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[L] Mal's Lottery! [FINISHED]

Forum-Index Contests User-made contests [L] Mal's Lottery! [FINISHED]
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 21:02 (8 Years ago)

Hello and welcome to my Box Lottery! I'm Mal & I'm a Wiki Helper on-site. You may also know me for fixing broken Premium Banners. I've turned to the PokéHeroes community to help me start collecting Boxes & Key and also expand my Kyogre Item Collection!

I'm planning on hoarding a bunch and then mass-opening them in hopes of getting some rare items that I could trade for Marine Cave Maps or Sapphires to progress my Kyogre Hunt. With that also being said, if you happen to have any spares for trade feel free to Pal Pad or PM Me to negotiate an offer!

With all of that being said, let's get started on how this is all gonna work! Did I mention the top prize is a Shiny Lugia or Xerneas? Please please please read everything in the thread before posting so things can run as smoothly as possible!


Be sure to read everything in the rules or else your entry may be invalidated!

[01] - All PokéHeroes rules apply.
[02] - You can post as many times as you like, only if you are wanting to buy more tickets.
-→ However, if you were the last user to post, simply edit your post instead of double-posting.
[03] - Subscribe to the thread!
-→ I will not contact you outside of the thread, it's your job to know if it's okay to send the items.
[04] - You can only enter if you have all mentioned items in your possession, I will not add you to the list with an IOU!
[05] - Once you enter your tickets, they will not be returned to you.
-→ In other words, all arrangements are final.
[06] - Absolutely no complaining.
[07] - The provided form should always be used. If you don't use it, your post will be ignored and you will not be added to the list.
[08] - Questions should only be asked to me directly through PalPad or PM.
[09] - Winners will be chosen through random.org to ensure fairness.
[10] - You will have one week to claim your prizes.
-→ Failure to claim your prize in the allotted time will result in your prize(s) being redistributed.
[11] - If you are banned from my lottery after you've received tickets, you revoke your tickets without my needing to return your entry fee.
-→ If you are banned from PokéHereoes and the deadline is reached, you have 1 week to be unbanned before your place is redrawn.
[12] - The password is Honeydrop.
-→ To ensure you read the rules, put the bold word in Rule #5 in the corresponding section.
[13] - The deadline to enter is Wednesday, August 24th, 2016 @ 11:59 Server Time!


The steps are simple!

[01] - Fill out the provided form below.
[02] - Every box & key is worth 1 ticket.*. Marine Cave Maps & Sapphires are worth 20 tickets each.
→ The more you buy, the higher your chance of winning.
[03] - Once you get the okay from me and send me the Items through the DiD, I will mark you down.
→ You must wait for my approval!
-- Any and all items sent beforehand will be considered a donation and you will not receive tickets for it.
-- I'm actually a really nice person and can't do this lmao. ^
[04] - Tickets are marked down in order of the boxes and keys given.

* - Currently Gold Keys are worth 0 Tickets. Black Keys are worth 20 Tickets each. Black Boxes have been decreased to 5 tickets each.


Probably what you're interested in most. :p

The Prizes will be updated very frequently. Also, the more entrants, the more prizes a place will be able to receive!

First Place will be able to pick a Grand Prize. They will also be able to pick 2 Tier 1 & 3 Tier 2 Prizes

Second Place will receive the second Grand Prize. They will also be able to pick 2 Tier 1 & 3 Tier 2 Prizes.

Third Place will now receive 4 Tier 1 & 6 Tier 2 Prizes.

Runner-ups (Fourth-Tenth Place) will receive 1 Tier 1 & 2 Prize each.

First-Tenth Place will also receive 15k each!

Prizes will be distributed in order of place, all places below will unfortunately have to wait until the place above them to pick their prizes.

G R A N D - P R I Z E S

T I E R - 1
x 250

T I E R - 2 *
* - Normal Pokemon have items attached to them. Mega-ables will always be in Tier 1.


If for some reason I believe a user isn't respecting my lottery or myself, I can refuse their tickets. As stated in the Rules & Guidelines, if you are banned from my lottery after you've received tickets, you revoke your tickets without my needing to return your entry fee so make sure you follow the thread rules.

