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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from paintboy.
Posted: Thu, 17/10/2024 16:24 (4 Months ago)

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Posted: Sun, 13/05/2018 01:45 (6 Years ago)
mine was a mega-able bulbasaur

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Posted: Thu, 03/05/2018 11:42 (6 Years ago)
Username: Kyatto
Shiny/Mega You Want: Bunnelby
How Many Slots You Want: 1
Rare Gender: No
Want It With a Everstone: Yes

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Posted: Tue, 01/05/2018 05:44 (6 Years ago)
i am coo'k

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Posted: Tue, 01/05/2018 04:38 (6 Years ago)
Username: Kyatto
Shiny/Mega You Want: Dratini
How Many Slots You Want: 1
Rare Gender: No
Want It With a Everstone: No

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Posted: Fri, 20/04/2018 21:31 (6 Years ago)
Username: Kyatto
Shiny/Mega You Want: Shiny Pachirisu
How Many Slots You Want: 1
Rare Gender: No
Want It With a Everstone: No

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Posted: Sun, 25/03/2018 22:52 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 25/03/2018 12:48 (6 Years ago)

that was supposed to be glaceon lol

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Posted: Sun, 25/03/2018 08:16 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 20/01/2017 05:13 (8 Years ago)
Hi! I will like to reserve a slot ^^
Name of the pokemon: Rockruff
Payment: Pokedollar
Quantity of pokemon you want: 1
Other: I am willing to use all of my Pokedollar for a shiny Rockruff.. Rip.

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Posted: Mon, 16/01/2017 23:58 (8 Years ago)
Rumble areas will gain EXP every time they are explored (expreesed by %). If an area is fully explored, a new level of it will be unlocked.

It's on the Rumbling wiki page.

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Posted: Thu, 15/12/2016 10:00 (8 Years ago)
Username: KyattoXKitty
Name: Cocoa
What Pokemon are you?: Vulpix
Personality: Optimistic, happy-go-lucky
Just a regular Vulpix.
History: When Cocoa was first hatched, she smelled the scent of gingerbread. Her family had found gingerbread for food. Sooo, the first thing that Cocoa ate was gingerbread.
Age: 12
Children?: Nahahahahahahaaahahaaaa..
Mate?: nOPE

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Posted: Thu, 15/12/2016 09:23 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 15/12/2016 08:05 (8 Years ago)
I'll autobuy Eevee and Dunsparce fusion!

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Posted: Thu, 01/12/2016 06:58 (8 Years ago)
Polestar! I want to make a wish!
Username: KyattoXKitty
I wish for something shiny!

(Forgot username, edited.)

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Posted: Tue, 15/11/2016 10:26 (8 Years ago)
Have this stupid diary..

Well, I'm trying to hunt Shuppet, but hatching eggs take forever. Wish me luck because I don't seem to be hatching a shiny any time soon.

Lets see if I can post daily. ;w;

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Posted: Sat, 12/11/2016 10:37 (8 Years ago)
How's this? (x)

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Posted: Mon, 24/10/2016 09:15 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 23/10/2016 06:40 (8 Years ago)
Working on my design!

Edit: I'm done!

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Posted: Wed, 28/09/2016 21:34 (8 Years ago)
She started crying, really scared. ((I have to go to school now, sorry))

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