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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from silvermane67.
Posted: Mon, 28/11/2022 21:25 (1 Year ago)
Please let me know if you're interested in this RP! Fill out this form below!

This rp will be based on RNG (random number generators). Each adventure will have random places, treasures and obstacles chosen for them by the generators! (This is subject to change since this is still a WIP)



Image/Description: (Optional)

Team: (Red or Blue)

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Posted: Mon, 28/11/2022 16:22 (1 Year ago)
This is a pokemon adventure team roleplay that uses RNG to pick what they find on their trips! It is currently a work-in-progress

NOTE: These items are fictional and are not awarded in-game.



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Posted: Thu, 10/11/2022 20:52 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Tue, 08/11/2022 21:33 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Mon, 07/11/2022 17:48 (1 Year ago)
Veera now looked mortified. I can't go back? Ever?? That was definitely going to be a problem. She didn't belong here and even worse, she didn't know if she could trust anyone here. Especially her new "friend" Rhuna. Reluctantly, she followed the imp and kept close to her tail. "Well.. I'm a human, not a demon. Maybe it would be different for me if I tried to escape." She frowned in thought and put her hands in her pockets, keeping her gaze on the ground as she walked. This was becoming less of a research opportunity and more of a desperate situation.

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Posted: Mon, 07/11/2022 17:26 (1 Year ago)
Veera scoffed as she looked around again. "Yea, so I see. I'm not looking to stay here- I was just researching different demonic things and ended up here." She shrugged and went back to looking at Rhuna. "We're really in Hell right now? It's honestly amazing..." She shook her head in disbelief like she never thought she'd end up here. "Er, is there a slightly less dangerous place to go? I want to look around a bit more before I go back. Um-- if I can even do that, I guess."

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Posted: Mon, 07/11/2022 17:07 (1 Year ago)
Veera had no idea where she was. Everything was damp and darkened, like she was inside a forest or something. But really, she was in the disgusting concrete jungle of downtown Hell. Her knees ached since she's fallen from the sky and landed on them. Looking around, she had an increasingly confused expression on her face. She felt the need to duck whenever a gunshot sounded. And then, who was that? Someone was talking to her. She raised her head to see what looked like to be a demon- and she suddenly understood what had happened. "It worked! My portal worked." She smirked, looking smug now, and stood up straight to brush off her knees and to look at the creature in front of her. "I'm Veera. Who the hell are you?" She usually wasn't this excited, but her experiment worked and that was giving her a natural high.

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Posted: Mon, 07/11/2022 15:02 (1 Year ago)
Veera was always the curious type, but not in ways that were fun or quirky. She was the person that would stay up for hours past the time she was supposed to be asleep researching until her eyes burned and daylight began to shine through her blinds. No amount of anti blue-light coating on her reading glasses could protect her eyes from the large amount of websites she burned through in a week. This scenario was like many others. The girl was slumped over her desk with a notepad and pen in her hand, scribbling words down on the page while she stared intently at the computer screen. Demonic symbols riddled the site in front of her and the pages that were coming from her printer. It seemed she was researching some type of portal to Hell. Let's see how this works, then, she thought.

Without much more discourse, she readied herself in the middle of her dorm room. Veera cleared a spot between old sketch books and journals, piling up papers on the sides of her room to reveal the bare tile floor of her dorm room. There, she began drawing in red sharpie- the same pattern that was on the pages in her hand. A summoning circle of some type? A portal? She carefully traced the runes, staring intently at her research to get everything right the first time.
"And now for the finishing touches!" She planted her feet and pricked her finger with a thumbtack, letting her blood fall to the ground in the middle of the demonic circle. And she waited. And waited. What was with this thing?
Veera was beginning to think she should give up but then- a woosh of air ruffled her short hair and a red glow emanated from the floor. It's working! Its wor--! The girl was swallowed up in the portal, rushed off to wherever the end of it was. Hell? Maybe.

