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BBCode Guide

Forum-Index Help Guides BBCode Guide
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Wed, 06/01/2021 01:00 (4 Years ago)

Title: Thanks

Thanks so much I would have never known.

A Fact: An_Apple is nicer than me (Everybody knows that)!
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 08/01/2021 16:28 (4 Years ago)
This was very helpful ty!!
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 275
Posted: Tue, 19/01/2021 18:08 (4 Years ago)
What is the BBCode for an image link? Like clicking on an image takes you to a link?
...and that's a wrap.

😃 This is Bob! Post him around PokeHeroes to explore the
-|- world! I want Bob To have a good time exploring so help
/ \ Him explore! Users chain: Blaziken_90 Pikachow berrypass
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 699
Posted: Tue, 19/01/2021 18:10 (4 Years ago)

[url= url here][img] image url here[/img][/url]

I promise to do all in my power to see us through this safely
Serenoa Wolffort

⚖️ ToyHouse | Tumblr ⚖️
Gif is from Triangle Strategy. Avatar was drawn by me.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 275
Posted: Tue, 19/01/2021 22:22 (4 Years ago)
Thanks >w<
...and that's a wrap.

😃 This is Bob! Post him around PokeHeroes to explore the
-|- world! I want Bob To have a good time exploring so help
/ \ Him explore! Users chain: Blaziken_90 Pikachow berrypass
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 225
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2021 14:21 (4 Years ago)
the code to the plushie link? like the plushie image which takes you to that specific plushie?
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 1,733
Posted: Thu, 21/01/2021 14:30 (4 Years ago)


Open the image for the plushie in a new tab and use that code for the image. Then change the numbers and username in the link. I hope that helps. ^^

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 26/01/2021 10:42 (4 Years ago)

Title: thanks

It help me alot
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 310
Posted: Tue, 26/01/2021 18:00 (4 Years ago)
How do you do a mega pokemon plushie code?
. Pls Send missing Plushies!
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Wed, 03/02/2021 21:25 (4 Years ago)
I want to insert an image I have saved in my album, how do I get the link?
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 1,733
Posted: Wed, 03/02/2021 22:36 (4 Years ago)
@MonkeyTurts, upload the image to a site like imgur or imgbb. You can get the link for the image that way.

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 187
Posted: Sat, 20/02/2021 09:18 (4 Years ago)
How do u put a small icon of gems?
Hiiiii!! Japanese Pokemon fan who loves Leafeon!!
Also in heavy love to Madoka☆Magika Sayaka Miki!!
Nice to meet you!!

@spites are from Konbe.Thanks!!
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 189
Posted: Sun, 21/02/2021 02:21 (4 Years ago)
I'm prettty sure, someone correct me if I'm wrong but there's no code (that's not img and /img) to show items small or big (Unlike PFQ :/) But if you were talking about them in images, copy the image link for what gem you want (from the wiki or other) and put it in between:
[img]IMG LINK[/img]

Example (This is as small as it gets):

The code for all the gems above:
Show hidden content

I am a human, yes. A wizard, in fact. But still a human.

Show hidden content
Ooo is that a horsea?

Trainerlevel: 7

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 05/04/2021 17:09 (3 Years ago)

Title: Anime question

Which type of anime do you like and what is your favorite type it and tell what anime from that category do you like?
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 201
Posted: Mon, 05/04/2021 17:11 (3 Years ago)
Wrong place

Thanks to Kamini for making my avatar! :)

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Mon, 12/04/2021 07:33 (3 Years ago)
I’m a bit confused, whenever I try to insert an image using the [img][url=][*/url][*/img] code, it just says “Maximum width 100%”. What’s going on?

Nvm, I figured it out 😂
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,135
Posted: Fri, 16/04/2021 12:09 (3 Years ago)
Show hidden content
Codes I used:
[size=] [/size]
[center] [/center]
[h] [/h]
[u] [/u]
[b] [/b]
Pokémon - No_Letter

Please inform me per pm or pp, if I missed events or formes. I am only human and can only do little much.

