(*sigh* fine...)
"Umm..." I said. I didn't really like Bayleef in that kind of way.
I mean, she's a friend, but I didn't like her in that way. "Uhh..."
I said, "Look, you're nice but-" I was interrupted when Bayleef
kissed me. My eyes widened. "Uhh..." I said, and passed out from
I opened my eyes, and I was a human again. "Huh?" I said. I was in
a dark void. I heard a voice. "Rick..." it said. I took a step
back. "You were chosen..." the voice said. I noticed that I was a
Luxio again. "You have been chosen..." the voice said. Suddenly, I
felt something. "Augh!" I said. I opened my eyes. Bayleef was
looking at me. It was a dream. I was still a Luxio, but I felt a
bigger power inside of me than before. "Ugh..." I said.
I was in my room, talking to Aqua, Blaze, and Fin. "Something
doesn't feel right, but I dont know what," I said. Then, my body
started to glow. At first, I thought it was evolution, but I
started to shrink. "What the heck?" I said. Then, the glowing
stopped. Aqua, Blaze, and Fin stared at me, eyes widened. I turned
around, and looked in a mirror. "Oh my god," I said.
(Did he just become.. A SHINX? Thats my guess :3.. or a...
Tom sat on a couch with genesect and shinx articuno was watching TV
While sitting on the floor and bayleaf was waiting near ricks room
not right next to it though.
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
"Uhh..." I said. I opened my door, waiting for Tom to freak out,
because I was a Shadow Mew. "Hi," I said.
Tom just stared at rick then he fell over which made shinx have to
get off the couch "Uhhh" He just kept groaning Then bayleaf came up
to rick "Hey rick" She said.
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
"Whaaaat" He exclaimed bayleaf was surprised at how rick did that
shinx was just staring at rick the whole time articuno looked over
but kept watching tv And genesect started eating all the food in
the fridge (Yes.. genesect has an endless stomach and is most
likely a kabutops XD)
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game
center dogs
I grinned, and turned back into my actual form(shadow mew). "I can
transform now," I said, "I turned into a Quilava, then a
Luxray(just did that fir Shinx's approval XD), then into a pikachu,
and back to my human form(just like how Rick used to look). "Cool
huh," I said.