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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Tue, 21/06/2022 05:48 (2 Years ago)
It was raining. Hard, anyway, but it was to be expected for a swampy place such as Laverre City. Keaton shook himself out, feathers puffing up in mild annoyance. He wanted to fly- To catch something to eat. Yet, the winds were unpredictable, and visibility was absolutely awful. The man had been hiding away in the ruins of one of the houses within the small city, thankfully having somewhat of a roof to have a dry place.

He didn't have much, but at the least he was far away from his 'home'.

Deciding to get something from the drawer of what was assumed to be a dilapidated kitchen, since it was more convenient to hide his things away, the man took out a knife. If he couldn't fly, then he would have to look on the ground for his dinner. Of course, the man was also a little too stubborn and picky. Who would want to hunt in a place where you could sink and die? Or get easily ambushed? Tucking the knife away after wrapping it up in cloth, Keaton made his way to the giant, yet quite ruined tree. It would've been perfect to live in, having such a high vantage point.

It didn't seem to occur to him at first, but the scenery was... Different. A lot of the land just seemed, well, gone. Unnaturally, at that. It was too clean, even compared to the damage that was left by any rampaging Pokémon. It was... Bad.

It felt wrong.

Shaking himself out once again, Keaton was kind of glad that the damaged tree allowed him to view the sky a little easier, opening his wings to stretch before eventually taking off. It took a few flaps of his wings to gain lift, along with running a short distance. Continuing to flap vigorously until he reached an ideal height, despite the rain pouring on him, Keaton began to make his journey to a much more open zone to gather food. The hybrid did wish he could've just gathered something simple like berries, but with the weather and the threats of being ambushed or getting stuck in the swamp, it wasn't ideal. Of course, being high up also made seeing the damage even easier.

Gods, it was awful.

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Posted: Fri, 10/06/2022 06:24 (2 Years ago)

Keaton Everit

Male, He/Him


Standing roughly around 5'4", Keaton has decently long blonde hair that has a red streak going through it on either side of his head. His eyes are a sharp and constantly watching yellow coloration, black markings bringing out the color a bit more. It's obvious that he has had his genes mixed with a Pidgeot, from the claws on his fingers, to the pointed ears, to the decently sized wings that sprout from his back. His wingspan is about 9' when his wings are fully open, and a feathered tail sprouts from his lower back to aid in balance while in flight.

His usual wear consists of what seems to be an aviator jacket that has seen better days, most notably are the large holes in the back to allow Keaton's wings to be used. It does seem a little too small, or at the least not long enough for the man. Underneath is a basic blue-grey long sleeve shirt. His pants are a pair of simple jeans, somewhat torn in some places from constant use, and his shoes are a pair of worm out tennis shoes.

[Species Classification]:
Pidgeot Near-Human

Mud-Slap, Air Slash, Feather Dance, Tailwind, Whirlwind, Heat Wave

[Current Stamina]:

[Personality]: TBD

[Background]: Being born between two scientists in a lab below Snowpoint City, notably far beneath the temple, Keaton was offered up by his mother to be tested on when they found out that they would have a child. Of course, when he was born, he had little nubs for wings, no feathers anywhere on his body, which was a disappointment to his parents. While growing up, Keaton didn't get much emotional care from his parents, more so being used as a test subject for them, like a science project.

Growing older did allow for feathers to grow, which then the tests changed from overall physicality to now testing out flight with a humanoid body. It was stressful, especially when the tests called for stamina flights. If he landed, he would be electrocuted. This did help him develop his flight muscles a lot quicker than expected, but at the same time always made Keaton exhausted. Sooner or later, when he was in his teen years, Keaton would be a little more stubborn when it came to tests, even sometimes just not obeying. That did get him into trouble, which made the half-human get put in his place one too many times.

After an escape attempt, he was finally free. Of course, that also meant that the lab below was thrown into disarray due to multiple errors, but Keaton was finally able to breathe fresh air and see the sun for the first time. Even if it was absolutely freezing on the surface.

[Extra Details]: TBD

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Posted: Thu, 09/06/2022 07:06 (2 Years ago)
hey! I am Huge into post apoc roleplays and this caught my eye almost immediately, but I do have a few questions!! mostly just how pokemon-esque are the hybrids, and how would it come around to potential pokemon that are. at the least not rampaging to interact with those who are full human? since I'd guess there's probably a language barrier (unless a translation thing was made that far in the future)

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Posted: Sat, 05/06/2021 06:10 (3 Years ago)
Username: Wildstar239
Dragon's Name: Eresius
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: About a month and a half
Type: Ice/Ground; Eresius is mostly an Ice dragon, but it is obvious that he's part Ground as well due to his small wings. They aid him in digging, along with his claws, but he isn't as fast as a pure blooded Ground dragon. Due to his thick coat, he can withstand the cold. In the future, he learns how to use ice attacks, beginning with his breath weapon.

Description: Appearance; It's obvious he's an Ice dragon, but the spines come from the Ground side of his family. He can flex them, flattening them against his body or making them bristle up. Kind of like quills.
Personality: Distant, but intuitive describe Eresius rather well, but he does have a streak of being a bit adamant when it comes to his choices. He does have his moments of silence, especially in the event he needs to defend himself. It's rare for him to speak occasionally, but he does offer some words when he chooses to do so.
Family's backstory: He doesn't remember his parents all too well, but he knew that both took the time to care for him, despite the mixing of genes that made it hard for him to both fly and dig.