Last updated: 17th Jan, Veneon


Replace the "000K" with the code and then you get the egg. Example "10i":


Replace the "000" with the code and then you get the female gender. Example "0781m":
Female: Male:


Replace the "0" with "1" and then you get the shiny form.


Replace the "0" with "2" and then you get the shadow form.

Event Pokémon


MissingNo. - 00no
MissingNo. (Aerodactyl) - 00np
MissingNo. (Kabutops) - 00nq
MissingNo. (Marowak) - 00nr

Catercream - 10i
Metacream - 11i
Buttercream - 12i

Narichu - 172n
Naruchu - 25n
Raizumaki - 26n

Satichu - 172s
Satochu - 25s
Raitoshi - 26s

Pikachu Belle - 25cb
Pikachu Detective - 25cd
Pikachu Libre - 25cl
Pikachu Pop Star - 25cp
Pikachu Rock - 25cr
Pikachu Scientist - 25pd

Clawfa - 173d
Clawfairy - 35d
Nessy - 36d

Witch Vulpix - 37w
Magic Ninetales - 38w

Igglybath - 174b
Jigglybath - 39b
Wigglybath - 40b

Sproutlett - 50s
Sproutrio - 51s

Mewton M. Meowth - 52gc
Mewton (Coinflip) - 52gd
Mewton (HoL) - 52ge
Mewton (Treasures) - 52gf
Mewton (Lottery) - 52gh
Mewton (Golden Slot) - 52gj
Mewton (Hangman) - 52gk
Mewton (Concentration) - 52gl

Newton N. Meowth - 52n

Lepreowth - 52p
Perchaun - 53p

Cuddlithe - 58p
Arcaddly - 59p

Autumn Abra - 63a
Autumn Kadabra - 64a
Autumn Alakazam - 65a

Surfer Machop - 66s
Machotide - 67s
Beachamp - 68s

Dark Ponyta - 77h
Cursed Rapidash - 78h

Slowyore - 79s
Yorebro - 80s
Yoreking - 199s

Magnezoid - 81u
Magnedrones - 82u
Motherzone - 462u

Gomaseel - 86d
Ikkakugong - 87d

Obsidianix - 95o
Obsidialix - 208o

Dr. Crazee - 96c
Prof. Madno - 97c

Solorb - 100s
Eclipsode - 101s

Disguised Exeggcute - 102h
Disguised Exeggutor - 103h

Cubone (Hylian) - 104z
Marowak (Hylian) - 105z

Derpatung - 108d

Fishleon - 116l
Pterdra - 117l
Lionking - 230l

Jolly Jr. - 439j
Sad Jr. - 439s
Mr. Moody - 122m

Princess Smoochum - 238p
Queen Jynx - 124p

Toraros - 128t

Pokémon - 129s
Pokémon - 130s

Swampras - 131s

Santa Birb - 132sb

Solar Eevee - 133s
Neptuneon - 134n
Mercureon - 135m
Jupiteon - 136j
Marseon - 196m
Saturneon - 197s
Eartheon - 470e
Uraneon - 471u
Veneon - 700v

Sugar Shock - 446h
Candy Belly - 143h


Coccooot - 163c
Nocnoc - 164c

Pichu (spiky-eared) 172e

Ukulele Pichu - 172u

Spring Mareep - 179s
Spring Flaaffy - 180s
Spring Ampharos - 181s

Summer Mareep - 179su
Summer Flaaffy - 180su
Summer Ampharos - 181su

Autumn Mareep - 179au
Autumn Flaaffy - 180au
Autumn Ampharos - 181au

Winter Mareep - 179w
Winter Flaaffy - 180w
Winter Ampharos - 181w

Azubell - 298e
Maribell - 0183e
Azumarring - 0184e

Blossomly - 438a
Applewoodo - 185a

Kitema - 193k
Yanlift - 469k

Woopice - 194s
Quagschnee -195s

Plagekrow - 198p
Dr. Honch - 430p

Unown Flake - 201zz0
Unown Flake - 201zz1
Unown Flake - 201zz2
Unown Flake - 201zz3
Unown Flake - 201zz4

