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Searching for: Posts from Zira.
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2024 14:48 (4 Months ago)

Missing please ^^

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Posted: Fri, 01/11/2024 07:06 (4 Months ago)
Sending ^^

If you can send any missing please x

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Posted: Tue, 29/10/2024 20:23 (4 Months ago)
Thank you!
I must've been blind because I didn't see the fishbox lol. I don't know how up to date it is but,

Hi, LeoRia,
Pokemons I would like to buy: Poliwhirl, Chinchou, Lanturn, Mantine
Others: (specific gender, etc.) If Poliwhirl could hold a King's Rock?
Everstone: Yes please on all the ones that can evolve! (Minus Poliwhirl)
Payment method: A bunch of plushies and will ofc comp. for King's Rock in PD ^^

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Posted: Tue, 29/10/2024 19:48 (4 Months ago)
Hi, LeoRia,
Pokemons I would like to buy: Bayleef, Skiploom, Unown A, Swinub, Delibird, Skarmory, Phanpy, Stantler, Smeargle, Smoochum and Magby
Others: (specific gender, etc.) Nope!
Everstone: yes, If you could chuck an everstone on Bayleef, Phanpy and Smoochum please x
Payment method: PD + Missing plushie(s) :)

Sorry for the bigger order, take your time :)

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Posted: Tue, 29/10/2024 18:58 (4 Months ago)

Missing please ^^

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Posted: Tue, 29/10/2024 08:23 (4 Months ago)
Sending :)

please send the birthday plush if you can x

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Posted: Mon, 28/10/2024 11:45 (4 Months ago)
Sending ^^

Please send a missing if you can x

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Posted: Sun, 27/10/2024 09:57 (4 Months ago)
Send missing if you can please :)

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Posted: Fri, 25/10/2024 19:36 (4 Months ago)

Send missing if you can please :)

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Posted: Fri, 25/10/2024 10:43 (4 Months ago)
Sending :)
Send missing if you can please x

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Posted: Thu, 24/10/2024 07:35 (4 Months ago)
I would be interested in buying some of your pokemon for my dex entries. These are the ones I'd like

FOR SALE: Furret, Bellossom, Sunflora, Forretress, Magcargo, Stantler
FOR SALE 3: Corsola
FOR SALE 4: Dunsparce, Teddiursa, Ursaring

Would you be able to give Teddiursa an Everstone in case it evolves (Assuming it's level based).

How does 12k sound? I looked at stonks and added extra to all of them :)
I will also tip some gems and a mystery box / key that I have left over if you'd like ^^

Please let me know if this offer is okay! And I hope my links are all working, I got a little confused towards the end haha

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Posted: Thu, 24/10/2024 06:06 (4 Months ago)
Sending :)
Please send any missing x

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Posted: Thu, 24/10/2024 04:18 (4 Months ago)
Sending :)
Please send the birthday one ^^

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Posted: Wed, 23/10/2024 11:40 (4 Months ago)
Send missing if you can please x

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Posted: Tue, 22/10/2024 07:15 (4 Months ago)
Please send any missing if you can x

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Posted: Sun, 20/10/2024 16:17 (4 Months ago)
Username: Zira
Pokemon: Riolu
Quantity: 2
Mode of payment: PD :)

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Posted: Thu, 17/10/2024 16:55 (4 Months ago)
No wifi 100%

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Posted: Tue, 08/10/2024 13:58 (5 Months ago)

I am searching for perfect breeding pairs, any of the line is fine, of the following pokemon;


Please let me know if you have any of these for sale and let me know the price! I can also trade any extra pokemon I have in my boxes if you're looking for that (not including the never for trade box)

Thanks in advance!

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Posted: Fri, 04/10/2024 22:32 (5 Months ago)
Hi Raven!

Would it be possible to yoink the Quilava from box 1 and the Typhlosion from box 2? Thank you so much in advance!

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Posted: Sun, 29/09/2024 14:46 (5 Months ago)

I would like to rent a pair!
Pokemon (or link to specific pair): Typhlosion breeding pair
For how long: 3 weeks to start
Other: I might have to extend it to more than 3 weeks and if that is the case, and is okay with you, I will of course pay extra in advance before the 3 weeks are up :)

Let me know if this is doable, thanks!

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