Forum Thread
BBCode Guide
Forum-Index → Help → Guides → BBCode GuideFor plushies that directly link to you, use this code:
That one is this:

For it to send to you, you change my name to your own and change the number according to what Pokémon plush you want, and the image as well. ^^ it’s pretty straightforward. :3
@BrosRs9 What do you mean?
People of Fontaine, your sins are forgiven."

Do you mean like this?

Here is the code for that:
I think you can leave out the 650 bit to get a normal egg but you'll need to check that.
Please level up my Tobies!
If I put them in the instructions you won't be able to see it
Then My quest poke looks like this.
LEAD TO][img]IMAGE LINK[/img][/url]
So for example a Pikachu with the link to notifications would look like this:

It just dose this. The link works but the image wont show
What you're trying to do:
Which is your result ↓

What you need to exactly do:
Which will be your result ↓

In your case, where you've went wrong is adding that extra "[img]" tag.