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Steel Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!

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NOT pokerus

Forum-Index Suggestions Implemented NOT pokerus
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,811
Posted: Wed, 03/07/2013 13:16 (11 Years ago)
Well, I don't actually know if you can identify the second one as a castform, to be honest.. :/

Your images do not work because you need to insert the full link to it - including "http://"
I'll see if I can change the code so BB-Code also accept URLs without it.
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 27
Posted: Wed, 03/07/2013 13:21 (11 Years ago)
Uh, could someone explain the weather idea to me? Is it just: [weather] day affects [type] pokemon levelling up?
"If you know you are going to fail, then fail gloriously!"
-Cate Blanchett

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Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 2,010
Posted: Wed, 03/07/2013 13:25 (11 Years ago)
Basically yes. For example, if it would be Fire Day today (Sunny Castform) all Fire type Pokemon in your party would get twice experience.

In case of emergency Plushie
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 04/07/2013 07:45 (11 Years ago)
I really like the idea, but a plant castform? xD I thought it was weather change that effect pokemon types?

Weather ideas i thought of-

Rain - Water
Windy/Hurricane - Flying
Twister - Dragons
Sunny - Grass/Bugs
Hail - Ice
Fog - Ghost/Dark
Cloudy - Steel/Fighting
Sandstorm - Ground
Dust Storm - Steel
Tornado- Rock
Lighting Storm - Electric
Acid Rain - Poison
Drought - Fire

Psychic/Normal - can be normal cast form?
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 2,010
Posted: Thu, 04/07/2013 13:50 (11 Years ago)
That's why I made a Plant Castform, because I didn't have a full list of weather effects that could be used.

In case of emergency Plushie
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Thu, 04/07/2013 14:59 (11 Years ago)
Oh okay, understood.
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Sat, 06/07/2013 09:29 (11 Years ago)
Ah, I am extremely sorry that I did not see this thread and made a thread about the PKRS just a few minutes ago. >_> I could have sworn I didn't see any threads that were made about the PKRS again already. T_T My apologies. I hope you guys can add your ideas if you like [so that it stays on topic]. Thanks, guys!
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 2,010
Posted: Sat, 06/07/2013 11:57 (11 Years ago)
Quote from LemmyI looked into the rejected thread, where the Pokerus was suggested by a user but then rejected, fast.

I do think the Pokerus should be implemented, but not in the exact way that Pokefarm does it like it was suggested.

I also read some of the posts, where it says that the idea is not original because PokeFarm had it first.

PKRS is in the original video games. ^_^ My suggestion is that the PKRS could come randomly, but to a single pokemon. You hatch it (in the games, catching) and it comes with the PKRS. It can spread to your other pokemon, giving it the 1.25x multiplier (just an example) by leaving it in your party. And of course, it doesn't stay forever. The smiley face icon will replace the PKRS icon after the PKRS is gone. Possibly having it there for a 24-hour period or maybe after a reset or two?

You would of course have to be lucky to hatch a Pokemon with PKRS, but I think it would be fun to hatch a pokemon and getting the plus of PKRS! It's a special surprise and extra reward for your hard work of getting the egg hatched.

I didn't wanna watch the PKRS idea get shot down, just implemented totally different from what PF has done.

I think that way we can close your mistake-thread ^^. Anyway, by "original idea" we mean the way Pokerus works on Pokefarm, of course it appeared in the game first.
Well your idea is quite nice, getting it at random when hatching eggs, but I don't know if it's quite that easy to code.

In case of emergency Plushie
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,811
Posted: Sat, 06/07/2013 13:57 (11 Years ago)
Quote from MirejWell your idea is quite nice, getting it at random when hatching eggs, but I don't know if it's quite that easy to code.

Don't worry about the coding ;)
If the idea is good enough, then it is well worth it to work hard for it.

By the way: I'm going to move Lemmys Topic to "Rejected" - since it's now discussed in this topic. This does not mean that I don't like here idea c:
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 2,010
Posted: Sat, 06/07/2013 14:24 (11 Years ago)
Now that I think about it again, I think Lemmys idea is even better than the weather one. It's very close to the game 'rus, and we could add that if you trade (not auction, only trade) a Pokemon the chance of it getting infected with 'rus is higher.

In case of emergency Plushie
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Sat, 06/07/2013 21:50 (11 Years ago)
Okay thank you Riako! ^_^ and thank you Mirej.

