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~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Sun, 21/01/2018 07:24 (7 Years ago) |
Shiny you want: Alolan Vulpix Breeder of shiny: AcryliCatUwU Have you read the rules and agree with them?: Yes Other: - [Read more] |
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Sat, 16/12/2017 17:20 (7 Years ago) |
I would also like to have some tea [Read more] |
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Sat, 16/12/2017 17:04 (7 Years ago) |
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Fri, 15/12/2017 10:57 (7 Years ago) |
Nope [
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Mon, 11/12/2017 17:55 (7 Years ago) |
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Mon, 11/12/2017 17:47 (7 Years ago) |
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Sun, 10/12/2017 05:57 (7 Years ago) |
Shiny you want:Scatterbug Breeder of shiny:Nayoung Have you read the rules and agree with them?:Yup ^^ Other: Thanks ! [Read more] |
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Sat, 09/12/2017 13:30 (7 Years ago) |
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Thu, 07/12/2017 17:04 (7 Years ago) |
Try to solve this... [
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Thu, 07/12/2017 16:52 (7 Years ago) |
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Thu, 07/12/2017 16:47 (7 Years ago) |
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Thu, 07/12/2017 10:16 (7 Years ago) |
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Tue, 05/12/2017 13:57 (7 Years ago) |
Bulbasaur Ivysaur Charmander #7 Squirtle #8 Wartortle #10 Catercream #11 Metacream #12 Buttercream #14 Kakuna #15 Mega Beedrill #16 Pidgey #19 Rattata (Alolan) #21 Spearow #23 Ekans #24 Arbok #25 Pikachu (Retro) #25 Satochu #26 Raichu #26 Saitoshi #27 Sandshrew #27 Sandshrew (Alolan) #28 Sandslash (Alolan) #29 Nidoran (f) #31 Nidoqueen #32 Nidoran (m) #34 Nidoking #35 Clefairy #35 Clawfairy #36 Clefable #36 Nessy #38 Ninetales #38 Magic Ninetales #39 Jigglypuff #40 Wigglytuff #44 Gloom #45 Vileplume #46 Paras #47 Parasect #48 Venonat #49 Venomoth #50 Diglett (Alolan) #52 Meowth #52 Lepreowth #53 Persian (Alolan) #53 Perchaun #54 Psyduck #55 Golduck #57 Primeape #58 Cuddlithe #59 Arcanine #59 Arcaddly #62 Poliwrath #64 Kadabra #64 Autumn Kadabra #65 Mega Autumn Alakazam #65 Mega Alakazam #66 Machop #66 Surfer Machop #67 Machoke #67 Machotide #68 Machamp #68 Beachamp #69 Bellsprout #70 Weepinbell #71 Victreebel #74 Geodude (Alolan) #77 Dark Ponyta #78 Cursed Rapidash #80 Mega Slowbro #80 Mega Yorebro #80 Yorebro #81 Magnemite #83 Farfetch'd #84 Doduo #86 Seel #86 Gomaseel #87 Dewgong #87 