Forum Thread
A Mysterious Mansion [Arc 2]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → A Mysterious Mansion [Arc 2][[@TheBritishVivillon, as a reminder: your post needs to have at least 3 sentences, so as to give enough detail for others to respond to. It's in the rules.]]
It was then that she began to blush a little: she hadn't thought of anything to talk about with the Banette. And it seemed kind of rude to talk to someone while they were eating too, so she went about cleaning the frying pan and other assorted instruments. She'd have to do it eventually, so why not now?
"You will be joining us, won't you?"
"No problem sir!" Yin bobbed her head in several nods to him, "We're here to make your stay here as comfortable as possible. Have a good rest!"
((ditto on that Ghost lol, I'll get things set up after I'm back from work today =w=b))
((@TheBritishVivillon, he didn't phase through the ceiling of his room, but he could phase through the ceiling of the kitchen...?))
Title: Arc 2 [Info]
(Arc 1)
After a night's rest (more or less, while time passed, the 'light' coming from the outside through the windows stayed where it was), you wake and find yourself still (un)fortunately still in the mansion. At the very least, it would appear that you've your own personal quarters, for however long that may last.
Upon heading down two flights of stairs, there is that wonderful smell of the Mienfoos' cooking. Yin and Yang do quite the job, and upon entering the parlour from last night, where the Master and Mistress were waiting: breakfast appeared to be served. Golden waffles fried to a fluffy texture, various toppings made with fresh berries and whip cream stood in bowls nearby--and if that was not enough to whet the appetite, there were: berries themselves, berry smoothies, juices; sunny-side-up eggs, boiled eggs; crispy bacon, slices of ham; bagels, toasted and un-toasted; and last but not least, sugary cereal.
It looked like they've thought of everything here, to make things more comfortable for their guests. Something like a hotel even.
Again, there were protests by the butler that it would be best if you and your rag-tag adventuring team to stay. Surely the labyrinth would be too much for you...?
The decision, then, is all yours.
Labyrinth exploring:
For the most part, there will be four directions in which our heroes(?) can travel in: Forward, Left, Backward, or Right. The Labyrinth is made up of several rooms and hallways, which (for the sake of ease) are measured in 20x20 feet square-areas. You do not have to travel as a group! (Though, it may be more dangerous if you didn't. Who knows for sure?)
Once you have flashlights in your possession, however, you will be able to see further than the 20x20 square. Well, once you've found those anyway. Yang can replace their batteries if you find any!
There will be some feral Pokémon in the Labyrinth. To engage them, use the [Fight] tag. To flee, use [Run away]. Sometimes these ferals will announce their presence by making threatening noises, or ambush your character. Sometimes they will run away from you. It's a coin-toss really.
Presumably, to defend yourselves (or outright attack) these ferals: your characters have their Pokémon moves. is the resource being used, and every move has an "Accuracy" number attached to it (most of the time). Using to pick a number between 1 and 100, you (the RPer) will announce that number in the OOC brackets (()) or [[]], to determine if the move was successful.
As a reminder against god-modding: even if the move has a 100% accuracy rating, do not assume how the feral (or other characters) will react to the move. You may describe the move in detail, but not how the target screams/howls in pain from it. There is a difference!
And now for the last note: is your character ready?

Character name: "Persian"
Pokémon: Persian
Gender: Female
Accessories: A simple gold chain necklace, two tail rings, and a gold ear-stud in her right ear.
Coloration: Regular, with a broken jewel on her forehead
Nature: Impatient and snooty
Moveset: Feint (10) | Night Slash (15) | Assurance (10) | Power Gem (20)
Catchphrase: "Get on with it alreadypeon."
Character name: "Jameseé"
Pokémon: Sableye
Gender: Male
Accessories: A glove on his left "hand" with the spines of a Seadra sticking out, a worn backpack with a variety of Poké-parts (ie, Persian's forehead-gem shard).
Nature: Quirky
Moveset: Foul Play (15) | Shadow Ball (15) | Shadow Claw (15) | Knock Off (20)
Catchphrase: "Come here my pretties~ Jameseé will take good care of you~"
Pokémon: Persian
Gender: Female
Accessories: A simple gold chain necklace, two tail rings, and a gold ear-stud in her right ear.
Coloration: Regular, with a broken jewel on her forehead
Nature: Impatient and snooty
Moveset: Feint (10) | Night Slash (15) | Assurance (10) | Power Gem (20)
Catchphrase: "Get on with it already
Character name: "Jameseé"
Pokémon: Sableye
Gender: Male
Accessories: A glove on his left "hand" with the spines of a Seadra sticking out, a worn backpack with a variety of Poké-parts (ie, Persian's forehead-gem shard).
Nature: Quirky
Moveset: Foul Play (15) | Shadow Ball (15) | Shadow Claw (15) | Knock Off (20)
Catchphrase: "Come here my pretties~ Jameseé will take good care of you~"

"Look, if anything bad happens, I'm sure one of us will yell." Or get snuffed out. Either way, this was probably going to be a noisy exploration. Crossing his arms above his chest-spike, he went over the stuff they'd be bringing. He had half a bucket-full of those berries, they seemed the easiest to carry. But what else were they going to, they'll probably be fine.
He made his way towards the foyer door that led down to the Labyrinth.
Napoleon yawned, he was still sleepy from trying to read the book, of which he left on a desk next to his bed. He asked one of the mienfoos if they had any coffee around, he definitely isn't going to fight when he's still half asleep. Wolfing down his food definitely didn't help in his sleep deprivation, but he couldn't help it they make their food so damn good. The lucario was already going down huh…he'll follow him once he gets something to wake him up
The Umbreon went down towards the place where all the sound was coming from, there was a huge table filled with all the food a pokemon could ask for.
Kya ate some waffles and a berry smoothie while trying to ignore the mistress and master, who where also on the parlour. After some time he saw the Lucario leaving. So Kya stood up and followed him just to find himself at the entrance of the labyrinth.
"What's the plan? We just go down and see what happens? "
Hope fully Cell had thought of something better than that.
Having heard the shouts, Yin made her way back to the residential rooms for the guests. "Hallo? Ghost-sir? Were you shouting?" She tried to follow the sound of where the shouts for help were coming from. Besides, her partner Yang was more than capable of dealing with anyone at the breakfast table. He rather did like being in the kitchen, for whatever reason.