Alarms blared and in seconds grunts and one of the admins of team
sunken were surrounding them "Bad move" S said coming from behind
them "Now ... either you join us and get your legends back" All of
the grunts fired a gun at suicune which caused it to turn to stone
"Or you go home leaving your legends here and forgetting this
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
S Laughed "Oh you fools" Then the grunts hit fin and blaze with the
guns that turned them to stone "Now leave and you get your pokemon
back except for suicune Or join us you get your pokemon back
suicune back and we have other pokemon or legends you may have..
and if you try to resist either option again then you will be.."
the grunts pointed there guns at rick and tom.
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
I jumped off Aqua, and ran over to Fin and Blaze. "Fin... and
Blaze... are family!" I yelled, "I've been through everything
together! And you're gonna pay!" Then, Blaze and Fin broke out of
the stone. "HYDRO PUMP!" I yelled, "ICE BEAM!" Fin used hydro pump,
and Aqua used Ice beam, completely freezing S, preserving him in
ice. "HOW'S THAT?" I yelled.
Then the grunts fired the stone guns at fin and blaze full powered
the admin started chipping ice off of S And then another admin came
"S wont give up... Full powered Fossilizing guns keep them in the
rock until put in a machine which we keep securely locked up Unless
you join us or leave blaze fin and suicune are fossils" The admin
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
"Right..." I said, "Like a strong bond won't either. A family
bond." I grabbed the statues of Fin and Blaze. They started to
glow. Then, they broke free, again. "Yeah!" they yelled, grinning.
"Well.. you did this.." Large glass containers came from the
ceiling and fin and blaze were each in a separate container they
started filling up with mud when it touched them the part it
touched turned to stone "This is worse then the fossilizing gun.."
The admin said "I warned you But nobody ever listens.." The admin
said and then after the mud filled the whole container it was
emptied and blaze and fin were stone again "This cant be broken..
we've made sure of it" The admin said then the tubes with blaze and
fin went up into the ceiling and they were gone "You decided
this.." The admin said then left the room the other admin was still
chipping away at the ice on S.
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
"NO!" I yelled. I ran out the door, knocking out the admin, running
through the halls. "WHERE IS IT!?!" I yelled. I finially found the
room with Blaze and Fin. "Guys!" I yelled.
I hit all of the buttons on a pad. "There was some kind of
shockwave, defossilizing everything. Then, I heard something.
"Selft destrust in t-minus 1 minuite. I returned everybody to their
pokeballs, and ran. I grabbed Tom, pulling him along. Then, I saw
Articuno. "Go!" I yelled, jumping onto Articuno, and flying out of
the base, holding onto Tom.
It had been a minute of flying and nothing happened to the base it
just followed them then one of the tubes sucked them back up
(Somebody.. must join them XD.. tom? *Whack* i've been hit by
*Whack* attack a lot i'm used to it.. TOM JOIN THEM) Then they were
tossed into the room they were in at the beginning of it all one of
the admins walked in "S is recovering.. i am the Co-leader" The
admin said.
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
KILL YOU! MY POKEMON ARE MY FAMILY! We live together! Sleep
together! And I will NOT let you take that away. These pokemon are
the only ones I have left! THANKS TO YOU!!!" I remembered the
night. The night my parents were killed, and their pokemon, stolen.
I remember a boy named Red beat those people, and saved Fin, Blaze,
and I. "I will not let you down Red!" I thought, "I will not let
these people win!"
"That was the old leader.." S Said "Join us and you'll have more
power... i can make you an admin you can keep your pokemon have
your own base" He said Tom just sat in his chair quietly
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
"YOU LITTLE SON OF A [censored]!" I yelled(srry, don't report me...
I was just emphasizing the moment), "Don't listen to him Tom!" I
yelled, "I remember you S! You were there, an admin, smiling at my
parents being killed! I remember you were going to kill me, until
Red came along! I will never forgive you! I won't kill you, but I
will stop you!"
"That was my twin brother.." S Said keeping calm "And he isn't
around anymore" S Said "Now what do you think about this?" S asked
tom. Tom just kept quiet again.
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
"You turned my pokemon into stone!" I yelled, "I changed them back,
but you captured them too! Luckily, I freed them! What do you have
to say about that jerk?"
Username: TheNotorious_Z
Character name:Z
Pokemon: honedge and scraggy(male)
Where you live: in a 5 story boarding house in Wales. currently
staying in a hotel
"I will never join you," I said, "And I will never give up Suicune.
He's family now, and I don't give family away. And Tom will never
join you either, right Tom?"
(It's now or never, join or not)
"Well your not leaving with suicune" S said to rick then looked at
tom "Its now or never... Will you join us?" Toms hands turned into
fists he was shaking "Only if you return suicune to rick and let
him go home safely..." Tom said "Alright..." Suicune blaze and fin
were brought into the room "a Helicopter is waiting for you rick" S
said and left the room.
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs