Name: Telera
Level: 72
Gender: Genderless(Going with female)
Pokémon: Jirachi
Personality: A really sweet, fun loving legendary who loves to laugh and pay games. Don't take offense if she laughs at you, she doesn't mean it in a mean way. Is often seen giggling or floating around and is very childish and silly.
Team Name: Doesn't have a team yet- explores herself.
Team Leader?: No team
Partner(s): None yet.
Moves: Wish, Doom Desire, Psychic, Iron Head.
Accessories: An orangy-yellow bandana she wears like a cape around her neck.
Rank: Explorer
Turned into Pokémon?: No
History: Simply wants to be on a rescue team.
Crush: Open
Other: Nnnnope~

L y a r i :
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Name: Lyari
Level: 58
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Lopunny
Personality: Comments with witty remarks and has a sharp tongue. However, she's a pretty cool chic to hang out with and loves a good adventure- and a good prank.
Team Name: Team Fantasy
Team Leader?: Yes
Partner(s): Eclipse (Espeon)
Moves: Giga Impact, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Dizzy Punch.
Accessories: A golden heal scarf wrapped loosely around her neck. It regains her HP overtime.
Rank: Explorer
Turned into Pokémon?: Yes
History: She was a fashion module who went on a cruise before turning into a Pokémon. Most memories of her being a human are fuzzy and faint, and she pretends it was all just a bad dream. However, she can't shrug off the fact that she knows it was real and sometimes has vivid memories of when she was a human.
Crush: Open
Other: Loves sweet foods and will do almost anything for a bunch of Pecha berries. Keeps the fact that she used to be a human a secret.

E c l i p s e :
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Name: Eclipse
Level: 54
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Espeon
Personality: A quiet, intelligent Espeon. She's basically fearless, but keeps to herself.
Team Name: Team Fantasy
Team Leader?: No
Partner(s): Lyari (Lopunny)
Moves: Dig, Psychic, Morning Sun, Calm Mind.
Accessories: A necklace with a small piece of a sun stone attached to it.
Rank: Explorer
Turned into Pokémon?: No
History: Was abandoned by her trainer after evolving into an Espeon instead of an Umbreon.
Crush: Open
Other: Has a deep hatred for Umbreon's. whish is ironically my favorite eeveelution

P h a n t o m F r o s t :
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Name: Phantom Frost (goes by just Phantom).
Level: 62
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Froslass
Personality: Manipulative, sneaky, clever and smart with a gentle, caring side. She has a weak heart, but a strong mind.
Team Name: None
Team Leader?: No
Partner(s): None
Moves*: Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Blizzard, Ominous Wind
Accessories: None
Rank: Shop keeper (Phantom's TM's)
Turned into Pokémon?: No
History:As a Snorunt, she was captured by a poacher who had wandered into her home, the Frost Caverns. Escaping the poachers had cost her friend their life, which she had sworn to protect. After returning to her home, she lived in those caverns the rest of her life, causing mischief and harm to trespassers and driving them away to protect the Snorunt that lived there, earning the title, "Protector of the Frost". Gaining confidence, she's decided to finally leave the cave and has travelled to the Pokémon Paradise, setting up shop.
Crush/Mate: Open
Other: Has a deep hatred for humans.

H a z e :
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Name: Haze
Level: 45
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Greninja
Personality: A quiet Greninja with a very low self-esteem, although he tries to hide it.
Team Name: None
Team Leader?: No
Partner(s): None
Moves*: Night Slash, Surf, Water Shuriken, Mat Block.
Accessories: None
Rank: Explorer
Turned into Pokémon?: No
History: Used to be owned by a beginning trainer and was chosen at Professor Sycamore's lab. Came to the Paradise Center after being abandoned and decided just to live on his own, but help rescue Pokémon and explore Mystery Dungeons.
Crush/Mate: Open
Other: Simply goes on explorations in the dungeons. Isn't a member of the Pokémon Paradise.

