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Posted: Fri, 20/11/2015 22:22 (9 Years ago)
*the snowpea looked around and got the snowball out of the peashooter's eye*

Peashooter: Thank you :)

Snowpea: Your welcome.

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2015 23:41 (9 Years ago)
*the peashooter flailed, trying to get the snowball thing out of his eye*

*the Snowpea stared at the peashooter*

Snowpea: Sowwie

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2015 23:32 (9 Years ago)
*a dark light fillls the room-All the rooms- in Poryzon's lab*

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2015 19:42 (9 Years ago)
Peashooter: *sneaks around until he saw a glimpse of something, but a snowball hit him in the eye* AHHH!! MY EYE!

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2015 01:32 (9 Years ago)
Peashooter: Either its me or i heard a plant wrestling. With something. Im not talking about everyone i know, but... And no, NU ZOMBIES )8U (basically annoyed with the question)

Username: Veins143
Plant species: Snowpea
Gender (or pronuns): Male???
Personality: Loyal, Snowy, and sleepy
Special Effects?: Slows enimies
Other: ??

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2015 01:23 (9 Years ago)
*the peashooter stopped and heard something*

Peashooter: Did you hear somethin'?

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Posted: Wed, 18/11/2015 22:55 (9 Years ago)
Peashooter: *shoots peas around on target practices*

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Posted: Wed, 18/11/2015 22:08 (9 Years ago)
WIKI LIES!!!! WIKI LIES!!!! okay, it tells the truth sometimes, BUT IT STILL LIES!!!!))

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Posted: Wed, 18/11/2015 21:18 (9 Years ago)
Username: Veins143
Plant species: Peashooter
Gender (or pronuns): Male
Personality: Loyal, Royal, and Brave
Special Effects?: ??
Other: ??

(I watch videos, but i dont play it, kay?)

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Posted: Wed, 18/11/2015 21:16 (9 Years ago)
*reveals heard screaming*

*The unnamed houndour/xerneas heard screaming*

*A fusion light came from other than the fusion room*

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Posted: Wed, 18/11/2015 21:12 (9 Years ago)
*somehow, a light appeared, both Dre and Ams dissappeard and was no where to be seen.*

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Posted: Wed, 18/11/2015 21:04 (9 Years ago)
(She is only calling, so ya.)

*Dre waited for the salamance to throw her into the fusion hole*

*Ams still screamed her head off*

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Posted: Wed, 18/11/2015 21:00 (9 Years ago)
*Dre called for the metal salamance to throw her in the fusion hole*

*Ams was screaming her head off scared*

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Posted: Wed, 18/11/2015 13:09 (9 Years ago)
*the unnamed houndour/xerneas hybrid looked around in the lab, seeing its all way too playful to be a lab*

Reveals: *smiles*

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Posted: Wed, 18/11/2015 13:04 (9 Years ago)
Username: Veins143
Plant species: That bellsprout thingy (IDK THE NAME!)
Gender (or pronuns): Female
Personality: Loyal, Royal, and Brave
Special Effects?: ??
Other: ??

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Posted: Tue, 17/11/2015 12:18 (9 Years ago)
(Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Reveals found a egg XD and it hatched!)

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Posted: Tue, 17/11/2015 02:49 (9 Years ago)

*the unnamed shiny hondour/xerneas looked around in the lab*

*reveals calms it down*

*dre waited, but once in a while called for poryzon**

*ams was not brave*

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Posted: Tue, 17/11/2015 02:43 (9 Years ago)
(does that mean my houndour/xerneas thing is accepted?)

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Posted: Tue, 17/11/2015 02:32 (9 Years ago)
*the bagon guards guarded the egg*

*the egg began to split, then a shiny houndour/xerneas hybrid came out of the shell*

Name: ??

Age: Just hatched

Appearance: (Its the closest to a Xerneas/Houndour hybrid i could get )

Power: Life and fairy flames

Perso: ??

History: ??

Species: Shiny Houndour/Xerneas hybrid

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Posted: Tue, 17/11/2015 02:26 (9 Years ago)
*the bagon guards guarded the egg*

*the egg began to split, then a shiny houndour/xerneas hybrid came out of the shell*

Name: ??

Age: Just hatched

Appearance: http://orig13.deviantart.net/bf3d/f/2015/132/1/d/houndoom_persian_hybrid_for_wendigokin_by_nocturnaltype-d8t6p0x.jpg (Its the closest to a Xerneas/Houndour hybrid i could get :()

Power: Life and fairy flames

Perso: ??

History: ??

Species: Shiny Houndour/Xerneas hybrid

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