Wopuppet - 202d
Wydoll - 360d

Jesterig - 203t

Pumple - 213p

Teddiursa (Misdreavus) - 216m

Slugua - 218o
Aquargo - 219o

Shaysola - 222s

Santa Bird - 225sc

Skarigami - 227o

Rudolph - 234r

Zombeagle - 235s

Dirndltank - 241o

Larviprop - 246e
Pupibot - 247e
Mecha Tyranitar - 248e

Shadow Lugia -249s


Torcharch - 255r
Combowsken - 256r
Robin Blaze - 257r

Tailluchi - 276a
Swelluhodo - 277a

Festival Ralts - 280k
Festival Kirlia - 281k
Festival Gardevoir - 282k

Super Shroom - 285m
Super Breloomio - 286m

Easter Slakoth - 287e
Easter Vigoroth - 288e
Easter Slaking - 289e

Nosepharos - 299l
Probolight - 476l

Crystal Aron - 304c
Crystal Lairon - 305c
Crystal Aggron - 306c

Plusle (Flirty) - 311f
Minun (Flirty) - 312f

Wailmer (Babylonian) - 320a
Wailord (Babylonian) - 321a

Winter Numel - 322w
Winter Camerupt - 323w

Ferrerocoal - 324f

Space Spinda - 327a

Cottonblu - 333c
Candaria - 334c

Gooseboarder - 335s

Selunar - 337s
Solastra - 338s
Eclipseon - 338se

Frosty Kecleon - 352f

Keggleon (blank egg) - 352a
Keggleon (all special eggs from 2018's Easter Egg Hunt) - 352a0, 352a1, [...], 352a19

Zomppet - 353z
Banettenstein - 354z

Tropius (Oran) - 357o

Chingling (Nightmare) - 433e
- 358e
Chingling (Dream) - 433d
- 358d

Chocoluv - 370c

van Bagon - 371a
Shelcasso - 372a
Sala da Menci - 373a

Mr. Bagon - 371s
Sir Shelgon - 372s
Lord Salamence - 373s

Raylóng - 384l

Polestar - 385s


Turzai - 387b
Grogarden - 388b
Teraformu - 389b

Tom Nook - 399n
Tom Nook (Seller) - 399s

Pachirisnow - 417s

Cherose (Requited) - 420vr
Cherose (Unrequited) - 420vu
Cheribloom - 421vr
Cheriwilt - 421vu

Driflamp - 425l
Lifghtblim - 426l

Valenfloon - 425v

Easter Buneary - 427e
Easter Lopunny - 428e

Heartomb - 442v

Rokkyu - 447s
Lucario-sensei - 448s

Hippopotain - 449f
Hippowtain - 450f

Gloweon - 456b
Lumiday - 457bd
Cosmoneon - 457bn

Primal Dialga - 483p

Seatran - 485w

Aurora - 488c


Aqua - 494a
Bold - 494b
Chef - 494c
Hoggy - 494h
Nappy - 494n
Rainbow - 494r
Staid - 494s
Timid - 494t

Pharraloin - 0509p
Kleopard - 0510p

Simisage (Waiter) - 512w
Simisear (Waiter) - 514w
Simipour (Waiter) - 516w

Nightmare Munna - 517h
Nightmare Musharna - 518h

Flower Boy - 546m
Groomicott - 547m

Flower Girl - 548m
Lillibride - 549m

Scaractus - 556s

Sandwebble - 557s
Sandcrustle - 558s

Rodeo Scraggy - 559c
Sheriff Scrafty - 560c

Solgilyph - 561p

Solaris - 577c
Cloudion - 578c
Renebula - 579c

Easter Ducklett - 580e
Easter Swanna - 581e

Sundaelite (Chocolate) - 582c
Sundaelite (Strawberry) - 582s
Sundaelite (Vanilla) - 582v
Sundaelish (Chocoberry) - 583sc
Sundaelish (Choconilla) - 583cv
Sundaelish (Strawnilla) - 583vs
Sundaelux - 584scv