T h u n d e r :
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Name: Thunder
Level: 13
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Shinx
Personality: A bouncy, perky Shinx.
Team Name: None
Team Leader?: No
Partner(s): None
Moves*: Quick Attack, Thunder Shock, Leer.
Accessories: A pale Persim scarf, which prevents confusion.
Rank: Wants to be an explorer
Turned into Pokémon?: No
History: Simply always dreamed of exploring the Mystery Dungeons.
Crush/Mate: Taylor~
Other: I do not plan on him evolving~

A u t u m n :
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Name: Autumn
Level: 30
Gender: Female
Pokémon: Bayleef
Personality: A sweet Bayleef with a big heart and heap loads of bravery. Has always wanted a rescue team.
Team Name: N / A
Team Leader?: N / A
Partner(s): N / A
Moves*: Razor Leaf, Mega Drain, Synthesis, Sleep Powder.
Accessories: A loose necklace with a leaf stone on it.
Rank: Explorer
Turned into Pokémon?: Yes
History: Only remembers that she was a human who loved nature and had auburn hair, like Autumn leaves. Has been a little lonely and awkward coming into the Pokémon world, but will keep up her bravery never the less.
Crush/Mate: Open
Other: N / A

*PLEASE make your moves both reasonable to your type and level. If you're a Level 5, sorry, but you can't have Hyper Beam, Sheer Cold, Thunder, Focus Blast, etc. Even if you can learn a very powerful move by TM, if you're a Level 5, 8, or even 10, you most likely will not have enough experience or even money to buy the TM. And if you go into dungeons to get the money you need to buy it, you train up anyways. Like I said in the rules, no one likes a God Mod.

**If you've got a Pokémon reserved, they will stay reserved for about a week. If you don't come and fill out a form for them to start roleplaying, I may remove them from the reserved list. You can still come later if the Pokémon you reserved but waited too long for hasn't been taken yet, but keep in mind they may very well be taken by someone else. Same goes for if you're inactive too long, your Pokémon may be removed from the list of ones taken altogether. I'll PM you to ask if you're still active beforehand, of course.

Those are my babies. <3
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 00:50 (10 Years ago)
Name: Taylor
Level: 15 (for now)
Picture(not needed)://
Personality: Supposed to be relaxed, but actually very hyper and easily scared
Team Name: Waiting
Team Leader?: Waiting
Partner(s): Waiting?
Moves*: to be revealed
Accessories: A pink pecha scarf
Rank: Exploration at somepoint
Turned into Pokémon?: Yup
History: Was a human :3
Crush/Mate: LOOKING

Name: Nova
Level: 30
Gender: F
Pokémon: Braxian (evolves later)
Picture(not needed):
Personality: Rather happy go lucky, though hides her sadness
Team Name:N/A
Team Leader?:N/A
Partner(s): Wants Haze c:
Moves*: Later >:3
Accessories: Usually carries around a flower
Rank: Explorer
Turned into Pokémon?: no
History: Revealed later
Crush/Mate: Haze >:3
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 01:15 (10 Years ago)
(( You're accepted, my friend~ ))

Those are my babies. <3
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 01:26 (10 Years ago)
Haze || Greninja

Haze was heading towards the entrance to the Mystery Dungeons, wondering which one he should explore today. He had his explorer pack and a slip of paper with the job he had taken on it, so he was all set to head out.
However, the Greninja was growing bored of doing the same old job-and-exploring routine. It was no fun, going by yourself, but ever since that incident with his own trainer...he never wanted another partner again.

Thunder || Shinx

Thunder sighed, gazing along the Pokémon Plaza in Pokémon Paradise. Everyone was happily getting ready to explore, all except him.
He desperately wanted to ask Taylor, the adorable Vulpix he kept seeing around, if she wanted to make a rescue team with him, but couldn't muster up the courage. She probably already has a partner anyways, the little Shinx thought sadly, puffing out his cheeks.

Those are my babies. <3
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 01:32 (10 Years ago)
Taylor the Vulpix;
Taylor sat alone, watching all the other pokemon get ready. She looked over and saw Thunder. Getting up, she bounded over, "Hello!" She said, wanting nothing more then to make a new friend. It was getting boring, all by herself.

