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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from darthalex57.
Posted: Thu, 08/04/2021 23:14 (3 Years ago)
The event is over. I missed it entirely, but I still see eggs

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Posted: Tue, 27/08/2019 23:18 (5 Years ago)
Banned for being too cool.

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Posted: Wed, 10/02/2016 15:07 (9 Years ago)

Title: Diary #2

Today, I'm gonna finish the 1st Raylóng quest: Make 10,000 Interactions! Wish me luck! Also, I've given up on the Ditto Egg Lab search. If anyone wants to battle me on a Pokémon 3DS game, my Friend code is in my signature and on my Profile Page thingy. So Pal Pad me if you want to do that! Okay, I'm done now. Darth out!

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Posted: Wed, 03/02/2016 23:36 (9 Years ago)

A Delphox Sketch

A Suicune Gijinka

My Trainer in a green Contest Costume

Doodled Blue at school

My Eon Duo in SoulSilver. Niche is my Latias, and Gauche is my Latios.

I dunno why I drew this.

Eevee in a Leafeon onesie.

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Posted: Wed, 03/02/2016 22:44 (9 Years ago)
First Diary Entry thingy/First Forum post since signing up!

Okay guys, so a lot has happened here. I got a Combee from Moeruhi, I recruited my sister onto here, and she has the username Lillylion56. I started searching for a Ditto Egg in the Lab, but I haven't had any luck whatsoever. But that's okay! 'Cause it doesn't matter to me because I love Pokémon! I'm really not on here to be the best! I'm just here 'cause it's fun! Okay, I'm done now. Darth out!

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Posted: Tue, 08/12/2015 15:08 (9 Years ago)
Hi, I'm Darth, yes I'm female. Uh... What else am I supposed to type? XD

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