Snowling - 585ch
Snowbuck - 586ch

Knight Axew - 610k
Baron Fraxure - 611k
Sir Haxelot - 612k

Hawaiian Cubchoo - 613h
Hawaiian Beartic - 614h

Mikofoo - 619m
Mikoshao - 620m

Goleros - 622v
Cupilurk - 623v

Steamo - 633s
Zweipunk - 634s
Teslagon - 635s

Fiesta Larvesta - 636s
Fiesta Volcarona - 637s


Easter Bunnelby - 659e
Easter Diggersby - 660e

Messenger Fletchling - 661m
Messenger Fletchinder - 662m
Messenger Talonflame - 663m

Scattercube - 664su
Spewbrella - 665su
Cocktaillon - 666su

Vivillon (Pride) - 666zp

Flabébé (Sakura) - 669s
Floette (Sakura) - 670s
Florges (Sakura) - 671s

Flabébé (Eternal Flower) - 669az
Floette (Eternal Flower) - 670az
Florges (Eternal Flower) - 671az

Skugar - 672s
Gingergoat - 673s

Furfrou (Santa) - 676sa

Maneki Espurr - 677m
Maneki Meowstic - 678m

Violedge - 679m
Harplade - 680m
Caegillo - 681m

Anniversary Gift - 685a

Dralucha - 701v

Tendenne - 702v

Allotrope - 703a
Dace - 703d
Merrick - 703m

Puddy - 704p
Puddoo - 705p
Puddra - 706p

Wreafki - 707e

Pumpkabowl - 710f
Aguageist (Goldeen) - 711fg
Aguageist (Luvdisc) - 711fl
Aguageist (Magikarp) - 711m
Aguageist (Leah) - 711fz

Anniversary Cupcake - 775a


Oricoro (Ballet) - 741e
Oricorio (Charleston) - 741f


Lilyfleur - 829l
Eldelium - 830l

Orryrm - 840o
Flapperine - 841o
Orake - 842o

Pumplin - 840p
Gourdle - 841p
Pumpkintun - 842p

Toxtroll - 848o
Onicitricity (Club) - 849oc
Onicitricity (Sword) - 849os

Sinitharos - 854g
- 855g

Eiscue (Love) - 875v

Snowrex - 898s

Megas & Primals

Mega Venusaur - 3m
Mega Charizard X - 6mx
Mega Charizard Y - 6my
Mega Blastoise - 9m
Mega Beedrill - 15m
Mega Pidgeot - 18m
Mega Arcanine - 59m
Mega Alakazam - 65m
Mega Rapidash - 78m
Mega Slowbro - 80m
Mega Gengar - 94m
Mega Kangaskhan - 115m
Mega Mr Mime - 122me
Mega Pinsir - 127m
Mega Gyarados - 130m
Mega Aerodactyl - 142m
Mega Mewtwo X - 150mx
Mega Mewtwo Y - 150my

Mega Meganium - 154m
Mega Typhlosion - 157m
Mega Crobat - 169m
Mega Ampharos - 181m
Mega Dunsparce - 206m
Mega Steelix - 208m
Mega Scizor - 212m
Mega Heracross - 214m
Mega Skarmory - 227m
Mega Houndoom - 229m
Mega Tyranitar - 248m