Ikkakugong 0x #88 Grimer (Alolan) 0x #89 Muk (Alolan) 0x #90 Shellder 0x #91 Cloyster 0x #94 Mega Gengar 0x #95 Onix 0x #96 Drowzee 0x #96 Dr. Crazee 0x #97 Hypno 0x #97 Prof. Madno 0x #100 Voltorb 0x #102 Exeggcute 0x #103 Exeggutor 0x #103 Exeggutor (Alolan) 0x #103 Disguised Exeggutor 0x #104 Cubone 0x #105 Marowak (Alolan) 0x #106 Hitmonlee 0x #107 Hitmonchan 0x #108 Lickitung 0x #108 Derpatung 0x #109 Koffing 0x #113 Chansey 0x #115 Kangaskhan 0x #115 Mega Kangaskhan 0x #116 Horsea 0x #117 Seadra 0x #122 Mr. Mime 0x #122 Mr. Moody 0x #124 Jynx 0x #124 Queen Jynx 0x #125 Electabuzz 0x #126 Magmar 0x #127 Mega Pinsir 0x #128 Toraros 0x #129 Magikarp (Retro) 0x #132 Ditto 0x #134 Vaporeon 0x #135 Jolteon 0x #136 Flareon 0x #138 Omanyte 0x #139 Omastar 0x #140 Kabuto 0x #142 Mega Aerodactyl 0x #143 Snorlax 0x #143 Candy Belly 0x #144 Articuno 0x #145 Zapdos 0x #146 Moltres 0x #147 Dratini 0x #149 Dragonite 0x #150 Mega Mewtwo X 0x #150 Mega Mewtwo Y 0x #150 Shadow Mewtwo 0x #151 Mew (Retro) 0x #152 Chikorita 0x #153 Bayleef 0x #154 Meganium 0x #156 Quilava 0x #157 Typhlosion 0x #158 Totodile 0x #159 Croconaw 0x #160 Feraligatr 0x #161 Sentret 0x #163 Hoothoot 0x #163 Hoothoot (Retro) 0x #166 Ledian 0x #169 Crobat 0x #170 Chinchou 0x #171 Lanturn 0x #172 Pichu (Spiky-eared) 0x #172 Satichu 0x #173 Clawfa 0x #176 Togetic 0x #177 Natu 0x #179 Mareep 0x #179 Spring Mareep 0x #179 Summer Mareep 0x #180 Flaaffy 0x #180 Summer Flaaffy 0x #181 Mega Ampharos 0x #181 Mega Summer Ampharos 0x #181 Mega Spring Ampharos 0x #181 Summer Ampharos 0x #182 Bellossom 0x #183 Marill 0x #185 Sudowoodo 0x #185 Applewoodo 0x #186 Politoed 0x #187 Hoppip 0x #188 Skiploom 0x #190 Aipom 0x #192 Sunflora 0x #193 Yanma 0x #194 Wooper 0x #196 Espeon 0x #197 Umbreon 0x #198 Murkrow 0x #199 Yoreking 0x #200 Misdreavus 0x #201 Unown A 0x #201 Unown B 0x #201 Unown C 0x #201 Unown D 0x #201 Unown E 0x #201 Unown F 0x #201 Unown G 0x #201 Unown H 0x #201 Unown J 0x #201 Unown K 0x #201 Unown L 0x #201 Unown M 0x #201 Unown O 0x #201 Unown P 0x #201 Unown R 0x #201 Unown S 0x #201 Unown T 0x #201 Unown U 0x #201 Unown V 0x #201 Unown W 0x #201 Unown X 0x #201 Unown Z 0x #201 Unown ? 0x #203 Jesterig 0x #204 Pineco 0x #205 Forretress 0x #208 Mega Steelix 0x #209 Snubbull 0x #210 Granbull 0x #211 Qwilfish 0x #212 Scizor 0x #212 Mega Scizor 0x #213 Shuckle 0x #214 Mega Heracross 0x #216 Teddiursa 0x #218 Slugma 0x #221 Piloswine 0x #226 Mantine 0x #227 Skarmory 0x #229 Mega Houndoom 0x #230 Kingdra 0x #233 Porygon2 0x #234 Stantler 0x #236 Tyrogue 0x #237 Hitmontop 0x #238 Smoochum 0x #238 Princess Smoochum 0x #239 Elekid 0x #240 Magby 0x #242 Blissey 0x #246 Larvitar 0x #246 Larviprop 