Name: Veera Tantellum
Age: 21
Pronouns: She/Her

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2022 18:16 (1 Year ago)
Pretend that didn't happen oops

"I think they'll be alright. We have enough warriors around here to make sure that they're safe." He nodded confidently, raising his head a bit to catch some of the sunlight peeking through the clouds.

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2022 17:31 (1 Year ago)

The warrior nodded back to her, seeming like he was more relaxed now. He offered Umbralscar a pleased smile. "Good, I'm glad you think so too." He winced when the headache seemed to get more intense, but said nothing else about it. "I'll be glad when we can finally leave. When do you think everyone will be ready? I know there's kits to worry about now.."

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2022 17:28 (1 Year ago)
Username: Silvermane67

Cat name: Russetstorm

Gender: Tom

Age: 30 moons

StarClan beyond powers? If yes, then what?: n/a

Other Sibling to Amberstep

Username: Silvermane67

Cat name: Amberstep

Gender: Molly

Age: 30 moons

StarClan beyond powers? If yes, then what?: n/a

Other Sibling to Russetstorm

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2022 17:06 (1 Year ago)

"I agree." He nodded with the tips of his ears swaying a bit. "I'll admit though-" He interrupted himself with a sudden grimace, "-the trip isn't going to be easy. Many of the cats in the clan will be looking to you and Frozenstar for guidance when we leave." He had turned more serious, which was his usual demeanor. "Will you be up to the task? I pray that Starclan guides our path." He blinked, his head beginning to pound again. "Urg- damn headaches..."

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2022 16:59 (1 Year ago)

He felt his whiskers twitch in slight amusement. Nightwhisper nodded to her question with a small smile on his maw. "I suppose I am; you're correct, Umbralscar. Of course I already know who you are since you're the clan deputy. But it's nice to finally be introduced properly." He shuffled his paws to keep the feeling in them. "And since you brought it up, I was actually staying out of the wind over here."

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2022 16:50 (1 Year ago)

He twitched his ears in greeting when he noticed Umbralscar coming over to him. The sound of her pawsteps in the slush filled his little area. With a nod he said, "Yes, but not any more quieter than it usually is. Why?" Nightwhisper had stopped grooming and sat up straight to look the deputy in the eyes. Although she had a higher ranking, he was still older than her along with most other cats in the clan, so her authority didn't phase him as it might with younger warriors. He curled his tail around his paws in the meantime to keep from getting too cold.

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2022 16:42 (1 Year ago)

The warrior had bundled up against the side of the warriors' den to escape the cold wind. He received his travelling herbs and ate them with a huff. Disgusting. While he tried to get the taste out of his mouth by grooming his fur, he watched Umbralscar's interactions with Faunakit. He found it kind of cute! Night would never admit this, but he always had a soft spot for kits and he wondered if one of these kits would be his apprentice in the future. Of course, it seemed like Faunakit was spoken for now though.

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2022 16:04 (1 Year ago)
Username: Silvermane67
Char. Name: Issac Raumgarten
District: Desti District
Custom Role: Herbal Healer/Horticulturist/Travelling Salesman
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Human
Appearance:Medium height guy with pinkish skin, brown wavy hair and hazel eyes. He usual dresses conservatively and in earth-tones and he never does anything without his oval glasses.

Reference image:

I'm excited to see this come to fruition :)

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2022 15:15 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2022 14:32 (1 Year ago)

At Frozenstar's announcement about leaving, the senior warrior bowed his head with some sense of stress. He was willing to leave of course, since it was his leader's orders, but the trip itself would be long and tiresome. He was sure of it. He mainly watched everyone around camp after exiting the warriors' den, his amber gaze scanning to see everyone's reactions. He flicked his tail at Umbralscar's usual demeanor, wondering not for the first time why Frozenstar decided to choose her as deputy.

Nevermind. His head was beginning to hurt.

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2022 14:23 (1 Year ago)
It's all set then!

I may make some sibling apprentices ehehe

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Posted: Thu, 03/11/2022 14:13 (1 Year ago)
Ehh I can change his age to be more of a senior warrior instead :) maybe like 60 moons?

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