Mega Sceptile - 254m
Mega Blaziken - 257m
Mega Swampert - 260m
Mega Gardevoir - 282m
Mega Sableye - 302m
Mega Mawile - 303m
Mega Aggron - 306m
Mega Medicham - 308m
Mega Manectric - 310m
Mega Sharpedo - 319m
Mega Camerupt - 323m
Mega Flygon - 330m
Mega Altaria - 334m
Mega Claydol - 344m
Mega Milotic - 350m
Mega Banette - 354m
Mega Absol - 359m
Mega Glalie - 362m
Mega Salamence - 373m
Mega Metagross - 376m
Mega Latias - 380m
Mega Latios - 381m
Primal Kyogre - 382m
Primal Groudon - 383m
Mega Rayquaza - 384m

Mega Luxray - 405m
Mega Lopunny - 428m
Mega Garchomp - 445m
Mega Lucario - 448m
Mega Abomasnow - 460m
Mega Electivire - 466m
Mega Gallade - 475m
Mega Froslass - 478m
Mega Giratina - 487m

Mega Audino - 531m
Mega Gothielle - 576m
Mega Braviary - 628m

Mega Diancie - 719m


Mega Autumn Alakazam - 65am
Mega Cursed Rapidash - 78mh
Mega Yorebro - 80ms

Mega Spring Ampharos - 181sm
Mega Summer Ampharos - 181pm
Mega Autumn Ampharos - 181am
Mega Winter Ampharos - 181mw
Mega Obsidialix - 208mo
Mega Mecha Tyranitar - 248em
Mega Skarigami - 227mo

Mega Robin Blaze - 257mr
Mega Festival Gardevoir - 282km
Mega Crystal Aggron - 306cm
Mega Winter Camerupt - 323mw
Mega Candaria - 334mc
Mega Banettenstein - 354mz
Mega Sala da Menci - 373ma
Mega Lord Salamence - 373ms

Mega Easter Lopunny - 428me
Mega Lucario-sensei - 448sm

Mega Diancie - 719me


Venusaur - 3g
Charizard - 6g
Blastoise - 9g
Butterfree - 12g
Pikachu - 25g
Meowth - 52gi
Machamp - 68g
Gengar - 94g
Kingler - 99g
Lapras - 131g
Eevee - 133g
Snorlax - 143g

Garbodor - 569g

Melmetal - 809g

Corviknight - 823g
Orbeetle - 826g
Drednaw - 834g
Coalossal 839g
Flapple - 841g
Appletun - 842g
Sandaconda - 844g
Toxtricity - 849g
Centiskorch - 851g
Hatterene - 858g
Grimmsnarl - 861g
Duraludon - 884g
Eternatus - 890g
Urshifu (Rapid Style) - 892gr
Urshifu (Single Style) - 892gs


Bulbasaur - 1ret
Venusaur - 3ret
Charmander - 4ret
Charizard - 6ret
Squirtle - 7ret
Blastoise - 9ret
Rattata - 19ret
Pikachu - 25ret
Zubat - 41ret
Tentacool - 72ret
Gastly - 92ret
Haunter - 93ret
Gengar 94ret
Koffing - 109ret
Magikarp - 129ret
Articuno - 144ret
Zapdos - 145ret
Moltres - 146ret
Mew - 151ret

Chikorita - 152ret
Meganium - 154ret
Cyndaquil - 155ret
Typhlosion - 157ret
Totodile - 158ret
Feraligatr - 160ret
Sentret - 161ret
Hoothoot - 163ret
Togepi - 175ret
Marill - 183ret
Girafarig - 203ret
Teddiursa - 216ret
Corsola - 222ret
Delibird - 225ret
Stantler - 234ret
Raikou - 243ret
Entei - 244ret
Suicune - 245ret
Lugia - 249ret
Ho-Oh - 250ret
Celebi - 251ret

