"You are in my home, and it is inside a dome." If it were
possible for the Kingdra to purse his lips, he would have done so.
That sort of question one simply would not ask a host, and not one
as gracious as himself! (These are the such thoughts that those of
a prideful and arrogant sort of nature think. And should not
reflect the attitudes and thoughts of other individuals.) "And
nothing short of teleportation. Which is something of a
Cell groaned to himself. Teleportation as something of a
magic-notion? If the rhymes didn't stop, he might just try to knock
himself out to stay out of them. His ears did perk up though, at
the mention of a dome. "What kinda dome is this, sir." He
hissed through his mask. Were they inside a bubble of some kind? Or
maybe some other-world dimension pocket that was 'like a dome'?
Maybe he read too many science-fiction stories, that these were the
conclusions he ended up drawing.
Kya should have stayed quiet, he should shut his mouth.. the
question he just made seemed to have bothered his.. "host?"
The Umbreon decided to wait for the Grumpig to answer Cell's
"It is a dome that cannot be seen. Yes indeed, it is a place
that has been." Some bubbles gurgled out of his mouth and to the
top of his tank. "You see, this is no ordinary forest. You have the
rest of my home to rest. Otherwise, you will need to fight your way
out. Comprende, you lout?"
Comprende, that didn't sound like English to him. Huffing,
Cell reluctantly looked over to the two eevelutions. If they
had to fight their way out, maybe they could do it. Three against
two--well maybe four if the Mienfoo came to defend the 'master and
mistress', as it were. And it probably wouldn't be terribly
surprising if they did do such a thing.
"Fight our way..."Kya muttered, "wow I really can't
keep my mouth shut" he thought
The Umbreon had a lot of questions, fight who? The master.. not
exactly hard.. but if they weren't what they had to fight.. "What happens with the forest? he asked the Grumpig, while
looking towards Cell
"Yes, you will need to fight--but not through the forest you'll
take flight!" Seeing where the Umbreon was looking, 'Master' rolled
his eyes some. "My dear partner Mistress is unfortunately mute, and
oh--how I wish I could hear her play the lute!"
"If we don't go through the forest, then where do we go?"
Cell snarled, baring his teeth. And, of course, forgetting
that he had his mask on. His snarling was as useful to being seen
as a wet towel cleaning a still-full pool. Not very useful
"what?"Kya had a very hard time figuring out what
the Kingdra was trying to say.. why the rimes.. were they really
But he felt a bit of guilt... for asking the Grumpig, but how was
he supposed to know?
((She's mute cause you're too lazy))
Character name: Watt Pokémon: Rotom Gender: Genderless, male pronuns Accessories: None Coloration: Nope Nature: Hasty. Watt is very hasty and naughty, most of the
time annoying and asking everything to everyone. His annoying yet
friendly presence isn't exactly wanted. He is also really
random. Moveset: Thunder Shock, Omnious Wind, Thunder Wave and
Double Team Catchphrase: "Really? Well, then I challenge you to a tennis
"You'll have to fight through the labyrinth below. Underground,
the dome does not--uh, is not with any fellow! The barrier does not
go beyond ground level, and so to escape--you too must go below
this level."
The Lucario twitched another one of his ears. So there was a
labyrinth, and what...what was that? He thought briefly about
whether asking the Kingdra would reveal anything--and then decided
he better not. Who knew how this man would rhyme next?
Getting to his feet, he used his paws to brush off imaginary dust
from his front. "Well if that's it, then we'll go." He had already
decided he'd go with the Umbreon. Mostly because he had no idea
what the Sylveon was doing anymore.
((Hardly. It's more fun to aggravate characters with a mute
character that would speak plainly--if they could speak at all =w=
((@teius, your character
has been approved, feel free to jump in when you can! Just remember
to remove your signature from your posts ouob))
Kya saw the Lucario.. what was he doing? wasn't he going to
wait until thy knew more? "Wait? why is there a barrier? and you still haven't answered my
other question.. How did we arrive here? "
What where they going to do? Stay there.. no way, he wouldn't.. he
couldn't. But going through a labyrinth?
The Umbreon re-thought the idea of staying.. it was a mansion
((Short story we woke up on a mansion, Arg. and me don't really
like each other.. the sylveon is lost in narnia and our
captors/hosts the "master and mistress" are really weird and won't
actually say much about this only that there's a dome))
"I've already said, you were Teleport'd over here. Is
that so strange, or are you not uh, hear...ing." Aware that he was
stretching his rhymes, he began to let off a honking sort of
chuckle. Or he was coughing violently within his specialized tank,
it was hard to tell for those not used to the motion. "And that
barrier is to keep you here for fun! Like Rattatas in a maze, they
"Not that this hasn't been fun at all, but I think I'll go
take on that labey-rinny of yours." Cell gave a mock salute
to the two 'hosts' and made his way towards the door, pushing past
the side-line watching Mienfoos. If his guess was correct, the
labyrinth or basement or whatever the heck it was would be
that locked door he was tried earlier.