0x #247 Pupibot 0x #248 Tyranitar 0x #248 Mecha Tyranitar 0x #248 Mega Mecha Tyranitar 0x #248 Mega Tyranitar 0x #251 Celebi (Retro) 0x #252 Treecko 0x #254 Mega Sceptile 0x #255 Torchic 0x #256 Combusken 0x #256 Combowsken 0x #257 Mega Blaziken 0x #257 Mega Robin Blaze 0x #259 Marshtomp 0x #260 Mega Swampert 0x #263 Zigzagoon 0x #263 Zigzagoon (Retro) 0x #268 Cascoon 0x #272 Ludicolo 0x #273 Seedot 0x #275 Shiftry 0x #276 Taillow 0x #276 Taillow (Retro) 0x #278 Wingull 0x #279 Pelipper 0x #280 Festival Ralts 0x #281 Kirlia 0x #281 Festival Kirlia 0x #282 Mega Festival Gardevoir 0x #282 Mega Gardevoir 0x #283 Surskit 0x #285 Shroomish 0x #285 Super Shroom 0x #286 Super Breloomio 0x #287 Easter Slakoth 0x #288 Easter Vigoroth 0x #290 Nincada 0x #291 Ninjask 0x #292 Shedinja 0x #293 Whismur 0x #294 Loudred 0x #296 Makuhita 0x #297 Hariyama 0x #299 Nosepass 0x #301 Delcatty 0x #302 Mega Sableye 0x #303 Mega Mawile 0x #304 Aron 0x #305 Lairon 0x #306 Mega Aggron 0x #307 Meditite 0x #308 Mega Medicham 0x #309 Electrike 0x #311 Plusle (Flirty) 0x #316 Gulpin 0x #320 Wailmer 0x #322 Numel 0x #323 Mega Winter Camerupt 0x #324 Ferrerocoal 0x #325 Spoink 0x #327 Space Spinda 0x #328 Trapinch 0x #331 Cacnea 0x #334 Candaria 0x #334 Mega Altaria 0x #334 Mega Candaria 0x #335 Zangoose 0x #336 Seviper 0x #339 Barboach 0x #341 Corphish 0x #342 Crawdaunt 0x #343 Baltoy 0x #345 Lileep 0x #347 Anorith 0x #348 Armaldo 0x #349 Feebas 0x #351 Heat Castform 0x #351 Rainy Castform 0x #351 Foggy Castform 0x #351 Dark Castform 0x #351 Thunder Castform 0x #351 Meteorite Castform 0x #351 Windy Castform 0x #351 Earthquake Castform 0x #351 Muggy Castform 0x #351 Eruption Castform 0x #351 Smog Castform 0x #351 Sunny Castform 0x #352 Frosty Kecleon 0x #353 Zomppet 0x #354 Mega Banette 0x #354 Mega Banettenstein 0x #355 Duskull 0x #357 Tropius 0x #358 Chimecho 0x #359 Mega Absol 0x #361 Snorunt 0x #363 Spheal 0x #367 Huntail 0x #368 Gorebyss 0x #370 Chocoluv 0x #371 Mr. Bagon 0x #372 Shelgon 0x #373 Salamence 0x #373 Mega Salamence 0x #373 Mega Lord Salamence 0x #374 Beldum 0x #375 Metang 0x #376 Mega Metagross 0x #380 Mega Latias 0x #381 Mega Latios 0x #382 Primal Kyogre 0x #386 Deoxys 0x #386 Deoxys (Attack) 0x #386 Deoxys (Defense) 0x #386 Deoxys (Speed) 0x #387 Turtwig 0x #388 Grotle 0x #389 Torterra 0x #390 Chimchar 0x #391 Monferno 0x #392 Infernape 0x #393 Piplup 0x #394 Prinplup 0x #395 Empoleon 0x #396 Starly 0x #399 Tom Nook 0x #399 Tom Nook (Seller) 0x #407 Roserade 0x #408 Cranidos 0x #409 Rampardos 0x #410 Shieldon 0x #411 Bastiodon 0x #412 Burmy (Plant) 0x #412 Burmy (Sandy) 0x #412 Burmy (Trash) 0x #413 Wormadam (Plant) 0x #416 Vespiquen 0x #417 Pachirisnow 