Yeah I just didn't wanna watch the poor PKRS be thrown away because of PF >_>

But hey, I think the weather could be used too. Maybe not in the way of getting PKRS, but weather was in the original games too. c:
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Sat, 06/07/2013 22:26 (11 Years ago)
Personally I'm not the biggest fan of pokerus considering i've only gotten it once ever & that was recently and I've play pokemon for a good # of years (pokemon was oneof if not the first game i ever played) also luck has never been on my side like ever... so for people that aren'tso lucky the weather idea is better but i think on the weather idea it should not be double because well sense there is no luck involved its alittle much maybe something like 1,25% more or 1.2% more would be better than double but thats just me sorry if this was a little long to read
sprite made by KevinXDE

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Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Sat, 06/07/2013 23:59 (11 Years ago)
I also recently got PKRS (playing for several years, like you), but only through a trade. It spreads REALLY fast through the game when you leave it in the party, and you can also trade off Pokemon with PKRS, so if your luck isn't so great, you can always use the GTS.

I honestly have no idea how the weather and PKRS could be related though, that would make sense anyway. T_T But I like the idea of having different weathers that effect the certain types of pokemon that was mentioned before, a few posts ago.

Maybe the weather only effects that type? D: i.e. Hail raises experience for Ice types and raise the chance of getting the PKRS and spreading it for the ice types.
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,811
Posted: Sun, 07/07/2013 00:04 (11 Years ago)
I think you should seperate those two ideas.
I would like to implement both PokéRus and weather effects, but in different ways.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,133
Posted: Sun, 07/07/2013 06:45 (11 Years ago)

Title: How About a V-Wave?

This is my first post!
Instead of weather boosting the EHP/EXP, why not make it the V-Wave, like in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity?
As with Gates to Infinity, it would be a feature that effects everyone of the same type, and maybe you could add requirements so that it's the same type for everyone, but like in Gates to Infinity, you need to unlock it once (permanently) to have it actually affect your Pokémon.
Basically, it would be the same thing, but under a different name to make it more unique and possibly locked at first, unless Riako decides to make it available immediately to everyone.
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Sun, 07/07/2013 13:00 (11 Years ago)
having to unlock it actually sounds like a good idea maybe something like you have to hatch so many of this type to be effected by this weather condition or "v-wave" type thing (never played that mystery dungeon game i've only played blue rescue team & explores of darkness) but you are effected by either your starters type weather or a random weather to start with so there is only 12 to unlock & maybe diffrent levels of weather/"v-wave" were you have to unlock higher levels of it & the higher the level the more your boosted
sprite made by KevinXDE

help me by clicking them please? i'll die if it doesn't grow up
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 2,010
Posted: Sun, 07/07/2013 14:26 (11 Years ago)
The original purpose of the "Pokerus" was that it's only temporary. I don't think it's good to have a permanent boost. Imagine you need only a few more Pokemon and only need like 3 clicks to hatch an egg. This would ruin the whole fun.
Another idea would be that only 1 day a week (e.g. Sunday) everyone gets a x2 multiplier.

In case of emergency Plushie
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Sun, 07/07/2013 14:47 (11 Years ago)
what i was talking about is you have to unlock to effected by the boost like lets say it was raining & you unlocked it & i haven't y water types would not get the boost & yours would but the next day it would be a fire storm(just an example) & i unlocked it & you haven't i would be effected by it & you wouldn't its just the weather is there for every one but some people are effected by it others are not & for another idea on top of that you can only have a total of 3 weathers unlocked. that makes so you just can't have a boost on everything. although the 1 day a week thing is ok but i like the weather better & there could be times were its clear when no pokemon are effected
sprite made by KevinXDE

help me by clicking them please? i'll die if it doesn't grow up
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,133
Posted: Sun, 07/07/2013 20:42 (11 Years ago)
@redapple777: That would be a good idea, but in the game itself (which I know you haven't played, so it's okay that you didn't know this) you basically unlock the concept of the V-Wave and then every type is unlocked at once.
@Mirej: If you were talking about what I said about permanently unlocking it, I meant that you had to unlock the V-Wave itself once before it affected you. It would be permanently unlocked, but the V-Wave itself still changes.
Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 1,269
Posted: Fri, 12/07/2013 07:39 (11 Years ago)
Ummm....about the doubling your Pokémon/Egg's EXP/EHP, how can it be doubled if there really isn't a certain amount you receive per interaction anyway? :|