You will be issued 1 friendly warning for the first offense, then it will escalated to a two warnings before you are banned from the thread.

=Warn/Ban List=
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None. Let's try to keep it that way!


For two free tickets, all you have to do is spread the word about my lottery in a feed! Copy & paste the code below, post the feed and send me a Pal Pad or PM to let me know you've posted and once I see it, I will give you your ticket!

You must keep the feed up for at least 2 hours in order to receive your free tickets!!

You may only post one feed every 3 days for a free ticket.

Have any spare Boxes, Keys, Marine Cave Maps or Sapphires that you want to get rid of? -Mal currently has a lottery going on where you can send him your item for a chance to win a grand prize of a Shiny Lugia, but there are also some other amazing prizes as well!


Have any spare Boxes, Keys, Marine Cave Maps or Sapphires that you want to get rid of? [user]-Mal[/user] currently has [url=/forum_thread.php?id=50059]a lottery[/url] going on where you can send him your item for a chance to win a grand prize of a [b]Shiny Lugia[/b], but there are also some other amazing prizes as well!



Special thank you to Doopliss as I edited some of the codes I used while coding their lottery. Also thank you to everyone who chooses to enter!

Good luck, heroes!
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 22:06 (8 Years ago)

Use this form to get tickets!

The deadline to enter is Wednesday, August 24th, 2016 @ 11:59 Server Time!

# of tickets:
[b]Username:[/b] Your username
[b]# of tickets:[/b] How many tickets you're giving me!
[b]Password:[/b] Read the rules!
[b]Other:[/b] Additional things that don't fit elsewhere.

Example of a completed form
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Username: -Mal
# of tickets: 7 (4 Boxes & 3 Keys)
Password: Honeydrop
Other: >:U


Here is a list of entries in order of when I received the items.
Show hidden content
[0001-0011] -ChibiTogepi
[0012 - 0031] - Dokku
[0032] - arod
[0033 - 0052] - nextname
[0053] - shoe
[0054] - MysticMew98
[0055 - 0062] - shoe
[0063] - Tobey
[0064 - 0096] - Agata
[0097 - 0125] - Navuso
[0126] - Exotica
[0127 - 0142] - Targaryen
[0143 - 0154] - Love
[0155 - 0176] - arod
[0177 - 0396] - Cinciitis
[0397 - 0421] - Giraffe_A_Laugh
[0422 - 0437] - HappyDebby15
[0438 - 0458] - Furret
[0459 - 0683] - Agata
[0684 - 0760] - Prince_of_Hope
[0761 - 0771] - shoe
[0772 - 0783] - piggylover29
[0784 - 0785] - Rusty
[0788 - 1019] - Gimarie
[1020 - 1048] - Exotica
[1049 - 1074] - Takao
[1075 - 1098] - Giraffe_A_Laugh
[1099 - 1100] - lokiki
[1101 - 1112] - shoe
[1113 - 1158] - Agata
[1159 - 1231] - Giraffe_A_Laugh
[1232 - 1301] - Posey
[1302 - 1312] - shoe
[1313 - 1332] - Agata
[1333 - 1336] - RedGyrados
[1337 - 1345] - Giraffe_A_Laugh
[1346 - 1392] - Takao
[1392 - 1401] - Giraffe_A_Laugh
[1402 - 1437] - Navuso
[1438 - 1456] - Takao
[1457 - 1469] - Pein
[1470 - 1473] - espeongurl494
[1474 - 1486] - Lagune_Faraglioni
[1487 - 1492] - Lizzanga
[1493 - 1581] - -Dazai-
[1582 - 1594] - shoe
[1595 - 1607] - Dokku
[1608 - 1624] - ShadowPikaSami
[1625 - 1632] - b0ss
[1633 - 1639] - Giraffe_A_Laugh

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 22:57 (8 Years ago)

Title: hope im not annoying you, i wanted to enter.. >.<

Giving 2 boxes, Brown, and Dark Blue
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 145
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 23:01 (8 Years ago)
Username: arod
# of tickets: 20 (19 boxes and 1 key
Password: Box
other think I might have done this wrong. please tell me if I have.
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 23:04 (8 Years ago)
Demon_Child -
You entered the wrong password. Please reread all the rules and repost..
You also sent the boxes and keys before my approval. Since I just started the raffle, I will allow this to pass but please do not do it again in the future.

arod -
You entered the wrong password. Please reread all the rules and repost.