Poochyena - 261ret
Zigzagoon - 263ret
Taillow - 276ret

Ducklett - 580ret

Region Variants

Growlithe - 58h
Arcanine - 59h
Voltorb - 100h

Qwilfish - 211h
Sneasel - 215h

Lilligant - 549h
Zorua - 570h
Zoroak - 571h
Braviary - 628h

Sliggoo - 705h
Goodra - 706h
Avalugg - 713h

Rattata - 19a
Raticate - 20a
Raichu - 26a
Sandshrew - 27a
Sandslash - 28a
Vulpix - 37a
Ninetales - 38a
Diglett - 50a
Dugtrio - 51a
Meowth - 52a
Persian - 53a
Geodude - 74a
Graveler - 75a
Golem - 76a
Grimer - 88a
Muk - 89a
Exeggutor - 103a
Marowak - 105a

Meowth - 52g
Ponyta - 77g
Rapidash - 78g
Slowpoke - 79g
Slowbro - 80g
Farfetch'd - 83g
Weezing - 110g
Mr. Mime - 122g
Articuno - 144g
Zapdos - 145g
Moltres - 146g

Corsola - 222g

Zigzagoon - 263g
Linoone - 264g

Darumaka - 554g
Darmanitan - 555g
Darmanitan (Zen) - 555gz

Yamask - 562g
Stunfisk - 618g

Tauros (Aqua Breed) - 128pa
Tauros (Blaze Breed) - 128pb
Tauros (Combat Breed) - 128pc

Wooper - 194p

Groosea - 810a

Scorfolia - 813a

Sobboil - 816a

Shellos (North) - 422n
Gastrodon (North) - 423n

Shellos (South) - 422s
Gastrodon (South) - 423s

Buizel (Emera) - 418s
Floatzel (Emera) - 419s

Emera Diancie - 719e

Other Forms

Magikarp (Calico) - 129a
Magikarp (Orange) - 129b
Magikarp (Pink) - 129c
Magikarp (Gray) - 129d
Magikarp (Purple) - 129e
Magikarp (Apricot) - 129f
Magikarp (Brown) - 129g
Magikarp (White) - 129h
Magikarp (Black) - 129i
Magikarp (Blue) - 129j
Magikarp (Violet) - 129k


Unown A - 201a
Unown B - 201b
Unown C - 201c
Unown D - 201d
Unown E - 201e
Unown F - 201f
Unown G - 201g
Unown H - 201h
Unown I - 201i
Unown J - 201j
Unown K - 201k
Unown L - 201l
Unown M - 201m
Unown N - 201n
Unown O - 201o
Unown P - 201p
Unown Q - 201q
Unown R - 201r
Unown S - 201s
Unown T - 201t
Unown U - 201u
Unown V - 201v
Unown W - 201w
Unown X - 201x
Unown Y - 201y
Unown Z - 201z
Unown ! - 201za
Unown ? - 201zb


Castform - 351
Castform (Heat / Fire) - 351a
Castform (Rainy / Water) - 351b
Castform (Snowy / Ice) - 351c
Castform (Foggy / Ghost) - 351d
Castform (Aurora / Psychic) - 351e
Castform (Cold / Steel) - 351f
Castform (Dark / Dark) - 351g
Castform (Thunder / Electric) - 351h
Castform (Meteorite / Dragon) - 351i
Castform (Windy / Flying) - 351j
Castform (Earthquake / Ground) - 351k
Castform (Muggy / Bug) - 351l
Castform (Eruption / Rock) - 351m
Castform (Gusty / Fighting) - 351n
Castform (Smog / Poison) - 351o
Castform (Sunny / Grass) - 351p

Deoxys - 386
Deoxys (Attack) - 386a
Deoxys (Defense) - 386b
Deoxys (Speed) - 386c


Burmy (Plant) - 412a
Burmy (Sandy) - 412b
Burmy (Trash) - 412c

Wormadam (Plant) - 413a
Wormadam (Sandy) - 413b
Wormadam (Trash) - 413c

Cherrim - 421
Cherrim (Sunny) - 421a

Shellos (East) - 422e
Shellos (West) - 422w

Gastrodon (East) - 423e
Gastrodon (West) - 423w

Rotom - 479
Rotom (Heat / Microwave) - 479a
Rotom (Wash / Washing Machine) - 479b
Rotom (Frost / Refrigerator) - 479c
Rotom (Fan / Electric Fan)- 479d
Rotom (Mow / Lawnmower) - 479e
Rotom (Mixer) - 479f
Rotom (Drill) - 479g
Rotom (Monitor) - 479h
Rotom (Dex) - 479i

