No problem! If you wanted three so that you could evolve them,
though, I actually have some Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan already
evolved. If not, I'll just proceed to set up the 3 Tyrogue at the
GTS. ^^~
Credit for avatar goes to MikanRin on PokeFarm. It's a Houndour
gijinka! ^^~
Agata - Okay, all three pokemon are up at the GTS. Send the PD over
and they're yours! =)
NhoxPro - Sure! But do you mean you want all 5 green boxes, and 1
pink box and 1 dark blue key, or all 5 green boxes, all 3 pink
boxes, and 8 dark blue keys?
Remy - Absolutely! 16 normal gems for a total of 3,200 PD! If you
could set up a Gem Exchange Trade so that I don't have to attach 16
gems to pokemon, that would be awesome. Just set up 1 useless gem
and ask for 16 normal gems, and I think that'll work best. ^^~
Credit for avatar goes to MikanRin on PokeFarm. It's a Houndour
gijinka! ^^~
BarathInfernape - Sounds great! Which boxes and keys of mine did
you want? Like, do you want to trade 1 light blue box for a red
box, or a red key for a light blue key, or what?
Credit for avatar goes to MikanRin on PokeFarm. It's a Houndour
gijinka! ^^~
FatherOfDaycare - Yes, I am looking for Water Gems and paying 200
PD per Water Gem. ^^~
BarathInfernape - Okeydokey! That's perfect! All items will be
strapped to an Ampharos and put up in the GTS. Sorry it took me so
long to respond, college is evil. xP
Credit for avatar goes to MikanRin on PokeFarm. It's a Houndour
gijinka! ^^~
Sorry for the delay, Kyohei! And yes, that's totally fine! Now, are
you trading your Dark Blue Key for my Purple Key, or your Purple
Key for my Dark Blue Key? I get confused easily. >>;
The rest will be strapped to Ampharoses (Ampharosii?) and put into
the GTS, and will cost you 15k PD. Sound good? ^^~
Credit for avatar goes to MikanRin on PokeFarm. It's a Houndour
gijinka! ^^~
Oh dear, I am just really behind on this thread, aren't I? Sorry
again, anywho, yes Raylong268, that sounds fine. Can you set up the
Gem Exchange? Just put one useless gem UFT and ask for 7 Ghost
Gems, and I will accept the trade once the PD is sent over. Thank
you! ^^~
Oh, also, first post has been updated. Just found an Enigma Stone
in a box, if that interests anyone. ^o~
Credit for avatar goes to MikanRin on PokeFarm. It's a Houndour
gijinka! ^^~