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 23:05 (8 Years ago)
Username: Chibitogepi
# of tickets: 14
Password:Shiny Lugia
Other: I am giving you one red box, one pink box,two brown boxes,3 purple boxes, 2 Dark blue boxes, two light blue boxes and three gold keys.
<a href="https://www.dragonflycave.com/quizzes/what-type-are-you/ground"><img src="https://www.dragonflycave.com/typequiz/ground.png" alt="Ground" title="I am a Ground-type!"></a>

<p align=center><a target=_blank href=https://www.nodiatis.com/personality.htm><img border=0 src=https://www.nodiatis.com/pub/12.jpg></a></p>
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 23:06 (8 Years ago)
Ahh I actually am not accepting Gold Keys as tickets at the moment ^^;
but other than that everything looks perfect! Send everything over and I'll mark you down. :>

Trainerlevel: 100

Forum Posts: 592
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 23:07 (8 Years ago)
Username: Dokku
# of tickets: 20 (10 green keys, 4 light blue boxes, 3 pink boxes, 2 brown boxes and 1 dark blue box)
Password: Shiny Lugia is totally great prize for me or Retro Mew
Other: Good Luck on your hunt

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 23:08 (8 Years ago)
Dokku -
Sounds perfect!
Just send everything over and I'll mark you down. :>

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 145
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 23:09 (8 Years ago)
Username: arod
# of tickets: 20 (19 boxes and 1 key
Password: shiny larvitar and lugia
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 23:12 (8 Years ago)
arod -
Sounds perfect, just send everything over. :>

Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 23:41 (8 Years ago)
Username: nextname
# of tickets: 20 - 2 Black Boxes
Password: shiny Lugia
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 23:42 (8 Years ago)
nextname -
Sure thing!
Send everything over & I'll get you marked down a little after reset. :)

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,086
Posted: Sat, 06/08/2016 04:40 (8 Years ago)
Username: Agata
# of tickets: 32! (13 Boxes & 19 Keys)
Password: pink baby Lugia
Other: ୧( ˵ ° ◡ ° ˵ )୨

diary plushie berry
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Sat, 06/08/2016 06:57 (8 Years ago)
Agata &#9829; -
Of course babe <3
Just send them when you can & I'll mark you down!

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Sat, 06/08/2016 15:20 (8 Years ago)
Username: Navuso
# of tickets: 29, I believe
Password: Shiny Lugia Box
Other: Of course I'll be back when I have more boxes and junk, lol. I may be more active just to claim rumblers for these >.>;;

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Sat, 06/08/2016 15:22 (8 Years ago)
Navuso -
Of course dear <3
Send everything when you get the chance and I'll mark you down. :>

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Sat, 06/08/2016 16:43 (8 Years ago)

The following Tier 1 Prizes have been added!

The following Tier 2 Prizes have been added!

Additionally, First Place will now also be able to pick 2 Tier 1 & 4 Tier 2 Prizes

Second Place will now receive 4 Tier 1 & 4 Tier 2 Prizes.

Third Place will now receive 3 Tier 1 & 4 Tier 2 Prizes.

And finally, I've moved the Entry Form & Entrants list to the second post to make the first post less cluttered. I also added it to be able to support having over 1,000 tickets after realizing I'd require that many entries based on how many boxes & keys I want to hoard.


The list should be completely up-to-date.
Please let me know if you see something out of order!

Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 891
Posted: Sat, 06/08/2016 22:17 (8 Years ago)
Username: Giraffe_A_Laugh
# of tickets: 25! (one black box, rest are keys/boxes)
Password: I'm starin' down that shiny retro char/lugia
Other: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Sat, 06/08/2016 22:56 (8 Years ago)
Giraffe_A_Laugh -
Of course dear <333
Just send them all and I'll mark you down. :>