Giratina - 487
Giratina (Origin) - 487a

Shaymin - 492
Shaymin (Sky) - 492a

Enamorus - 905
Enamorus (Therian) - 905a

Arceus - 493
Arceus (Bug / Insect Plate) - 493a
Arceus (Dark / Dread Plate) - 493b
Arceus (Dragon / Draco Plate) - 493c
Arceus (Electric / Zap Plate) - 493d
Arceus (Fighting / Fist Plate) - 493e
Arceus (Fire / Flame Plate) - 493f
Arceus (Flying / Sky Plate) - 493g
Arceus (Ghost / Spooky Plate) - 493h
Arceus (Grass / Meadow Plate) - 493i
Arceus (Ground / Earth Plate) - 493j
Arceus (Ice / Icicle Plate) - 493k
Arceus (Poison / Toxic Plate) - 493l
Arceus (Psychic / Mind Plate) - 493m
Arceus (Rock / Stone Plate) - 493n
Arceus (Steel / Iron Plate) - 493o
Arceus (Water / Splash Plate) - 493p
Arceus (Fairy / Pixie Plate) - 493q


Basculin (Red) - 550a
Basuclin (Blue) - 550b

Darmanitan - 555
Darmanitan (Zen) - 555z

Deerling (Spring) - 585a
Deerling (Summer) - 585b
Deerling (Autumn) - 585c
Deerling (Winter) - 585d

Sawsbuck (Spring) - 586a
Sawsbuck (Summer) - 586b
Sawsbuck (Autumn) - 586c
Sawsbuck (Winter) - 586d

Tornadus - 641
Tornadus (Therian Forme) - 641a

Thundurus - 642
Thundurus (Therian Forme) - 642a

Landorus - 645
Landorus (Therian Forme) - 645a

Kyurem - 646
Black Kyurem - 646b
White Kyurem - 646w

Keldeo - 647
Keldeo (Resolute) - 647r

Meloetta - 648
Meloetta (Pirouette) - 648p

Genesect - 649
Genesect (Burn Drive) - 649a
Genesect (Douse Drive) - 649b
Genesect (Shock Drive) - 649c
Genesect (Chill Drive) - 649d


Vivillon (Meadow) - 666
Vivillon (Archipelago) - 666a
Vivillon (Continental) - 666b
Vivillon (Elegant) - 666c
Vivillon (Garden) - 666d
Vivillon (High Plains) - 666e
Vivillon (Icy Snow) - 666f
Vivillon (Jungle) - 666g
Vivillon (Marine) - 666h
Vivillon (Modern) - 666i
Vivillon (Monsoon) - 666j
Vivillon (Ocean) - 666k
Vivillon (Polar) - 666l
Vivillon (River) - 666m
Vivillon (Sandstorm) - 666n
Vivillon (Savanna) - 666o
Vivillon (Sun) - 666p
Vivillon (Tundra) - 666q
Vivillon (PokéBall) - 666r
Vivillon (Fancy) - 666s

Flabébé (blue) - 669b
Flabébé (orange) - 669o
Flabébé (red) - 669r
Flabébé (white) - 669w
Flabébé (yellow) - 669y

Floette (blue) - 670b
Floette (orange) - 670o
Floette (red) - 670r
Floette (white) - 670w
Floette (yellow) - 670y

Florges (blue) - 671b
Florges (orange) - 671o
Florges (red) - 671r
Florges (white) - 671w
Florges (yellow) - 671y

