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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from axolotl119.
Posted: Sat, 23/04/2022 03:25 (2 Years ago)
The one thing Sun loved most in the world was Pokemon battles.

He woke up thinking about them, he went to sleep thinking about them, and he spent all of his free time thinking about them.

Needless to say, he was a regular at Professor Insulam’s lab.

About a week ago, he’d decided that the best way to become a gym leader was to learn everything he could about Pokemon. After all, gym leaders knew a lot about pokemon and training and typing and battling, so if he couldn’t study *directly* under a gym leader, he could at least learn all he could!

This morning he’d jumped out of bed, grabbed his things, and raced down to the lab, excited for another day of learning. He quickly knocked on the door, pulling at the straps of his backpack as he yelled “Professor! It’s Sun!”

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Posted: Wed, 13/04/2022 04:37 (2 Years ago)
-Name- Sun
-Gender- Male
-Personality- Calm, but gets excited when he decides he likes something. Adores pokemon, loves playing with them most of all.
-Other- His goal is to be a gym leader one day! Most of his pokemon absolutely adore him. He’s very bad at small talk, but likes listening to people. Mostly quiet, but not shy! You just gotta get to know him a little!

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Posted: Tue, 05/04/2022 01:25 (2 Years ago)
Pokemon species- Shiny Cinderace (Cinnamon)
Gender- Female
Nature- Adamant
Held item- Charcoal
Other- She’s very prideful and playful in equal measure, and those who don’t know her very well tend to dislike her. She has a couple of friends, though, and her best friend is Matiz (other character ^ ^)

Pokemon species- Lucario (Matiz)
Gender- Male
Nature- Naive
Held item- Focus sash
Other- He can be a little dense, but he likes playing around, and enjoys snowball fights a lot. He can be serious when he needs to be, but prefers to relax and have fun!

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