0x #420 Cherubi 0x #421 Cherrim 0x #421 Cherrim (Sunny) 0x #425 Drifloon 0x #425 Driflamp 0x #425 Valenfloon 0x #426 Drifblim 0x #426 Lightblim 0x #428 Lopunny 0x #428 Easter Lopunny 0x #428 Mega Lopunny 0x #428 Mega Easter Lopunny 0x #429 Mismagius 0x #430 Honchkrow 0x #433 Chingling 0x #434 Stunky 0x #435 Skuntank 0x #436 Bronzor 0x #437 Bronzong 0x #438 Bonsly 0x #438 Blossomly 0x #439 Mime Jr. 0x #439 Jolly Jr. 0x #439 Sad Jr. 0x #440 Happiny 0x #441 Chatot 0x #442 Spiritomb 0x #442 Heartomb 0x #443 Gible 0x #445 Garchomp 0x #445 Mega Garchomp 0x #446 Sugar Shock 0x #447 Rokkyu 0x #448 Lucario 0x #448 Mega Lucario 0x #448 Lucario-sensei 0x #448 Mega Lucario-sensei 0x #449 Hippopotain 0x #450 Hippowtain 0x #451 Skorupi 0x #452 Drapion 0x #453 Croagunk 0x #455 Carnivine 0x #456 Finneon 0x #457 Lumiday 0x #457 Cosmoneon 0x #460 Abomasnow 0x #460 Mega Abomasnow 0x #461 Weavile 0x #464 Rhyperior 0x #465 Tangrowth 0x #466 Electivire 0x #467 Magmortar 0x #468 Togekiss 0x #469 Yanmega 0x #470 Leafeon 0x #471 Glaceon 0x #472 Gliscor 0x #473 Mamoswine 0x #474 Porygon-Z 0x #475 Gallade 0x #475 Mega Gallade 0x #476 Probopass 0x #477 Dusknoir 0x #478 Froslass 0x #478 Mega Froslass 0x #479 Rotom 0x #479 Heat Rotom 0x #479 Drill Rotom 0x #479 Monitor Rotom 0x #482 Azelf 0x #487 Giratina (Origin) 0x #487 Mega Giratina 0x #491 Darkrai 0x #492 Shaymin (Sky) 0x #493 Arceus 0x #493 Arceus (Bug) 0x #493 Arceus (Dark) 0x #493 Arceus (Dragon) 0x #493 Arceus (Electric) 0x #493 Arceus (Fighting) 0x #493 Arceus (Fire) 0x #493 Arceus (Flying) 0x #493 Arceus (Ghost) 0x #493 Arceus (Grass) 0x #493 Arceus (Ground) 0x #493 Arceus (Ice) 0x #493 Arceus (Poison) 0x #493 Arceus (Psychic) 0x #493 Arceus (Rock) 0x #493 Arceus (Steel) 0x #493 Arceus (Water) 0x #493 Arceus (Fairy) 0x #494 Victini 0x #494 Nappy 0x #494 Rainbow 0x #494 Staid 0x #495 Snivy 0x #496 Servine 0x #497 Serperior 0x #498 Tepig 0x #499 Pignite 0x #500 Emboar 0x #501 Oshawott 0x #502 Dewott 0x #503 Samurott 0x #507 Herdier 0x #509 Purrloin 0x #509 Pharraloin 0x #511 Pansage 0x #512 Simisage 0x #512 Simisage (Waiter) 0x #514 Simisear 0x #514 Simisear (Waiter) 0x #515 Panpour 0x #516 Simipour 0x #516 Simipour (Waiter) 0x #517 Munna 0x #517 Nightmare Munna 0x #518 Musharna 0x #518 Nightmare Musharna 0x #520 Tranquill 0x #525 Boldore 0x #526 Gigalith 0x #528 Swoobat 0x #529 Drilbur 0x #530 Excadrill 0x #531 Mega Audino 0x #532 Timburr 0x #534 Conkeldurr 0x #536 Palpitoad 0x #540 Sewaddle 0x #542 Leavanny 0x #543 Venipede 0x #544 Whirlipede 0x #546 Flower Boy 0x #547 Whimsicott 0x #547 Groomicott 0x #548 Flower Girl 0x #549 Lilligant 0x #549 Lillibride 0x #551 Sandile 0x #552 Krokorok 0x #554 Darumaka 0x #555 Darmanitan (Zen) 0x #557 Dwebble 0x #557 Sandwebble 0x #558 Sandcrustle 0x #559 Scraggy 0x #559 Rodeo Scraggy 0x #560 Sheriff Scrafty 0x #561 Sigilyph 0x #562 Yamask 0x #563 Cofagrigus 0x #564 Tirtouga 0x #565 Carracosta 0x #566 Archen 0x #567 Archeops 0x #568 Trubbish 0x #570 Zorua 0x #571 Zoroark 0x #573 Cinccino 0x #574 Gothita 0x #575 Gothorita 0x #577 Solosis 0x #580 Ducklett 0x #583 Vanillish 0x #584 Vanilluxe 0x #585 Deerling (Spring) 0x #585 Deerling (Summer) 0x #585 Deerling (Autumn) 0x #585 Snowling 0x #585 Deerling (Winter) 0x #586 Sawsbuck (Spring) 0x #586 Sawsbuck (Summer) 0x #586 Snowbuck 0x #586 Sawsbuck (Winter) 0x #589 Escavalier 0x #593 Jellicent 0x #595 Joltik 0x #599 Klink 0x #600 Klang 0x #604 Eelektross 0x #605 Elgyem 0x #607 Litwick 0x #608 Lampent 0x #609 Chandelure 0x #610 Knight Axew 0x #611 Fraxure 0x #611 Baron Fraxure 0x #612 Haxorus 0x #612 Sir Haxelot 0x #613 Cubchoo 0x #613 Hawaiian Cubchoo 0x #614 Beartic 0x #614 Hawaiian Beartic 0x #615 Cryogonal 0x #617 Accelgor 0x #619 Mienfoo 0x #619 Mikofoo 0x #620 Mienshao 0x #620 Mikoshao 0x #621 Druddigon 0x #622 Golett 0x #624 Pawniard 0x #625 Bisharp 0x #627 Rufflet 0x #628 Braviary 0x #629 Vullaby 0x #630 Mandibuzz 0x #633 Deino 0x #634 Zweilous 0x #635 Hydreigon 0x #636 Larvesta 0x #636 Fiesta Larvesta 0x #637 Fiesta Volcarona 0x #638 Cobalion 0x #639 Terrakion 0x #640 Virizion 0x #641 Tornadus 0x #641 Tornadus (Therian Forme) 0x #642 Thundurus 0x #642 Thundurus (Therian Forme) 0x #644 Zekrom 0x #645 Landorus 0x #645 Landorus (Therian Forme) 0x #646 Kyurem 0x #646 Black Kyurem 0x #646 White Kyurem 0x #647 Keldeo 0x #647 Keldeo (Resolute) 0x #648 Meloetta 0x #648 Meloetta (Pirouette) 0x #649 Genesect 0x #649 Genesect (Burn) 0x #649 Genesect (Douse) 0x #649 Genesect (Shock) 0x #649 Genesect (Chill) 0x #650 Chespin 0x #651 Quilladin 0x #653 Fennekin 0x #654 Braixen 0x #655 Delphox 0x #656 Froakie 0x #657 Frogadier 0x #659 Bunnelby 0x #659 Easter Bunnelby 0x #660 Easter Diggersby 0x #661 Messenger Fletchling 0x #662 Fletchinder 0x #662 Messenger Fletchinder 0x #663 Messenger Talonflame 0x #664 Scatterbug 0x #664 Scattercube 0x #665 Spewpa 0x #665 Spewbrella 0x #666 Vivillon (Jungle) 0x #666 Vivillon (Sun) 0x #666 Vivillon (Poke Ball) 0x #666 Vivillon (Fancy) 0x #667 Litleo 0x #668 Pyroar 0x #669 Flabébé (Red) 0x #669 Flabébé (Sakura) 0x #669 Flabébé (White) 0x #669 Flabébé (Yellow) 0x #671 Florges (Orange) 0x #671 Florges (White) 0x #671 Florges (Yellow) 0x #672 Skiddo 0x #672 Skugar 0x #673 Gingergoat 0x #674 Pancham 0x #675 Pangoro 0x #676 Furfrou 0x #676 Furfrou (Star) 0x #676 Furfrou (Heart) 0x #676 Furfrou (Diamond) 0x #676 Furfrou (Dandy) 0x #676 Furfrou (Matron) 0x #676 Furfrou (Debutante) 0x #676 Furfrou (Pharaoh) 0x #676 Furfrou (La Reine) 0x #676 Furfrou (Kabuki) 0x #676 Furfrou (Santa) 0x #677 Espurr 0x #679 Honedge 0x #681 Aegislash 0x #682 Spritzee 0x #683 Aromatisse 0x #685 Slurpuff 0x #685 Anniversary Cake 0x #686 Inkay 0x #687 Malamar 0x #690 Skrelp 0x #691 Dragalge 0x #692 Clauncher 0x #693 Clawitzer 0x #695 Heliolisk 0x #696 Tyrunt 0x #698 Amaura 0x #700 Sylveon 0x #701 Hawlucha 0x #704 Goomy 0x #705 Sliggoo 0x #707 Klefki 0x #708 Phantump 0x #709 Trevenant 0x #710 Pumpkaboo 0x #711 Gourgeist 0x #712 Bergmite 0x #714 Noibat 0x #715 Noivern 0x #716 Xerneas 0x #718 Zygarde 0x #720 Hoopa #722 Rowlet #723 Dartrix #725 Litten #726 Torracat #727 Incineroar #728 Popplio #729 Brionne #730 Primarina #731 Pikipek #732 Trumbeak #736 Grubbin #738 Vikavolt #739 Crabrawler #740 Crabominable #742 Cutiefly #744 Rockruff #745 Lycanroc (Midnight) #746 Wishiwashi #746 Wishiwashi (School) #747 Mareanie #748 Toxapex #750 Mudsdale #755 Morelull #756 Shiinotic #757 Salandit #758 Salazzle #762 Steenee #769 Sandygast #776 Turtonator [Read more] |
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Tue, 05/12/2017 13:52 (7 Years ago) |
I can Trade For- 70 Pokemons For 1* Mystery Box/ Key 100 pd Per Pokemon I can Trade For- 2 Pokemon For 1* Mystery Box/ Key 5 k Per Pokemon You Will Find The Missing Pokemons Below [Read more] |
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Tue, 05/12/2017 12:27 (7 Years ago) |
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Wed, 29/11/2017 11:54 (7 Years ago) |
Shiny you want:Spinda Breeder of shiny:Lemon Have you read the rules and agree with them?:ya Other:- [Read more] |
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Sat, 25/11/2017 02:41 (7 Years ago) |
I am tired Of deleting single Comments.... [
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Wed, 22/11/2017 13:07 (7 Years ago) |
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {I beg you Not To Report Me} . . . [Oh Crap Forgot that begging was also a crime .. Sorry !} [Read more] |
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Sat, 11/11/2017 09:05 (7 Years ago) |
Pokemon Link(s): \ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Payment: 1 * Star peice Total Number of Tickets: 15 User Referral: (if any, if none then leave blank) - I would Also Like to claim The Shiny Regigigas [Read more] |
~Kiteretsu~ OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 74 |
Posted: Tue, 31/10/2017 10:26 (7 Years ago) |
Shiny you want: Ralt Breeder of shiny:Ishimaru Have you read the rules and agree to them?:Yup ") Other: No ().. [Read more] |
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