Furfrou - 676
Furfrou (Star) - 676a
Furfrou (Heart) - 676b
Furfrou (Diamond) - 676c
Furfrou (Dandy) - 676d
Furfrou (Matron) - 676e
Furfrou (Debutante) - 676f
Furfrou (Pharaoh) - 676g
Furfrou (La Reine) - 676h
Furfrou (Kabuki) - 676i

Zygarde (Core Forme) - 718a
Zygarde (Cell Forme) - 718b
Zygarde (10% Forme) - 718c
Zygarde (50% Forme) - 718d
Zygarde (Complete Forme) - 718e

Hoopa - 720
Hoopa (Unbound) - 720u


Oricorio (Baile) - 741a
Oricorio (Pom-Pom) - 741b
Oricorio (Pa'u) - 741c
Oricorio (Sensu) - 741d

Lycanroc (Midday) - 745d
Lycanroc (Dusk) - 745m
Lycanroc (Midnight) - 745n

Wishiwashi - 746
Wishiwashi (School) - 746s

Silvally - 773
Silvally (Bug) - 773a
Silvally (Dark) - 773b
Silvally (Dragon) - 773c
Silvally (Electric) - 773d
Silvally (Fighting) - 773e
Silvally (Fire) - 773f
Silvally (Flying) - 773g
Silvally (Ghost) - 773h
Silvally (Grass) - 773i
Silvally (Ground) - 773j
Silvally (Ice) - 773k
Silvally (Poison) - 773l
Silvally (Psychic) - 773m
Silvally (Rock) - 773n
Silvally (Steel) - 773o
Silvally (Water) - 773p
Silvally (Fairy) - 773q

Minior (Meteor) - 774
Minior (Blue Core) - 774b
Minior (Green Core) - 774g
Minior (Indigo Core) - 774i
Minior (Orange Core) - 774o
Minior (Red Core) - 774r
Minior (Violet Core) - 774v
Minior (Yellow Core) - 774y

Necrozma - 800
Necrozma (Dawn Wings) - 800l
Necrozma (Dusk Mane) - 800s
Ultra Necrozma - 800u

Magearna - 801
Magearna (Poké Ball) - 801a
Magearna (Great Ball) - 801b
Magearna (Ultra Ball) - 801c
Magearna (Master Ball) - 801d

Marshadow - 802
Zenith Marshadow - 802z


Cramorant - 845
Cramorant (Gulping) - 845s
Cramorant (Shiny Gulping) - 845as
Cramorant (Gorging) - 845p
Cramorant (Shiny Gorging) - 845ps

Toxtricity (Amped) - 849
Toxtricity (Low Key) - 849l

b = Berry Sweet; c = Clover Sweet; f = Flower Sweet; k = Star Sweet; l = Love Sweet; r = Ribbon Sweet; s = Strawberry Sweet;
Alcremie (Vanilla) - 869ba
Alcremie (Ruby) - 869cb
Alcremie (Matcha) - 869fc
Alcremie (Mint) - 869kd
Alcremie (Lemon) - 869le
Alcremie (Salted) - 869rf
Alcremie (Ruby Swirl) - 869sg
Alcremie (Caramel Swirl) - 869lh
Alcremie (Rainbow Swirl) - 869ki

Eiscue - 875
Eiscue (Noice) - 875n

Morpeko - 877
Morpeko (Hangry) - 877h

Zacian - 888
Zacian (Crowned Sword) - 888c

Zamazenta - 889
Zamazenta (Crowned Shield) - 889c

Urshifu (Rapid Style) - 892r
Urshifu (Single Style) - 892s

Ice Rider - 898i
Shadow Rider - 898j


Maushold (Three) - 925t
Dududunsparce - 982t

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Sun, 06/06/2021 17:50 (3 Years ago)
this guide is really helpful
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Sun, 27/06/2021 06:24 (3 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 473
Posted: Thu, 29/07/2021 08:06 (3 Years ago)
Hi, how do I align text in the center?
Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~