Nova the Braixen;

Nove stuck the twig between her ear, sorting through the explorer bag. Did she have everything she need? Berries, scarves, etc...Yup, she was ready! She got up, looking around. She wished she had a partner, someone to share her experiences with. She sighed, all well. Time to go!
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 01:40 (10 Years ago)
Haze || Greninja

Re-reading the job he had picked out for the day, the Greninja noticed a young Braixen looking excited about going exploring. He smiled to himself, putting the paper back in his bag. He remembered when he was that excited about missions.

Thunder || Shinx

Thunder gasped, watching the Vulpix hop over to her, and even greet him! Act cool, act cool... he thought to himself.
"Um, hi!" He smiled at her, his tail flicking behind him. "Aren't you Taylor? I've seen you around."

Those are my babies. <3
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 01:44 (10 Years ago)
Taylor the Vulpix;

"Yup! I'm Taylor. I'm kinda new here." She said, her tails swinging behind her. "Are you...Thunder?" She asked, trying to remember the name. She grinned happily, her scarf covering some of her face.

Nova the Braixen;

Nova looked over and saw a more experienced explorer watching her. She smiled at him, hoping for him to notice. She put the bag on her back, taking the twig from her ear.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 01:50 (10 Years ago)
Haze || Greninja

The Braixen had stopped; he saw her out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head slightly to glance at her, wondering if she had stopped on purpose. Oh well, why not give a greeting anyways. "Oh, hello."

Thunder || Shinx

"Yeah, I'm kinda new here too," he admitted, happy to know they were on the same page. Her knowing his name made him flick his tail once more, happily. "Yeah, Thunder! That's me!" He smiled.

Those are my babies. <3
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 01:54 (10 Years ago)
Taylor The Vulpix;

"Yay!" the vulpix exclaimed happily, "We could go together, if you'd like!"

Nova the Braixen;

Nova looked over, "Why hello there!" she said happily, flipping the twig in her...paws.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 02:07 (10 Years ago)
Thunder || Shinx

Thunder gasped, eyes lighting up with excitement. "Really? You wanna?" He asked. Ths was great! If this exploration went well, they could even form a rescue team together!

Haze || Greninja

He slung his pack over his shoulder, nodding at her. "Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got a job I have to complete. Maybe I'll see you around?" He asked, starting to head towards the dungeon.

Those are my babies. <3
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 02:16 (10 Years ago)
Taylor the Vulpix;

Taylor nodded, "Sure! It'd be fun!" She said happily. Her eyes brightened happily.

Nova the Braixen;

"Yea, maybe." Nova said with a small smile, and waved her paw in farewell. She waited for a second, then thought something, "W-Wait!! Maybe I can go with you this time...?"

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 02:29 (10 Years ago)
Haze || Greninja

He turned his head back to her before heading completely towards to dungeon, blinking. "Well, if you really want to, I don't see why not," he replied, liking the idea of her coming. "I hope you're read though, because I'm leaving now." He gestured towards the dungeon entrance that was just up ahead.

Thunder || Shinx

"Awesome!" He cried excitedly, bouncing over to the Job Bulletin. "Come on, Taylor, let's choose a job!"

Those are my babies. <3
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 02:33 (10 Years ago)
Nova the Braixen:

"Yeah, I'm ready." Nova said, bounding up to catch up with him. "It'll be nice to go with someone." Another smile.

Taylor the Vulpix;

Taylor ran after him, "Yea! What kind of job should we do?"
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 02:39 (10 Years ago)
Haze || Greninja

Haze nodded, walking beside her as they headed towards the dungeon. "Yeah, it will be. I don't usually have company when I go, so this is a nice change." He smiled lightly, though it was barely visible under that tongue scarf. "The job I've chosen is simply to retrieve a missing Moon Stone for a Skitty that wants to evolve. It shouldn't be too hard."

Thunder || Shinx

"Hmm..." he thought, wondering. "Maybe a rescue mission! Those are super exciting!"

Those are my babies. <3
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 02:43 (10 Years ago)
Nova the Braixen;

Nova nodded, "Simple enough." She smiled, looking up in the air. She flipped the twig.

Taylor the Vulpix;

"Yeah, those are fun! I would like that. Excitement would be great!"
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 02:55 (10 Years ago)
Haze || Greninja

"Should be," he replied, heading into the dungeon, labelled Sandy Hill.
"Be careful in here. There will be lots of Rock-and Ground-type Pokémon, and on some floors, maybe even sandstorms."

