Name of Item: Prism Scale Number of Items: Payment offered: PD. 2k right? Anything Else:
How do you send it? I haven't bought of anyone for years. I came
back a while ago and never really ordered like this, Do i sent the
pd? On your profile or how do i do? Do we do the trade in gts? I am
sorry for being a little bit stupid..
Oh btw maybe try the anything else more. I think it might be
usefull for you.
Do you like that idea..?
I'm some numb girl.
If u wanna talk to me i'll be rarely on twitter.
Obviously mention who u are due i got a forgetfull memory.
Name of Evolution Stone: Mega Stone
Number you want brewed: One
Offer: 375k PD
Will provide gems: Some.
Providing all the gems but dragon and normal ones.
@Aaraiz, your order is declined. I do not provide Dragon Gems for
Mega Stone brews. Furthermore, if you had been able to
provide the Dragon Gems and nothing else, there would be an
additional 425,000 PD charge for them gems you do not
provide. Which would bring your theoretical total to 525,000
This is your first warning for not reading through my terms of
service, in the first post.
@FallenAngel, your order is denied. Please specify precisely what
Gems you can provide, along with the payment you intend to pay.
Also, your deadline is an additional note that has no bearing in
this shop.
Name of Evolution Stone: Mega Stone
Number you want brewed: One
Offer: 200k PD
Will provide gems: Some.
Providing all the gems but normal ones and two dragon gems (I have
only 3 dragon gems)
Also would like to use the discount code I got from you: Sell 'em
for a dollar.