Forum Thread
Advent Calendar Contest! [Update!]
Forum-Index → Contests → Advent Calendar Contest! [Update!]Thank you to all who entered, and good luck in the votings! :)

Christmas is just around the corner! Before you know it, November will fly by, and we'll be caught right in the middle of the month of merry-making!
Every good December has an Advent Calendar, and every good Advent Calendar has a pretty setup! Pokeheroes will be no exception to having this wonderful calendar full of goodies and fun things, so that's where our awesomely talented and artistic users come in!
How long do I have to do this?
You're getting three weeks starting today (November 1st) to complete and submit a drawing that we'll be using for an Advent Calendar.
What are the requirements?
→ The size must be 750x450px or 450x750px
→ The picture must be either a clean and clear well-scanned piece of traditional art, or it can be digital art
→ The picture must be related to Pokemon and/or Pokeheroes
→ It must be Christmas themed
→ The drawings shouldn't be posted anywhere else on the internet
→ The art must be your own work
Where do I send in my entry?
When you finish your entries, PM them to Liirah with the subject "Advent Calender Contest 2013 - Entry".
When is the deadline for submitting my entry?
The deadline for submitting your entry is November 22nd.
When are we voting for this?
After all the entries are received and the voting poll is set up, there will be a one week voting period to choose the winner.
What are the prizes?
1st Prize:
An awesome Pokeheroes sweater!

(The winner will be able to choose their size, and will need to provide Riako with their mailing address so they may receive their sweater.)
2nd Prize:
1 month Premium Membership
3nd Prize
x5 Christmas Gift (a special gift which will contain rare items!)
Good luck to everyone, and have fun!
If there are any other questions, feel free to ask in this thread.
You may do pixel art but keep in mind that every piece of art must be your own.
.gif above ©Haikyuu!! official anime
Normal Gems for Ditto collected:
1 561 / 10 000
To get:

+Pidgeot,Beedrill,Slowbro,Sceptile,Swampert,Camerupt,Glaile,Gallade & Event Megas
Well a few questions before I start.
Is a high-quality well taken picture okay?
And also does thins require color? (Sounds stupid but sometimes drawings look better with shading and not color)
and color isn't a requirement but we'd like the calendar to be festive and merry
.gif above ©Haikyuu!! official anime
Um.. I'm also wondering about death's question. It says the image can't be displayed anywhere else on the internet except PH. Which is sort of confusing because you can't upload to directly to PH anyways, but if you upload to you DA account and such, it's sort of contradicts, uploading to the internet. So it really means you have to email it to yourself anyways or someone else.
Sort of confusing myself too. :P