Other: grumbly bab oops
PalPad?: Yes
Password: hee hoo poison go brr

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Posted: Sat, 05/06/2021 03:33 (3 Years ago)
sweet!! ill be making the sheet shortly, honestly rn im just trying to figure out which type my hatchling should be

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Posted: Sat, 05/06/2021 03:25 (3 Years ago)
would this happen to still be accepting peeps? :o im p interested in this, it looks really fun,,

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Posted: Sat, 20/03/2021 20:56 (3 Years ago)
heck yeah uwu take your time rjgnjd

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Posted: Wed, 17/03/2021 05:32 (4 Years ago)
hope this is still open!!

ɴᴀᴍᴇ:- Tobias Brooke

ᴀɢᴇ:- (ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ, ᴛʜᴇ ᴍɪɴɪᴍᴜᴍ ᴀɢᴇ ɪs 𝟷𝟾~) 23

ᴏᴄᴄᴜᴘᴀᴛɪᴏɴ:- College Student

ᴘᴏᴋᴇᴍᴏɴ ᴀʟʟɪᴇs. (ᴍᴀxɪᴍᴜᴍ ɪs ᴏɴᴇ ғᴏʀ ɴᴏᴡ~) Aggron (Iron Head, Iron Defense, Take Down, Surf)

ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ:- i have no idea how to shrink it bc this is my first time adding images sorry about that gbdjrhg also picrew go brr

ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ:- Tobias is generally a kind person, but at the same time he's a huge bookworm. He loves sweets as well, so it's hard to find him without at least a single piece of candy on his person.

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Posted: Tue, 31/05/2016 22:38 (8 Years ago)
He put the zap plate into his bag and returned Flux "I don't even know how you got out--" After he put Flux's pokeball back onto his belt, he turned to Blizzard "How did you get here from Kanto?" The Articuno's tail swished "I followed your energy, but I noticed an even larger energy near you." Luke rested his head onto his shoulder and crossed his arms, lost in thought "How long did it take you to fly here, isn't Kanto rather far from Hoenn?" Blizzard nodded "Yes, but due to the thermal air currents over the ocean, I was able to glide most of the way."

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Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 19:39 (8 Years ago)
Luke grinned "Cool! I do have to ask you something, why did you tell me to go here? Don't you hate the heat?" Articuno chirped "Well, most of the time, there isn't really any trainers out here, but yes I do not like the heat from here." Luke nodded before motioning for Articuno to follow "Come on. And can I call you Blizzard?" Articuno nodded "Fine with me I guess." Blizzard followed after Luke. Flux suddenly popped out of his pokeball and looked around. Luke looked at Flux in surprise "What?" Flux then ran off. Luke quickly ran after his Shinx while Blizzard flew behind. Flux stopped and sniffed around a rock before trying to move it. Luke moved the rather large rock (its about twice the size of a shinx) and looked under it, spotting a glint of yellow. He whiped off the dirt and realized it was a plate "A Zap plate? Here?!" He quickly picked it up and looked at it, feeling the energy coming off of it "Cool.."

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Posted: Sun, 22/05/2016 14:22 (8 Years ago)
He snickered before speaking to Articuno "Coast is clear." The pokemon flew out from the clouds and landed softly in front of Luke, slightly bowing it's head "Nice to meet you." Luke bowed "Nice to meet you too. Are you a guardian?" The Articuno nodded

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Posted: Sun, 22/05/2016 00:49 (8 Years ago)
He got close to the water "I don't have any pokemon that can use surf right now.." He spoke in his mind "Articuno, how do I get across?" The pokemon replied "Make sure no one is around." Luke turned around and saw a couple people, He shouted "Hey, I think I just saw a shiny Vulpix lower on Mt Pyre!" All of the trainers that were there got onto their pokemon and went to Mt Pyre as quickly as they can, one of them shouted "I'm getting that Vulpix first!"

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Posted: Thu, 19/05/2016 18:39 (8 Years ago)
He picked up his bike "I'll be going now-- I'll be at Mt Pyre-" Luke hopped onto his bike and peddled off towards Mt Pyre. As he arrived, he looked around "I wonder why Articuno said here.."

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Posted: Thu, 19/05/2016 15:16 (8 Years ago)
He yelped, hitting the ground. Luke quickly got up, "Im sorry-- I wasn't paying attention at all--"

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Posted: Thu, 19/05/2016 15:05 (8 Years ago)
He stood up and stepped out of the pokemon center and pulled his bike out of his bag, unfolding it and peddling off to Mt Pyre. He didn't notice Lewis, suddenly crashing into him (getrekt *thrown to oblivion*)

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Posted: Thu, 19/05/2016 14:35 (8 Years ago)
He shook his head, quietly whispering "Go away.." The voice came back again "Open your mind more." He huffed and pulled his hat over his face "Why? Who are you?" Something clicked in Luke's mind 'Wait, is this a guardian? I do remember someone explaining that if someone gets a headache and hears a voice, that means there's a guardian somewhere--' The voice echoed "Wonderful, you figured it out? " Luke responded "I guess, but who are you?" The voice spoke "I am Articuno, meet me near Mt Pyre."

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Posted: Wed, 18/05/2016 18:32 (8 Years ago)
(What plates have been found?)

Luke winced as he got a headache. He put his face into his hands before hearing a voice, "Hello? Are .. There?"

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Posted: Wed, 18/05/2016 00:27 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 16/05/2016 21:58 (8 Years ago)
After his pokemon were healed, he sat down. The whispering came back again, Luke shaking his head, "Go away--"

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Posted: Sun, 15/05/2016 17:48 (8 Years ago)
(Oops-- lemme fix it then--)


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