((And this is just Arc 1 too haha. Right now they've finished
dinner, so either Watt wakes up in one of the bedrooms on the 2nd
floor, or he's/they've wandered down following the smell of food.))
Awkward silence everywhere.. Kya stared into the Kingdra's eyes.. "..So this is just for your entertainment.. should have supposed
That's why he couldn't thrust people.. He was tired of them
reminding him of this in the worst ways..
The Umbreon silently stood up and left, he looked one last time to
the mienfoos and the old room.. He actually had liked them.. The
mienfoos.. such a shame. As he went out to the first floor, he
started looking for Cell
((I think you should be on the first floor so we find ech other))
Watt was never really sleeping, just recharging himself.
After some time, Watt "woke up" from his bed. He looked around, but
could only remember about that weird Mienfoo talking about random
stuff. He fully charged up his bolts, and opened the room door.
Gee, that was quite a huge mansion. Although he could't smell, he
heard noises. Food noises. He followed the noise, just to find a
bunch of food.
"Oh gee! Oh gee!ohgeeohgee!" he exclaimed, amazed at such sight.
Even if the plates were empty.
"Oh, not mine! No sir-ee. What sort of monster do you think is
my kind?" Another stretch of a rhyme, and so 'Master' cleared his
throat. Only to see that two out of three guests have left the
room. Huffing out some bubbles, he canted his head towards
'Mistress', "We'd best keep an eye on them, who knows what sort of
hijinks they'll bring with 'em?"
Who...Cell figured it was just him and the two eevelutions,
and he wasn't too sure whether the appearance of the Rotom was
welcome or not. "Hey, can you speak English?" He asked, trying to
cut down on his snarking. His eyes darted left and right, to see if
anything else had changed in the foyer since he had come down. Just
an open door...the very one he had been trying earlier.
((@teius, please hide your signature. It is distracting in the
posts o,o))
"Well, as much as I don't know anything about this place,
I'm preeeeeetty sure this isn't a mask party." Watt exclaims,
smirking, his arms going up and down. "Oh, and talking like this to
a stranger is extreeeemely rude. So, what is your name? I'm pretty
sure I'm Watt." Watt says
Huh? Kya had found Cell.. and a Rotom? When did he got
there.. and where was that Sylveon? " Hey.. um.. Cell, are you going to try your luck on the
labyrinth... I was wondering if I could... um... join you" that
had been hard Kya didn't liked him, but it was better than going alone
"and your friend?"
((I'm on my tablet now so I won't do much coding))
[[@teius, s'alright now. And that's fine! As long as you've got 3
sentences, we can all work with your posts ouob]]
His ears perked up as the Lucario looked from the newly
named Watt to the Umbreon...whose name he couldn't quite remember.
Had he asked? Maybe, but whatever. "Name's Cell. And he ain't my
friend--and neither youse."
But it would be better to go in a party as opposed to going by
himself, and he was loathe to admit that inside his own head...
"Yeah sure." He gave a non-committal jerk of the shoulders to 'the
Umbreon', and rushed his next question: "You comin' along, Watt?
Could be plenty dangerous where we're headed."
"How do ya know my name?" Watt asked, but as he heard about
danger, he jumped around happily. "Yay! Danger! Death! Blood!" Watt
says "But before we go, we gotta go prepared! Do any of you know
where the kitchen is?" Watt asks
Ha! Again? This Lucario was really annoying.. He was angry now, and
then Watt?
He looked like a nice Rotom, one of those who wouldn't ever talk to
him. Kya gave the rotom a fake smile and tried to look at the
Lucario's eyes.. why did he had that mask...
The Umbreon was irritated
((What was your mask of XP))
You've got to be kidding him, Cell bit his tongue to avoid
growling too loudly. "You just said you're Watt." At the mention of
food however...he lifted his head up some and sniffed the air. That
would be a good idea, bringing food. (Heck, he hadn't even thought
of it.) "Kitchen's over there." He pointed it out for the Rotom
with a paw, and then adjusted his Yamask mask with his other
"I guess we'll stock up before headin' down. All in?" Naturally, he
deemed himself the leader of this little excursion.
[[@teius, please remember to hide your signature!]]
[[It looks like we're at the end of Arc 1, I'll make the mod post
to "end" it after they stockpile some food, does that sound good to
you guys?]]