Thunder || Shinx

The Shinx looked at the variety of jobs, then looked at Taylor.
"You wanna pick one?" He asked, stepping back to let her have a closer look at the board.

Those are my babies. <3
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 02:59 (10 Years ago)
Nova the Braixen;

"I'll be careful, don't worry." Nova said, flashing him a smile.

Taylor the Vulpix;
Taylor bounded forward, and scanned the job bulletin. "How about...this one!" She said, pulling off a rescue mission for a starly.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 10:22 (10 Years ago)
Name: Gray
Level: 68
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Lucario
Picture(not needed): clip clop won't work on my phone. :3
Personality: Gray is a very cold and distant pokemon. He learned early on not to trust anyone to quickly- apart from his partner. So he simply didn't. He is very suspicious and distrusting of everyone he meets. It takes along time to gain Gray's trust. But once you do, it is worth it. This pokemon will do anything in the world for someone he cares about. So don't give up hope if he gives you the cold shoulder or a glare. It's just Gray testing you to see if you're worthy of his trust.
Team Name: Team Aura Fang
Team Leader?: Yes.
Partner(s): Jackal the Luxray
Moves*: Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Dig, Dark Pulse
Accessories: He wears a Lucky Ribbon around his neck- it gives the user experience when attacked.
Rank: Hyper Rank Explorer
Turned into Pokémon?: Yes, several years ago.
History: From the first time he woke up on that beach with a frightened Shinx staring at him, Gray knew he's been given a second chance. All he remembers from his human life is that he was miserable. So he simply made the best of his new life. Partnered with the Shinx named Jackal, joined the Guild as an exploration team, and did his best. He was always distrusting of others, and that feeling grew to near hatred of everyone besides his partner as he continued being an explorer. After a few years, his heart grew cold to everyone but his partner. He was tired of being weak, so he trained hard. Now his team is one of the most powerful in the guild! He has completely disowned his former 'human' life. The one now is all that matters.
Crush/Mate: HAHAHAHAHAHAA- Oh you're serious.
Other: Haiiiiiiii :3

Name: Jackal
Level: 67
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Luxray
Picture(not needed): clip clop same story as before
Personality: Jackal is much like Gray, only a bit more... Open. Sure, he isn't going to accept every pokemon he meets with open arms, but he isn't nearly as cold and distant as his partner. He has learned to be wary of everyone he meets, at least until he has learned more. He is a bit more compassionate and willing than his partner, but that's just how they work.
Team Name: Team Aura Fang
Team Leader?: It's Gray.
Partner(s): Gray the Lucario
Moves*: Thunder Bolt, Ice Fang, Crunch, Night Slash
Accessories: He wears a Power Band around his neck- it greatly enhances the attack and sp. attack power of the user.
Rank: Hyper Rank
Turned into Pokémon?: Nope, but his partner did.
History: He was always a frightened little Shinx. He was terrified of everyone he met. Until one day he found a Riolu unconscious on the beach. He was worried sick. Little did he know this pokemon would become his best friend. After gaining each other's trust, they were inseparable. After joining the guild, they put out much hard work. Slowly but surely, they became stronger. They've now graduated the Guild's Apprentice program and are full fledged explorers. Jackal couldn't be more proud of himself and his best friend.
Crush/Mate: Nopenopenopenopenope
Other: Herrerooooooo x3
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 13:59 (10 Years ago)
(( Of course you are in my friend uvu should we continue from last time but with just Telera? (I don't have Sparks for one of my other friends wants to be Ampharos.) ))

Haze || Greninja

"So," Haze began to break the awkward silence as they began their search, "why did you ask me to go exploring all of a sudden?"

Thunder || Shinx

He read the mission, nodding. "Okay, sounds great!" he smiled. It would be simple and easy, for the mission was in Apple Woods, so they could have some fun while completing it.

Those are my babies. <3
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 14:34 (10 Years ago)
Nova the Braixen;

"Thought it would be nice for a change, going with someone." Nova said cheerfully, "I was just lucky that you let me."

Taylor the Vulpix;

Taylor smiled, "Great! Do you have everything ready? I already have my bag packed and ready to go."